Monday, July 28, 2014

The Hegelian Dialectic: Offering communistic solutions to fabricated crisis.......David Risselada

By now, many have read that President Obama has recently called for a "new collectivized order" in order to quell many of the problems plaguing the world. President Obama cited the problems in Russia and Ukraine, Iraq, Israel and Palestine, and no doubt, acts as if the immigration issue is one of these crises as well. Truly, the world seems to be on fire, and the Global Elite  that are calling the shots would have you believe that surrendering our sovereignty to an all powerful global government is the solution.  Nevermind the fact that it is the global elite causing these problems in the first place. Using the concepts of the Hegelian Dialectic, the powers that be create the global conditions that lead to fear and uncertainty, allow the targeted populations to demand "predetermined solutions," and then reluctantly act as if they must go along with the demands to give the appearance of carrying out the peoples will. Its all designed to get you to willingly accept what you once wouldn't, global communism.

Read the rest at my new website

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Freedom requires personal responsibility, communism seeks to destroy it.... David Risselada

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
The above quote was made by John Adams on October 11, 1798 while addressing the Massachusetts Militia. This statement holds a great deal of significance because it not only alludes to the fact that our nation was founded upon Judea Christian Principles, it clearly indicates that failure to live up to them, would signify the end of the Constitution. The fact that The United States was founded as a Christian nation has been the subject of intense political and social debate throughout the past one hundred years as progressives (communists) have sought to change the structural fabric that holds our society together. Our founding fathers had the wisdom, experience and insight to see that the common people needed protection from governments whose sole philosophy on governing placed them, and them alone above all else. This was the reason our Constitution was written, to protect the rights of the people while keeping government in its proper place, as servants and protectors of those rights, not grantors. We were to be employers of government, not employees; government exists at the will of the people and their purpose is to serve, not to rule.
Read the rest here

Sunday, July 20, 2014

America is Under a Psychopoltical Assault part two: The use of Psychotropic Drugs

Transfer some of the powers of arrest from police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand. (Communist goal number 38)

In my last article concerning the art of psychopolitics, I discussed the over goal of communists to label those opposing their objectives as being mentally ill. I discussed the communists overall attitude towards mankind, and demonstrated that they hold very little regard for man as they believe that we are merely animals in need of management. I attempted to compare the words and brain washing tactics of Anton Berea, (author of the book on psychopolitics) to the real world, culture changing events we have been witnessing in our nation for the past several decades. It would be difficult to argue, after reading the words of this former KGB operative, that communists have not made great progress in changing the cultural make up or our country. We have lost our rights to religious liberty, freedom has become something that is motivated by selfishness and greed, life virtually has no value as skirting personal responsibility trumps the rights of the newly conceived, and everyday we are constantly bombarded by lies in an attempt to change our perception. Lets not forget, Joseph Goebbels taught that a lie repeated often enough would eventually be accepted as truth.

Read the rest here

Saturday, July 19, 2014

New Website

As many of you know, I have been co-hosting an online radio show with Dr. Fred called "Truth Trends." Its been a lot of fun and Fred and I seem to "click" real well. We have decided to start a new website that infact is already up and running and just waiting for me to write new articles, which I will be doing tomorrow morning. Fred and I intend to make this web site a work in progress and will be in no hurry to make it the next big thing, however, we intend to make it your source of the truth you need to know concerning the radical transformation of our beloved nation. The web address is  Check it out!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

A full blown "Psychopolitical" assault.......David Risselada

Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals. (Communist Goal number 39 from Cleon Skousen’s “TheNaked Communist.”

America, I have written several articles describing mental health and the way the Communists use it as a means of gaining control over our society. The above statement is one of forty five goals listed by the communists that would have to be accomplished in order to see a successful takeover of our country. In much the same way Vladimir Lenin was able to label those opposing communism as being mentally ill, so will it be in America if we don’t snap out of the constant barrage of propaganda being fed to us by those seeking a communist United States. To give you further understanding of this concept I will be referring throughout this article, to a book entitled “Brain-washing- A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics.”

Before we explore this however, I would like to take you back in time when the social sciences were reaching their peak of understanding in human behavior and emotions. In 1967 some of the world’s most prominent psychiatrists met in Puerto Rico to discuss the latest advancements, mostly in the use of mind altering, psychotropic drugs. During this conference Dr. Wayne O Evans was quoted as saying, We see a developing potential for nearly a total control of human emotional status, mental functioning and will to act.” Dr. Evans is of course referring to the use of psychotropic drugs and their ability to subdue a population of once thinking people into acceptance of things they normally wouldn’t accept. Today in the United States, nearly one in ten adults are taking psychotropic drugs while there are roughly seven million children being prescribed them. Children are predominately being prescribed these drugs in our nations foster care systems, which is something that I have witnessed firsthand. Coinciding with these facts concerning mental health medications we are also witnessing a rise in an “anti-American” attitude where many people seem to be in a trance like state begging for communism. Throughout this article I will be referring to the book on “psychopolitics” in an effort to show that this is a deliberate, stealth attack against our nation by godless people seeking to transform the U.S. into a communist state. To most people, who have yet to be affected by these types of drugs anyway, the quotes already made available would be enough to raise an eyebrow and so some research. This article is for those who would call me a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist.

