Saturday, May 26, 2018

Means and Ends Morality

No matter what agenda the left is focused on, they are undoubtedly committed to it in ways that conservatives seem unable to achieve. Liberals stick together on every issue bound by the belief that they are working towards creating a better world, a state-run Utopia if you will, where everyone is equal, and no one is treated unfairly. Liberals, being collectivists, are willing to commit all their efforts in the push for this Utopia while conservatives on the other hand, being individualists, have a hard time uniting around the very principles we claim to believe in. The nation is founded upon the principles of individual liberty, not collectivism; however, collectivism is one of the biggest attributes the left possesses as they all work in unison pushing the same narrative. The media certainly plays a role in this as they seem to be telling their audience what to believe about the issues facing us today. 

The left has demonstrated that they are willing to lie, cheat and steal their way to the achievement of any goal. This is because they are operating on an “ends justify the means” mentality. This essentially means that the end goal of a state-run Utopia would ultimately create a better world for everyone; therefore, whatever method is employed in achieving it, is justified. They do not hold themselves back by notions of morality or concepts of right and wrong. If, for example, the passage of red flag gun confiscation laws leads to innocent people being disarmed for no reason and without due process there is no wrong committed because the end goal of ending the second amendment is being advanced. The conservative, or anyone who believes in principles and universal morality would see this as an absolute wrong. To deprive an individual of liberty when they’ve broke no law while murderers are still murdering is the most egregious wrong that could be committed by the state. To the left, there is no right or wrong, only in the context of advancing socialism. If it serves to break down American culture while creating a socialist state, it is right as far as they are concerned.  

Where does this “ends justify the means” mentality come from? Most recently it can be traced to Saul Alinsky and his book “Rules for Radicals.[1]” Alinsky argued that having morals stands in the way of achieving goals, so to say. To understand this better he refers to people unwilling to employ any means necessary as “means and ends moralists.” According to Alinsky, means and ends moralists, holding themselves back due to some misconceived perception of right and wrong, are always left behind, unable to reach their goal. If you ever find yourself wondering why liberals always seem so far ahead of the curve, this is why. Conservatives, believing in what Alinsky refers to as the “immaculate conception of ends and principles” are simply not willing to employ the same methods of deceit in achieving our goals. This is because most conservatives are guided by their religious conscious and belief in Christ. Liberals are mostly atheist, to them there is no right or wrong in being deceitful, only the advancement of their agenda. 

“To say that corrupt means corrupt the ends is to believe in the immaculate conception of ends and principles. The real arena is corrupt and bloody.” (Alinsky, 1971)

Alinsky goes on to describe the Jews in WWII Germany as being means and ends moralists. He describes their unwillingness to fight back against the Nazis as a misguided sense of morality preventing them from acting. In this case Alinsky is right, though he is wrong to use this as an example in describing his concept of means and ends morality. It would have been absolute moral and right in the eyes of God to fight back against the oppression of the Nazi’s. This is different from rigging the primaries in favor of your preferred candidate under the belief that she would be a better president[2], for example. Or running guns to Mexican drug cartels to discredit the second amendment[3], as another. 

Alinsky argues, in a roundabout way, that having no morality is the highest form of morality one can have in pushing for social change. He says that an unwillingness to corrupt yourself shows that you have no concern for the people, only yourself. 

In action, one does not always enjoy the luxury of a decision that is consistent both with one’s individual conscience and the good of mankind. The choice must always be for the latter. Action is for mass salvation and not for the individual’s personal salvation. He who sacrifices the mass good for his personal conscience has a peculiar conception of “personal salvation,” he doesn’t care enough for the people to be “corrupted” for them. (Alinsky, 1971)

What Alinsky is essentially arguing here is that the traditional, Christian sense of salvation of the soul is selfish, and that being concerned about your own salvation as opposed to the worlds salvation is misguided if you claim to care about people. In pushing for social change one, according to this twisted logic, should be willing to corrupt themselves to achieve their goal if they truly care. The entire premise of this argument is in and of itself evil for several reasons. One, man cannot save man, only Christ can. To argue that man can create a perfect world without God or even a unifying principle of morality is simply, wrong. It cannot happen. Furthermore, no matter how the left may work to destroy religion in the minds of men, determining what is or isn’t right for mankind is not man’s job, it is God’s. 