Before I go on I would like to give a brief review of what I have discussed in previous articles concerning communism and mental health. Most people see communism as simply an economic system where the state controls everything. This is false; communism is a direct assault against your free will and your connection with the divine. Communism, Marxism/Leninism is a culmination of the work of three different individuals, Marx, Pavlov and Darwin. Darwin’s theory of evolution was the perfect explanation of natural history Marx needed to convince people why they needed to subjugate themselves to the state, and Pavlov’s conditioning methods were used to force people who opposed it into acceptance. To understand this better watch the film “The Bloody History of Communism.”

Essentially, communists believe that you are a soulless, non spiritual being. Rather, they believe they need to break your spiritual connection to God, and that you should view yourself as being no different than any other animal. This is evident by this quote from the Textbook on Psychopolitics, chapter eight page 42,

“It is the basic purpose of Psychopolitics to reduce that state of mind (referring to spirituality) to a point where it can be ordered and enslaved. Thus, the first target is man himself. He must be degraded from a spiritual being to an animalistic reaction pattern. He must think of himself as an animal, capable only of animalistic reactions. He must no longer think of himself, or his fellows, as capable of spiritual endurance or nobility.”

Do you see where this is going? This explains everything from the attacks against our religious liberties to the explicit sexual education being fed to elementary school students. The goal is to get students to react to instincts and believe that it is ok to do so. The previous quote concludes by saying the following,

“Man must be consistently demonstrated to be a mechanism without individuality, and it must be educated into a populace under attack that mans individualistic reactions are the product of mental derangement.”

That last sentence is pretty telling, it brings us right back to the days of Vladimir Lenin labeling those who oppose communism as being mentally ill and throwing them in the gulags. These two quotes perfectly explain the relentless assault on our nation, our freedom and our capitalist economy. To understand this you have to understand the true nature of the free market system. The free market system is an expression of mans ability and free nature. The free market system represents a man that is capable of free expression and creation. As you can see, communists don’t want any part of this because a man that is capable of such things is a man that cannot be subjugated. Communists believe that their vision of a controlled society represents something that all logical men should believe in; and because they don’t believe in God, they view those that do as being mentally ill.

There is little question that our education system is also under full communist assault as leftist professors inundate our students with historical lies and Anti-American propaganda. Consider the following quote of page 27,

“If we could effectively kill the national pride and patriotism of just one generation we will have won the country.”

The current generations, particularly the Obama supporters are without doubt; the least patriotic of probably any generation, excluding the hippie, “free love” communist sympathizers of the 1960’s, perhaps. This is actually the result of the latter generation infiltrating the schools and forcing their anti American ideals onto clueless kids who have been fed drugs, alcohol and hopelessness instead of an actual education. They have been lied to concerning this nation’s history and been force fed a curriculum where the United States is portrayed as the evil empire who has committed the bulk of the worlds evil deeds for the financial gain of a few evil white men. These kids are having their wills broken and then being presented with a false image of communism as a solution to the problems that are actually created by communists. It’s the perfect application of the Hegelian Dialectic.

“By making readily available drugs of various kinds, by giving the teenager alcohol, by praising his wildness, by stimulating him with sex literature and advertising to him or her practices as taught at the Sexpol, the psychopolitical operator can create the necessary attitude of chaos, idleness, and worthlessness into which can then be cast the solution which will give the teenager complete freedom everywhere - communism.” pages 26-27

According to their own words America they are deliberately destroying the thinking abilities of our children by portraying our culture as inefficient and greedy, and offering communism as a solution. Looking at the current mentality of the nation is their really any other explanation? They are attempting to portray freedom and our constitution as what is wrong with the world, men who seek individuality do so out of a sense of selfishness and should be considered mentally ill because it goes against the communist ideal of complete and total equality.

“Any man who cannot be persuaded into communist rationale is of course, to be regarded as somewhat less than sane, and it is, therefore completely justified to use the techniques of insanity upon the non communist.” Page 22

It is beyond evident America that there is a massive psychopolitical operation underway in our nation. We are being beaten down on a daily basis by people who would have you believe that you are what’s wrong with the world. Our kids are being overwhelmed with inappropriate sex ed at very early ages, those who believe in the right to life are considered the radicals while those claiming the right to kill their unborn children are being praised. We have a president seeking to make his own people helpless while funding Islamic radicals overseas, the definition of racism has been radically changed so those that actually believe all people are capable of self governance are the racists. While all of this is occurring a major portion of our population is drugged up for fictitious mental disorders and many millions do little more than sit in front of the television and allow themselves to be filled with non sense. In short, these people have been very successful in creating the necessary chaos needed for communism. The question is, are we going to allow them to complete their goal?