This concept best explains the motives behind many of the lefts agenda initiatives. They believe they know what is best for the country and mankind in general; therefore, they are willing to employ any methods to achieve their goals because the result, in their twisted little minds, will be a better world for everyone. In recent months we have seen this concept pushed to its ultimate limits with the investigation into the presidency of Donald Trump and alleged Russian collusion. They cannot have Donald Trump in office and they have demonstrated that they truly are willing to corrupt themselves to despicable levels in their efforts to discredit him. 

The problem for the left is that they fail to grasp the fact that there is a universal truth, there is a universal morality. It is wrong to lie cheat and steal your way to victory no matter what the issue. How many people teach their kids that it is ok to cheat to win a ball game, or to pass a test? To argue that corrupted means will not corrupt the ends is to suggest that man himself is the ultimate decider of morality and that God’s word is something to be spit on. There is simply no way that pushing an agenda based on lies and deceit will result in a world where everyone is honest, and equality is the highest virtue. Frankly, the only type of world that can result from such actions is like the one we are living in today where truth is decided not by an ultimate moral standard that is applicable to everyone, but based on circumstances and situational ethics, or worse yet, people’s feelings on certain issues. 

Saul Alinsky is the poster child of leftist political strategy. Barack Obama, as a community organizer taught his methodologies and Hillary Clinton wrote her college thesis on him. As long as the right faces an ideological enemy willing to employ deceit as a primary strategy, they will have a hard time winning by sticking to traditional morality. This is the point Alinsky is making, that morals are a superstitious dogma that do little else but stand in the way of all out victory in a world desperate for change. Perhaps the biggest problem is an unwillingness on the part of conservatives to fight by bringing our morals to the table and refusing to let them go. That is why the left works so hard to turn public opinion against conservatism, in a fair fight based on ideas and results there is no way they would win.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

A Plea For Reason and the Fallacy of Red Flag Laws

Ever since President Trump signaled that he supported taking guns from people deemed to be a threat to themselves or others before being afforded due process rights, the push to pass so called “red flag laws” has driven on full speed ahead. After the most recent shooting in Texas, President Trump once again remarked about his administration’s commitment to keeping weapons out of the hands of people who can be considered a threat to society. What does this mean? Will he sign national legislation supporting stricter back ground checks? Will he support a national red flag law which would enable the authorities to seize weapons from people they deem to be dangerous? Hopefully not, because these laws do not work to prevent murder. They do however, put on us on a dangerous path to totalitarianism where any idea expressed that goes against the state can be deemed a threat. The police would have the power to seize firearms from people who have committed no crime while those willing to commit murder do so slowed down by no law. Florida’s red flag laws provide us with a perfect example.

The Sun Sentinel ran a story on March 16, describing the first incident in which Florida’s new red flag laws were used. A man’s firearms were confiscated, and he was involuntarily placed in a psychiatric facility because he was tampering with the electrical breakers in his condominium. He reportedly told police he was being targeted by an individual in his building who was a shapeshifter as well. So, he was a conspiracy theorist exhibiting some signs of paranoia, this doesn’t mean he is a threat to anyone. Even in the event he is proven to be mentally unstable the fact remains that this red flag seizure of his firearms did absolutely nothing to prevent murderers from committing murder. The law didn’t prevent the May 2nd shooting in Orange County where a man was shot twice in a drive by incident, nor did it stop the murder of one Shanti Cooper-Troones who was found dead in her home on the first of May. On April 18, 2018 a man named Albert Hanks was shot when the perpetrator discovered there was no money in his bank account after stealing his ATM card. One of the individuals involved in this crime was under the age of twenty-one. Florida also passed a law prohibiting anyone under twenty-one years of age from possessing firearms. Perhaps they should pass a law prohibiting people under twenty-one from stealing people’s ATM cards. This will surely prevent theft just as the red flag laws will prevent murder.