I will be following this article up by going into greater detail over the use of psychotropic drugs and the role of the psychiatrist in psycho political operations.

Truth Trends with Dr. Fred and David R.

Listen to the latest episode of truth trends with Dr. Fred and David Risselada, where we will be discussing the immigration crisis and the Amnesty and Immigration act of 1965.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Plan Decades in the Making....David Risselada

While many people are awakening to the Obama administration and their attempts to undermine our national sovereignty, it must be stated that this has been an ongoing effort for many, many decades. Barrack Obama is merely a tool selected to get an already conditioned population to accept the final stages of a plan that will see the United States surrender its sovereignty and merge into a global governing structure where she will no longer be respected as a world super power, but viewed merely as another third world nation that is morally equivalent to all others.  There are three main pillars of our society and culture that need to be changed from the inside in order for this transformation to take place; immigration, education and the military. It is hard to argue, even for those who adamantly oppose any idea of conspiracy theories, that these three elements of our society have not been radically affected in recent years. This article will offer a brief analysis into the events taking place and the historical roots behind them. This is indeed a planned collapse, and to be calling it out for what it is now is indeed too little too late.

As the crisis along our border escalates, we are hearing more and more on the whole situation being a planned event to precipitate the total collapse of our nation. Even congressmen are coming out and calling this a deliberate application of the Cloward & Piven strategy. For those who may not know, the Cloward & Piven strategy was the work of two Sociology Professors at Columbia University, Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, designed to organize the nation’s poor and minorities into a power base from which the country, through the democratic process, could be converted into a socialist state.  One of the key components of this strategy was the idea of overwhelming the nation’s welfare system to the point where it collapses, and the government would then be forced to adapt socialism. It’s obvious beyond any doubt that Barrack Hussein Obama is implementing this strategy; after all he did attend Columbia University and was likely educated by Frances Fox Piven.  In my article, “President Obama, Frances Fox Piven, and voter registration schemes”  I discussed Piven and her efforts to organize a voter registration drive aimed at minorities by teaching them they were oppressed. I also mentioned one of my own professors, an admitted socialist mind you, who was likely educated by Piven as he had attended The Columbia University School of Social Work. In short, people who are calling the border crisis a deliberate attempt to undermine America and collapse her financial system are correct; however, from the perspective of a writer who has been trying to bring many things to people’s attention, they are a day late and a dollar short as this is only one small aspect of many moving parts put in motion a long time ago.

In my article “Amnesty and the immigration act of 1965”, I discussed the origins of the immigration crisis we are now facing and how it was nothing but a plot to secure more voters for the Democrat Party.  This was based on the ideas of Marxism and the teachings of Antonio Gramsci, who taught that America’s culture would have to be changed incrementally from within. The immigration act of 1965 was signed into law by Democrat President Lyndon B. Johnson. This is the same president who promised Americas black communities free welfare for their votes. Lyndon B. Johnson is remembered in history as saying “I’ll have those ni**ers voting democratic for the next two hundred years.” He believed that if he could convince America’s black population centers that the government would take care of them, and they were deserving of this because of their “victimhood” status, he could secure their vote for generations to come. This was a surprisingly effective technique as black Americans continue to vote democrat even though they remain impoverished in districts controlled by Democrats for decades.  While Lyndon B. Johnson signed the civil rights act into law in an effort to secure the black vote, the truth is, he opposed it as senate majority leader when introduced by Republican President Dwight Eisenhower. He did this specifically for the purpose of giving the illusion that it was the Democrat Party that supported civil rights, even though the majority of democrats under the Johnson administration still opposed the bill. If it would not have had the Republican support it did, it would have never passed into law.  What does this have to do with immigration? At the time Americas immigration laws were based on a quota system, meaning that immigrants from any part of the world were allowed in based on the number of existing immigrants already in country from that part of the world. This was done in an effort to maintain national identity and ensure that people with useful skills and a desire to assimilate into our culture would be the ones to immigrate here. This meant that most of the people who were immigrating here were of European ancestry and just as is the case today, people referred to this as a racist system. People began to argue that immigration to the United States was a human right and that because we as a nation have stolen most of our resources and land people were entitled to immigrate here. There were many fallacies in this narrative because the U.S. had allowed many thousands of Asians into the country to escape communist oppression during the Vietnam War, and we have allowed many refugees from all over the world to relocate to the United States in an effort to escape tyranny. With all of this being said the Immigration Act of 1965 eliminated the quota system and replaced it with one where immigration has been open to all corners of the world. In fact, the bill allows for the exponential growth of immigration from the third world and likely led to the passage of the Immigration Reform and Control  Act of 1986 where Ronald Reagan granted amnesty to nearly four million illegal immigrants. There was little doubt with the passage of the Immigration Act of 1965 that it would forever change the demographics of The United States.