On May 16, 2018, Miami-Dade Police made a firearm and ammunition seizure from a man who allegedly was on their radar for two years. Though, no explanation is given as to why he was on their radar, aside from the vague comment that he had made threats. What kind of threats did he make? According to Todd Tongen, writing for Local Ten News, the man willingly surrendered all of his firearms without a struggle to police when asked, so what kind of threat could he have possibly posed? Don’t worry, they prevented him from doing something they suspected he may have done even if they are not sure what it may have been. If the guy is that much of a threat what will stop him from buying a gun illegally? Oh yes, it’s against the law to buy a gun illegally, nothing to worry about then. On May 20, 2018, Marquette Arnaud Clark was found shot to death and he had been robbed of his shoes and cell phone. On May 19, 2018, Darious Marquious Anderson was shot to death in an apparent gang shoot out where several homes were also struck by gun fire. These shootings took place after the May 16th red flag seizure from a man who willingly surrendered his firearms to police. Looks like they are targeting the easy people first, these shooters are still on the loose. Finally, just today there was a shooter who barricaded himself in a room and had a shoot-out with police before killing himself. Those red flag laws did nothing to prevent him from committing homicide days earlier. There is literally no way of knowing if the twenty-two incidents in which authorities seized lawfully owned firearms from people on mere suspicion prevented any crimes. But, at least they tried right? Perhaps the community expressing anger that their neighbor is building massive sheds in his own yard should be red flagged because they are described as being “up in arms” over it.

We are on very dangerous ground here. The left is working incessantly to turn public opinion against lawful gun owners who do nothing wrong. If they are not careful, the very laws they seek to use against us will be used against them as well when they are no longer ideologically aligned with the state. Mental Health has long been a tool of communist regimes to silence dissent and label opposition to communist ideals as insanity. We have already seen government reports labeling gun owners as potential threats to society simply for expressing concerns on infringements against the second amendment. If we are not careful, or if we do not employ reason to this argument we will find ourselves in a nation where disagreeing with the “reasonableness” of common sense gun laws is seen as a reason to be red flagged.

Man must be consistently demonstrated to be a mechanism without individuality, and it must be educated into a populace under attack that Man's individualistic reactions are the product of mental derangement. The populace must be brought into the belief that every individual within it who rebels in any way, shape, or form against efforts and activities to enslave the whole, must be considered to be a deranged person whose eccentricities are neurotic or insane, and who must have at once the treatment of a Psychopolitician. (Lavetia Beria)

Friday, May 18, 2018

The Psychopolitical Agenda Drives On

By psychopolitics our chief goals are effectively carried forward. To produce a maximum of chaos in the culture of the enemy is our first most important step. Our fruits are grown in chaos, distrust, economic depression and scientific turmoil. At last a weary populace can seek peace only in our offered Communist State, at last only Communism can resolve the problems of the masses. (Leventia Beria)

I'm sure across the nation many writers, liberal and conservative alike, stare dumbfounded at an empty screen searching for a way to write about another school shooting. That's right, another school shooting. In this instance the weapon used wasn't a high powered super-duper one thousand round clip AR-15 with an assault rocket launcher attachment, it was a sawed-off shotgun and a .38 revolver. Neither of which by the way have a high ammunition capability. The revolver holds five rounds and the shotgun probably has an eight plus one capacity meaning it can hold eight shells in the tube with one in the chamber. The shooter also planted pressure cookers and pipe bombs around the school meaning that people could have easily been killed even if there were no scary guns involved. If people want to kill they will find a way.