While it is obvious that the immigration crisis is contributing to a “planned collapse” or our country, it is not the only event put in motion to accomplish this goal. As the nation awakens to the danger that “Common Core” education represents, they would do themselves well by realizing that this is the final push of an education curriculum a century in the making. Again, it all goes back to the ideas of Marx and the teachings of Gramsci. Antonio Gramsci taught that America would only accept socialism incrementally and in order to implement incremental change, the institutions must be infiltrated by “Change agents.” Leftists have had control of our education system for decades, and as I wrote in my article “A truth we have to accept,” the push to turn America into a socialist nation started decades ago.  Unfortunately, in this case the truth is definitely something most people would not want to accept; however, it is proof positive that both political parties in this nation are guilty of undermining its constitution and national sovereignty. The communists believed that world peace can only be achieved when the world accepted communism as the ultimate social structure. Lenin often spoke of a communist world government. What many don’t realize is our government’s role in allowing the communists to infiltrate our nation, and it all started with something called “The Reese Committee.” The Reese Committee was the investigation of U.S. taxpayer money being used to fund organizations and societies that were pushing for the merging of the Soviet Union and the United States to form a global government.  At the same time agreements were being signed by Republican President Dwight Eisenhower to break down the barriers between the Soviet Union and the U.S. in an effort to get the U.S. to accept communism (so to say) as a moral equivalent of the west’s way of life.  Because the Soviet Union and the U.S. were considered allies in the efforts to defeat Adolph Hitler, great lengths were undertaken to hide the truth about communism and America’s role in covering up these truths. That’s a whole other story; however, a better understanding of the communist mindset can be developed by reading “The Communist Peace Offensive.” According to Charlotte Iserbyt, whistle blower and author of “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America,” Ronald Reagan also signed such agreements with the Soviet Union where they would have influence over our education system. This was done for the purpose of achieving world peace. While many would refuse to believe this because Ronald Reagan is known as being one of the most conservative presidents we have had, how else would you explain a modern generation that for all practical purposes appears to be begging for communism? Just as thousands of immigrants did not make it across thousands of miles of treacherous terrain without some kind of assistance, neither did the communists successfully infiltrate our education system without being welcomed.

So far we discussed immigration and education as being the pillars of America’s destruction. There is however, one more institution that needs to be thoroughly destroyed before America is ripe for total transformation. This is one institution that Barrack Obama has been very successful in dismantling almost single handedly; however, once again, the precedence for this was established long ago and Obama is merely implementing the strategy. This institution is the U.S. military and over the past couple of years we have watched Barrack Obama relieve hundreds of high ranking commanders from their duties as they represent a threat to his agenda. Understand that this is not his agenda; he is merely carrying it out. It was put in place decades ago by the same communist forces infiltrating every other aspect of our society.  To truly come to terms with this you must understand that America, and her Judea Christian heritage is the last remaining power able to keep the communists from establishing total control over the world. This is why her education system was infiltrated, this is why we are flooded with third immigrants accustomed to collectivism and this is why our military needs to be disarmed. In the Communist Peace Offensive, it is evident that the Soviets intended to give the illusion that an America willing to disarm itself was an America that showed a superior, moral strength, and that this was the only way world peace could be achieved.  They have gone to great efforts to portray the American military as imperialistic and oppressive, and they have been very successful in these efforts as many Americans despise the military.  In order to understand this better you should read public law 87-297 “The Arms Control and Disarmament Act” state department publication 7277. This was signed into law in 1961 by President John F. Kennedy and carried out by every president since. This law calls for the gradual elimination of Americas Armed Forces to the point where we no longer have a national Army, Navy or Air Force.  According to Bernadine Smith, this cannot be fully accomplished until they have completely disarmed the citizenry because they know full well we will never accept the dismantling of our military as it is the only thing that protects our national sovereignty.  When they finally outlaw civilian weapons we will know we are in the final stages of their plan to completely disarm our military and merge us with a one world communist order.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

This is a repost, but its relevant.