How could this possibly happen just two months after the shooting in Parkland? More specifically, how did a government run school, after the observed systematic failures which led to the Parkland shooting, become lax enough that a student can enter the building with a sawed-off shotgun and a .38 revolver undetected? Something is wrong with this picture. Our government sits smug and cozy preaching to us about gun control from the comfort and safety of one of the most heavily guarded cities in the country. They all have personal armed guards which leads one to believe they understand that a good guy with a gun is needed to stop a bad guy. Yet, most of our schools are defenseless, target rich environments run by liberal nut jobs that produce the very type of kid willing to carry out these types of atrocities because they are afraid to punish them and hurt their feelings! This was clearly the case with Nikolas Cruz in Parkland Florida as it has been confirmed that he was a participant in the Promise Program. This program was designed to limit the number of student arrests in the district by not punishing students for the crimes they committed. In other words, it is America's fault the kids get in trouble and it isn't fair dog gone it. Why would a problem child work to control his own behavior when those entrusted to teach him right from wrong let them get away with misbehaving? Seems like a no brainer since though most school administrators approach human behavior from a social science perspective.

As we endure the insanity of renewed calls for gun control made by people who would just as soon let MS-13 roam the countryside than recognize your inalienable right to life, the question of how this happened will loom over us because it won't even be addressed in any meaningful way. Well, because guns stupid.

Perhaps its time to realize that we as a nation, have let our morality be destroyed by evil people who seek to manipulate our emotions and our perception of reality. Everything that we believe in has been twisted and distorted to the point where many believe it is our traditional values that have caused the problems we face today. America and her culture of liberty has been so thoroughly discredited that the idea of rugged individualism is to blame for everything from gun violence to climate change. People are now conditioned, in K-12 education, to believe that government should be their problem solvers and sole providers. They believe our rights come from government, and not the fact that we exist in a natural state of freedom. Our kids, in government run schools, are being taught that they need government to get along.

The tenets of rugged individualism, personal determinism, self-will, imagination, and personal creativeness are alike in the masses antipathetic to the good of the Greater State. These willful and unaligned forces are no more than illnesses which will bring about disaffection, disunity, and at length the collapse of the group to which the individual is attached. (Leventia Beria)

We live in a society where life is no longer valued, we are not human beings we are human capital. We justify the death of hundreds of thousands of yet to be born babies a year, under the guise of some misguided human rights campaign and wonder how we could possibly reach a point where a kid walks into a school and starts blowing people away. Scientists are now arguing that there is no moral difference between aborting a fetus and killing a new born child because they are incapable of living as full persons until they can provide for themselves. Under these standards it would be justifiable to kill a child up until they reach adulthood. Perhaps they are trying to condition us to the idea that the very act of having children contributes to climate change and that the population needs to be controlled in order for the planet to survive.

Most of us live our lives believing whatever the media tells us, allowing our government to get away with lies and usurpations of our liberty. In the past eight years we have witnessed our government sell guns to Mexican drug cartels and then blame the murders committed with those guns on the second amendment. While screaming for gun control in America, the previous administration allowed high powered machine guns to find their way into the hands of America's enemies in Syria, and as we speak a fallacious witch hunt continues against a duly elected president with only one goal in mind, destroy his credibility in the minds of the American voter by any means necessary.

Our young men are told they are violent rapist as they are drugged with ADHD medicine in school. They are told they are racist and privileged, and that their existence contributes to the oppression of minorities. All initiative to try as hard as we can to achieve our dreams is destroyed as misguided liberals with heads full of mush take away all competition because, well because it’s not fair that some people can try harder than others. We are creating an existence of meaninglessness as government works to level the playing field, so we are all the same, exactly the same. Boys can get away with self-identifying as a girl, join a girl wrestling team and be recognized as a winner. Bruce Jenner was recognized as woman of the year. Our kids are taught that their gender is not a physical reality but a social construct, and they can self-identify with any of the so called one hundred twelve genders liberals now claim exist. This does nothing to bring attention to the real qualities men and women possess which not only highlight our differences but bound us by a common humanity, a reason for existing. Perhaps they are conditioning us for the arrival of artificial intelligence and the fact that creating human life in a laboratory is now within the realm of scientific possibility. Can you imagine a world where government scientists can create what they consider to be the perfect compliant human being while robots guided by artificial intelligence dominate the planet? I wonder what these people who have demonstrated such a value for human life will do with the rest of us?

Perhaps we should look at this from the mental health angle? Who do we blame then, the mental health of the shooter who obviously had issues or the mental health of a gym teacher who harassed him instead of addressing the issues he was dealing with? 

Students recalled that Pagourtzis was a quiet student, and was teased by a number of people, including the gym coach.

“He’s been picked on by coaches before, for smelling bad and stuff like that,” a student told local reporters. “And he doesn’t really talk to very many people either. He keeps to himself.

What do you do with an adult man that harasses teenagers because they smell bad? It was beyond obvious to anyone paying attention that this kid was having emotional distress and the most he got from an adult male that could have helped was harassment? Sometimes it is ok to suggest that people need to suck it up and drive on, other times however, people really need help and no child should feel like they are being bullied by adults in tax payer funded public schools.

Looking at this from the mental health angle will do nothing to help for several reasons. One, there is no biological indicator or medical test which proves people suffering from mental duress have an actual medical condition which is treatable by psychotropic drugs. Two, mental health itself is a tool that has been used to turn people away from religion and towards science. In other words, the world is becoming more twisted because we are listening to psychologists and psychiatrists more than we are following God.

A psychopolitician must work hard to produce the maximum chaos in the fields of "mental healing." He must recruit and use all the agencies and facilities of "mental healing." He must labor to increase the personnel and facilities of "mental healing" until at last the entire field of mental science is entirely dominated by Communist principles and desires.

To achieve these goals the psychopolitician must crush every "home-grown" variety of mental healing in America. Actual teachings of James, Eddy and Pentecostal Bible faith healers amongst your misguided people must be swept aside. They must be discredited, defamed, arrested, stamped upon even by their own government until there is no credit in them and only Communist-oriented "healing" remains. You must work until every teacher of psychology unknowingly or knowingly teaches only Communist doctrine under the guise of "psychology." You must labor until every doctor and psychiatrist is either a psycho-politician or an unwitting assistant to our aims. (Leventia Beria)

Many people will struggle to understand how a kid can walk in and murder eight of his classmates only two months after the Parkland shooting. Still, many others understand a simple reality that seems to allude those who seek Utopian ideals from misguided government promises. That reality is that we allowed ourselves to be corrupted, we have lost touch with God as we plugged into our electronics and let smart phones tell us what to think. We let government tell us we can't pray in the schools we pay to operate while they silently indoctrinate our children into the tenets of humanism/communism. We have turned our backs on truth as we let fear prevent us from standing for the values we claim to espouse. We let someone else assume our responsibility and then act shocked when we discover our failure. We can blame this on all of society’s ills, we can blame guns, mental health, bullies, the schools, and bad parenting. The one thing that never gets blamed is the individual himself and it is meant to be that way by design. Man is not to be viewed as being able to take responsibility for his own actions. Society itself, from the perspective of the psychopolitical operator is to be suffering from an illness that only alignment with communist ideals can fix.

Basically, Man is an animal. He is an animal which has been given a civilized veneer. Man is a collective animal, grouped together for his own protection before the threat of the environment. Those who so group and control him must then have in their possession specialized techniques to direct the vagaries and energies of the animal Man toward greater efficiency in the accomplishment of the goals of the State. (Leventia Beria)

Perhaps the biggest problem we face is that we forgot we are not animals but children of God. For far too long our children have been beat down with Darwinian evolution which teaches them they are nothing special, just another animal. If that’s the truth then what does anything matter?

Analyzing the Attempts to Normalize Pedophilia.

  December 18, 2023   by  David Risselada Sometimes I find myself at a loss. The past few years have been quite an experience for me as I ha...