Amnesty and the Immigration Act of 1965

As we face the somber facts that our president, (and our Republican Speaker of the House for that matter) will likely grant amnesty to tens of millions of illegal immigrants, we have to come to accept that the precedent for this was already set as far back as 1965. What many people don’t realize is that immigration laws were dramatically changed in this period by Democrat President, Lyndon B. Johnson. In fact, it might be safe to say that this little understood piece of legislation was responsible for the Immigration reform and Control Act of 1986, which was signed into law by conservative icon, Ronald Reagan. This law gave legal status to nearly four million illegal immigrants and it was signed by one of the most conservative presidents we have ever had. Ronald Reagan, according to Charlotte Iserbyt, is also responsible for signing agreements with the Soviet Union concerning education and the merging of the two nations. This is discussed in further detail in my article entitled “The Truth about Education… A Truth We Have to Accept” found here at The Radical Conservative.
All we hear today is the need for diversity and multiculturalism. We are constantly being bombarded with accusations of racism and intolerance for cultures that are different than ours. As the struggle for human rights and equality raged in the 1960’s, it seems that the same ideas of non-discrimination were being applied universally, especially when it came to immigration. Lyndon B. Johnson reformed the nation’s immigration laws to make it a universal “human right” to immigrate to the United States. President Johnson claimed that by keeping immigrants from certain countries out of the U.S. we were not living up to our ideals of liberty and equality.
You see, up until this point our immigration laws were based on a quota system. What this means is that immigration from certain parts of the world was limited to a number that was equal to the proportion of that population already living in the U.S. This was done for obvious reasons, to protect the cultural integrity of our nation. In fact, sociologists Stephen Klineberg of Rice University went as far to say that our immigration policies were based purely on racism because our attempts to maintain cultural identity meant most immigrants allowed into the country were from northern Europe.  This is where the argument comes in that the U.S. is a racist nation, because we are selfishly looking out for our cultural identity only.  I guess it doesn't matter that we were taking refugees from communist nations around the world that far exceeded any quota. The Asians are a prime example, only 100 per year were allowed from Asian countries however; we took hundreds of thousands of refugees seeking freedom from oppressive communist regimes. This is one of those facts that today’s commie loving dingalings (as I like to call them) would never tell you, it doesn't fit their narrative. It was also argued at the time that the law would not have a dramatic effect on millions of people in the U.S. and it would not change the demographic outlook of the nation. It was argued that only immigrants with families already residing in the U.S. would be the beneficiaries of this law. The reality of this law however, has had dire consequences. Since its passage there has been three times the number of immigrants admitted into the nation as the previous thirty years. This does not include the millions of undocumented, illegal immigrants.  As the quota system was eliminated and immigration was opened up to all corners of the world, many people with little education, employable skill, or desire to assimilate to U.S. laws and culture came into the country. I am not saying that all people who have immigrated here have not contributed to society. I happen to believe anyone of any race or ethnicity can succeed in this nation; however, that doesn’t change the fact that we are being overrun by people with no respect for our laws while demanding we bend over backwards in acceptance of their culture.
The point of this article was not to suggest “ who or who not” should be allowed to immigrate to the U.S., rather, the point is to demonstrate that the issue of amnesty and immigration in general entails a great deal more than many people realize.
If you know what Lyndon Johnson had done before this you would have to think that this was part of a longer term strategy to secure the votes of minorities for the democrat party. Let me explain. Many people understand that President Johnson, a democrat, signed the civil rights act of 1964. What they don’t understand is that he voted against it when introduced in 1957 by Republican President Dwight Eisenhower. Lyndon Johnson at the time was the senate majority leader and was able to ensure that the senate would vote down Eisenhower’s bill. This is discussed in further detail in my previous articles on racism posted below. Given the fact the blacks and the Mexicans have voted primarily democrat for the past four decades, and the Mexicans are a huge focus for democrat campaigns you have to admit that it does seem possible that the civil rights act of 64 and the Immigration act of 65 actually worked hand in hand in securing a permanent voter base for the Democrat Party. As President Obama pushes towards what we fear is an inevitable granting of amnesty to people who are not interested in sharing our ideals we have to ask ourselves, based on this information, if it wasn't all part of the plan. If not, it sure turned out to be a beneficial coincidence for the Democrat Party.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

My Congressman

Watch my congressman do the right thing! My congressman, Jim Bridenstein knows what is going on and is calling out the president!

Sign this petition

Sign this petition to allow illegal immigrants to live at White House America, we all know president Obama and the rest of the radical left attempt to portray us as selfish, greedy racists in order to justify their wealth redistribution schemes. The only thing is, leftist democrats are the richest people in government if not the country. I think they should redistribute their own damn wealth and they can start with Obamas 13 million. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

We must step up our own outreach with local enforcement

Every day in America we hear stories concerning the rampant abuse of police power. It is not uncommon to see videos  portraying an out of control police officer exercising an inappropriate amount of force in an attempt to subdue a suspect, or in some cases just prove a point. This video, which shows officers harassing a man lawfully carrying a firearm is a good example. Other examples include S.W.A.T teams conducting no knock raidsand in the process, wounding innocent bystanders. Still there are other examples, such as the officer who shot a 13 year old for carrying an airsoft rifle not facing any charges whatsoever. These incidents are disturbing, and when you consider the fact that the Department of Homeland Security is providing these law enforcement agencies with equipment made for combat, it becomes more disturbing still.

Law enforcement officers, like military members, swear an oath to support and defend the Federal Constitution as well as their particular state's; they are also bound to uphold the laws of the municipality in which they are employed. It should be noted that the Constitution is the highest law of the land,and all laws they are expected to enforce, should in theory, be based on such. With this being said it is hard to picture law enforcement taking this oath seriously when we are constantly bombarded with images of a fearsome police state. We, as the citizens these officers are sworn to protect and serve, begin to wonder where the loyalties of these officers really are.  We wonder if they will enforce orders to implement martial law and disarm the citizenry for example, or will they refuse such orders understanding the unconstitutional nature of them? Remember, any laws that go against the Constitution are null and void, period.

With all of this being said, I think if we have these worries then we need to develop a different approach in how we deal with them. First and foremost, its important to remember that these officers are people too, and in many cases may in fact be overwhelmed with just as much confusion and uncertainty that we are. A prime example is the developing situation in Murrieta California. Over the course of the last week we have seen stories developing where local police are said to be gearing up with federal police in riot gear, in order to arrest protesters who are successfully turning around busses of illegal immigrants. Naturally, I was angered by this and sent the Chief of Police the following email-

I am reading that you are gearing up to go arrest protesters that are standing firm against the illegal immigrants pouring into this country. As a former U.S. Marine I would like to take the time to officially thank you for nothing. The freedoms our service men and women have fought and died for are being lost to a generation of progressive commies who could care less about the constitution and the fact that it protects the individual, God given rights of all American Citizens. People come from all over this world to be citizens of this great country and they are just as distraught over this border situation as anyone. They should be too, they did things the right way, made a life for themselves and now they watch as hordes of people promised a free ride on their hard earned tax dollars are being treated better than our own veterans whom we have sent off to fight B.S. wars. You sir swore an oath to uphold the constitution and the laws of this nation as well as your state. You are in violation of this oath sir. What is occurring here is unconstitutional and against the law. You are doing nothing but isolating the people whom you swore to protect and serve. The burden is on you sir to come to your senses and put your loyalties where they belong. The people that are extorted for their hard earned tax dollars to pay your salary and over bloated pension.

As you can see I didn't hold back, and I usually don't, I have decided long ago that I will not be afraid to call people to task if need be. Amazingly, I received a reply from this police chief and to be honest with you, I picked up on a genuine sense of concern while reading it. I want to state that the fact  he answered is a credit to his character,  and that his response made me think about a couple of things. Here is his reply-

The information you are reading is false. We have not arrested anyone for exercising their right of free speech, nor would we. People have a right to protest. Unfortunately, there is bad information floating around out there, including from some main-stream media sources. Many are trying to place the police in the middle of this situation to help serve their cause, and we (the police) are taking the brunt of peoples anger and frustration.
 Sean Hadden
Chief of Police
Murrieta P.D.

Is it possible that the police feel like they are also being used as pawns in a game where they don't which way to turn? This is a testament to how much damage is actually caused by a Marxist administration that seeks to keep people divided, as opposed to united. While this one email doesn't change the fact that we are witnessing a rapid escalation of a police state mentality in this nation, it does I believe, show a need for organizations like Oathkeepers to be focused on their outreach missions to law enforcement. There is an obvious benefit to those in power if the police and the people don't trust each other, its important to get the word out to police officers and their commands that the people will have the backs of those that honor their oaths and stand for what is right, as opposed to blindly following orders they don't understand. This could very well be the defining issue concerning the survival of our nation. We all know the left excels at propaganda and it is not without question that there could be a concerted effort to keep police and the people from being on the same side. It isn't even out of the question that people on the right may be responsible for this as well.

If this was an article that interests you then you should look into becoming an Oathkeeper and help educate law enforcement on their responsibility to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law.

From the Murrieta County Police Chief

I received the following correspondence from the chief of police in Murrieta county. I wrote them concerning the reports of police arresting peaceful protesters. It appears as if the media is issuing false reports because this email is from the chief himself. The following is the email
The information you are reading is false. We have not arrested anyone for exercising their right of free speech, nor would we. People have a right to protest. Unfortunately, there is bad information floating around out there, including from some main-stream media sources. Many are trying to place the police in the middle of this situation to help serve their cause, and we (the police) are taking the brunt of peoples anger and frustration.
Sean Hadden
Chief of Police
Murrieta P.D.

Monday, July 7, 2014

In a world of limited options you must become your own solution.......David Risselada

Often times you hear people express feelings of antipathy when presented with the facts about what is going on this country. I am not talking about liberals; but patriotic, conservative American's (so to say) who feel like the choir when being presented with the latest "events" if you will. There is little doubt that many people are fed up with what they are constantly hearing, as they understand very well that Obama is out to destroy the nation, period. People are at the point where they want to hear solutions instead of the same old story about Obama being a Marxist who is executing the Cloward Piven strategy, or that he is arming Muslim terrorists while trying to take our guns. Here in lies the point, we have long ago passed the point  of solutions America, because we have surrendered any real possibility of coming up with any. We have turned a blind eye to what is going on for far too long, and while there has been a consistent voice ringing the alarms for the duration of this nightmare, many of us are awakening right before the real nightmare begins. At this point there is next to nothing that can be done.

When discussing the idea of solutions its important to understand that a solution cannot be presented by the majority of the people unless they all understand the problem. Not only has the left skillfully kept the nation divided amongst racial, political and economic classes; they have also done a masterful job of causing hate and discontent within our own ranks (The Republican Party.) With this in mind, understand that those of us who feel  we have something to contribute to the argument feel the need to educate people while analyzing the events of the day in order to get people on the same page. Once again, you will never come up with an effective solution if all involved do not understand the problem. In short, one of the solutions is education; however, the subject matter that entails understanding socialism can be very hard to follow for those uninterested, and because of this we are back at square one, preaching to the choir who understands what is going on but wants a solution.

Honestly, I am not sure a solution even exists at this point. We are living in perilous times where our government has turned its back on those it leeches from, or excuse me, is supposed to be serving, in favor of immigrants from the third world who have no intention of assimilating into our culture, only benefitting from the work of hard working Americans being drained of their livelihood.   Todays America is one where patriotic veterans, people who volunteered to serve our nation are the terrorists, Christians are the oppressors, police arrest American citizens protesting illegal immigrants, while these immigrants reap the monies promised our finest whom, we have sent to war.  We are at that point in time described in the Bible where the truth has become the lie and that which is bad, has become good, and that which is good has become bad. Woe to those who subscribe to such foolishness.

There is one solution for sure, an all out revolution; however, if you cant see that Obama and his Marxist cohorts are daring you to start one, than you need to pay more attention. Our entire federal bureaucracy of alphabet agencies has been armed and is staffed by people who may as well have been trained in the old Soviet Union. They have no love for America and are only loyal to the head of the executive branch. While many feel such a conflict is inevitable, starting it is a sure way to increase the power of those we are seeking to dethrone. Also, these agencies, along with local law enforcement and military, are being psychologically conditioned to believe that the Constitution is standing in the way of progress, and those seeking to adhere to its principles should be considered domestic terrorists. Even if people we are supposed to trust are able to resist this type of conditioning, they still need a paycheck, and as we are witnessing now in Murrieta California, will carry out unconstitutional acts to ensure they receive it!  This is all attributable to the philosophy of Joseph Gobbles of course; tell the lie often enough and people will eventually believe it. In this case the lie is that Americans are terrorists, the Constitution is what is wrong with the world and immigration to the United States is a human right.

Another possible solution is take the Gramsci approach; attempt to institute change incrementally so that in 100 years we would have infiltrated the institutions and restored America back to a Constitutional Republic, where it will once again be a beacon of liberty. This would of course, entail a great deal of re-education and mental conditioning in order to get people to see truth with their own eyes. There is one major problem with this approach however; conservatives are not interested in social sciences like the left is, and without understanding human behavior the way the progressives do, there is no chance we would be successful in this approach. After all, we are dealing with people who have been able to change the convictions of people by grabbing them as early as possible and exposing them to leftist thinking and mental conditioning techniques. They truly believe they can condition someone to possess an unshakable belief that snow is black.  Given the fact that we currently have Obama supporters begging for communism in California, despite the historical evidence that proves it is nothing but a recipe for death and suffering, I am going to have to say that these conditioning techniques are effective.  In other words, the right had better start understanding a little about the social sciences being used against them if they wish to implement change is this way.

The way I see it there is one more solution, one that I'm afraid to say has even less chance of succeeding. I say this because I see an America that has become lazy and afraid to stand for what is right. Not only in politics but in all things. Nevertheless, I will discuss this final solution anyway. People need to become their own solutions; people need to realize that if they have any love of this country than it is going to take every single one of us doing what  we can to contribute to this effort. People need to remember what it is we believe in and use their natural God Given talents in a way that can be useful to this effort. People need to remember what the left is and what they believe in and ask themselves, "Cant they do more out of love of country than some leftist can do out of hatred?" We all have something to offer folks, its about finding your place and committing what you can while putting the nation first above all else. For example, I am using the fact that that I was educated by leftists teaching the very things we are witnessing mind you; Cloward & Piven, Alinsky, White Privilege what have you, in an effort to educate people, its what I have to offer. I have refused to remain silent and I often times find myself wondering if I am causing myself more harm than good. It seems that in certain aspects of my life I have been completely black balled because of my conservative beliefs. No one should be black balled for any beliefs America and as long as your scared to lose a job, a paycheck, insurance , your car or whatever, you will never put the nation first and we will lose. The only way we will win this war is we all choose America is worth saving and start working together to get it done. Instead of looking for someone else to propose the solution, become the solution America!

Semper Fi
God Bless
David Risselada Oath Keeper III%

Be sure to catch me with Dr. Fred  on "Truth Trends" at at 7:00 pm eastern time Wednesday's.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

White privilege, the border, and the final destructive blow......David Risselada

What is happening on the border is truly unbelievable to most people. It is well understood  that this traitorous act has been in the works for a long time as the Obama administration has actually been encouraging people in South America and Mexico to come to the U.S. and get their free welfare.  This has been going on for nearly two years, and only those who refuse to see Barrack Obama for the radical leftist he is, fail to see the truth. President Obama and the rest of his radical leftist administration are implementing the final strategy in the Cloward Piven plan to destroy capitalism and force America to adopt a socialist government. Please, dont get angry at me for telling you about something that actually exists. Its not my fault if you have blinded yourself to reality. If you wish to educate yourself on the subject you should read the Cloward and Piven strategy which can be found here. Richard Cloward (deceased) and Frances Fox Piven are socialists who have done a great deal of work to assist in the nations fundamental shift to the ideological left. Piven, a professor at Columbia university has spoke at numerous socialists conferences and was instrumental in organizing the voting strategies implemented by the leftist organization, "Acorn." It should also be noted that Piven is a professor of social work at Columbia University; which is where President Obama  attended school. Wayne Allyn Root, a classmate of Obama's, had written an article detailing his experience at Columbia studying the Cloward Piven Plan, and Obama's fascination with it. It is pretty clear that Obama is implementing this strategy. The underlying belief is that if the left can overload Americas welfare system, while weighing the nation down with unsustainable debt, the government will be forced to adopt socialism and provide everyone with an annual, guaranteed income. There remains one little problem however; these socialist fail to realize that without a working society that creates wealth, government has no income to provide anyone.

Aside form the Cloward Piven Strategy, we also see another ideological concept based on marxism at work in our universities. The left believes that America is what is wrong with the world, they believe that the white man is responsible for the worlds poverty and only through the destruction of the white mans system, will total equality be achieved.  When I am referring to the white man's system I am not only referring to capitalism but Christianity and the constitutional system of governance we have lived under for the past 238 years. The left has been relentless in trying to change our culture using "white privilege" as a way of convincing young, mindless liberals that white people are unfairly benefiting from unjust laws designed to keep minorities oppressed. White privilege is derived from critical race theory, and is taught to specifically foment hatred against white people. It has gotten so far out of hand that we actually have an Attorney General who refuses to prosecute minorities who brutally attack white people with hate crimes based on the false notion that minorities are incapable of racism because they lack power in society.

I have written many, many articles describing white privilege and my own college experience being exposed to it. It was overwhelmingly clear to me from the beginning that there was an agenda behind the reverse racism I was witnessing. I have made a great many phone calls to my congressman and senators, unfortunately no one listened; all the while the stage was being set for what we are witnessing now. You see, the left has been enormously successful in conditioning people to believe white privilege; college students make up some of the dumbest,  most gullible people I have ever met, they eat up anything that is presented in an educational format. White privilege is backed up with volumes of peer reviewed research based on phony statistics, but most importantly it is based on the work of people who already believe it. In other words, there is already an existing bias in the research and as I have tried to warn people in earlier articles, these people believe you don't understand your own racism. I was actually taught at Northeastern State University in Broken Arrow Oklahoma that it is ethical to lie about statistics when it comes to racism because people don't understand it well enough to know when they are being racist. This professor is an admitted communist folks.

What all of this means is that people have been programmed to view any opposition to the lefts agenda as racism, plain and simple. This is what we get when we fail to stand up for truth and allow leftists to gain control of education.

With all of this being said, it is important to understand how it all fits together and where it is going. Remember, the left believes wholeheartedly that everything is the white mans fault; communists believe that there are certain people who stand in the way of the great utopia, or progress as they like to call it. Through white privilege education and the Cloward Piven strategy, the conditions are being laid to carry out "white genocide," and the final destruction of the Judea Christian west, which has been the only remaining obstacle to a world communist government sought after by the left for over a century.

Call me a conspiracy theorists if you wish; however, the proof is in the pudding. President Obama has intentionally brought these people to our border on the promise of being taken care of. He is playing on the sympathies of college students who have accepted what they have been taught about the United States in our universities, and they have been taught the U.S. owes these people. This will undoubtedly put further strain on our already over burdened welfare system forcing the government to change the way it does business in an attempt to give these people what they need, at the tax payers expense no less. In the mean time, as opposition continues to grow against this lawlessness, it will be increasingly easy to discredit and humiliate the opposition as being selfish and racist based on the years of leftist indoctrination our people have endured. Not only will millions of indoctrinated communists be shouting cries of racism, these new immigrants will also be taught that white America rejects them because they are brown people.

This is nothing but a deliberate plan to destroy America, and it based on evil intentions where the people supporting this lawlessness are doing so based on the fact that they have been taught lies their whole lives. Meanwhile, conservatives in government sit scared to death to impeach because they might be called racist and the GOP has all but been infiltrated by the same communists who took over the democrat party half a century ago. The only way we will save this nation is if we  unanimously decide its worth saving and dedicate ourselves to it the same way the left has dedicated itself to its destruction.

Analyzing the Attempts to Normalize Pedophilia.

  December 18, 2023   by  David Risselada Sometimes I find myself at a loss. The past few years have been quite an experience for me as I ha...