Wednesday, October 29, 2014
In the past I have written a great deal about the lefts attempts to use school text books to "rewrite" the second amendment. I have also discussed many issues concerning education, common core and soviet style indoctrination. Many of us are very frustrated because we realize that no one is really doing anything about this. Here is why-
Bill Ayers: From Bomber to Professor Pushing Communism on Your Children
There are numerous reasons we love the United States of America. The ideals of individual liberty, justice for all and self governance are not only what draws people from around the world, but are the ideals that have driven the U.S. to be the most “free” nation the world has ever known. Our legal system and its underlying principle of “innocent until proven guilty” has not only been effective in proving people innocent of crimes they didn’t commit, but has also allowed the system to be played by criminals as the burden of proving guilt falls on the government. What a great and fair system, under the eyes of the law we are all equal and if proof of guilt cannot be established peoples freedoms are retained. There is one man in particular that comes to mind when speaking of being freed from charges because of the failure of government to collect evidence legally. Bill Ayers, founder of the Weather Underground, and close friend of Barrack Obama, was facing charges for bombing the pentagon and was set free because of the unethical methods the government used to present its position. Bill Ayers and his radical friends were communist sympathizers who were responsible for organizing the Weather Underground and committing acts of domestic terrorism against the Federal Government because they thought our economic system was unjust and oppressive. William Ayers would later recall on those events, “Guilty as hell and free as a bird.”
He has also made several comments regarding his lack of remorse for what he had done. He is a die hard communist dedicated to an egalitarian utopia after all. Where is he now? He is teaching as a professor of education at the University of Chicago. Bill is a prime example of how the radical communist sympathizers have infiltrated our education system with the intent of turning our society and morals completely upside down. In fact I would say Bill Ayers may later be recognized as the one who accomplished Antonio Gramsci’s long march through our institutions. In 2012, Bill Ayers actually told his students that the America was over and that a new world was coming. What kind of world does Bill Ayers see coming?
Bill Ayers, using his bully pulpit at the University of Chicago has regrettably amassed a tremendous amount of influence over our education system. He is using his position to carry out the Alinsky strategy of creating hate and discontent for the purpose of organizing political power. He is teaching students to accept the idea that America’s culture of freedom was a failure, and that we should accept Communism. In keeping with traditional Communist norms, Ayers has actually advocated for the elimination of those who would resist his plans to reeducate them.
In recent months, we have witnessed a rapid acceleration of the lefts agenda as there is a non stop barrage of crises that gives the appearance of our safety being threatened. We feel the ever increasing grip of government control on our lives, and those of us who pay attention know very well where this could lead. This was devised by Bill Ayers and all of his Communist helpers in the Weather Underground. You see, the Weather Underground was infiltrated by an FBI agent by the name of Larry Grathwohl. Larry actually testified to witnessing the discussion in which Ayers and the Weather Underground were explaining how to eliminate 25 million Americans that he referred to as “die hard capitalists” that would not be able to be re-educated into the new line of thinking known as liberalism, or progressivism, which ever you prefer. This is the same thing that Communists have been doing all throughout the twentieth century; in fact, the number of people estimated to having been killed by Marxist governments is 110,000,000. Here is a video Larry Grathwohl’s testimony.
Bill Ayers is a great example of the insane hypocrisy of liberals. He gets away with radically transforming our culture and indoctrinating our kids because the system he hates worked in his defense. The government could not prove his guilt so he went free, and now we pay. Somehow he finds his freedom oppressive.
The fact that he is free to push his ideology on our children because his ideas are protected by the first amendment and academic freedom is, in his mind a symbol of right wing extremism which makes him a victim. Saul Alinsky said in Rules for Radicals that the goal of the organizer is to obtain power and reform the system so they can never lose it. That is exactly what Bill Ayers is doing at the University of Chicago. He is transforming our system through the influence he wields over our text books and the “social justice curriculum.” He is turning a system that has worked for him into one that will systematically deny us the same opportunity to have it work for us.
America, unless we can muster up the intestinal fortitude to call these people out, they are likely to succeed with their radical transformation. I have been warning that they are training your children to be their little “social change” agents and we are just sitting on the sidelines because social justice education has made us question our own values. Perhaps we should apply a little social activism ourselves and demand that the University of Chicago fire William Ayers. How do we do this? The same way they do it, through political pressure and public humiliation. Call them out for the hypocrites they are. We could start by organizing a massive campaign to let the University of Chicago know what we think of Professor Ayers.
The fact that he is free to push his ideology on our children because his ideas are protected by the first amendment and academic freedom is, in his mind a symbol of right wing extremism which makes him a victim. Saul Alinsky said in Rules for Radicals that the goal of the organizer is to obtain power and reform the system so they can never lose it. That is exactly what Bill Ayers is doing at the University of Chicago. He is transforming our system through the influence he wields over our text books and the “social justice curriculum.” He is turning a system that has worked for him into one that will systematically deny us the same opportunity to have it work for us.
America, unless we can muster up the intestinal fortitude to call these people out, they are likely to succeed with their radical transformation. I have been warning that they are training your children to be their little “social change” agents and we are just sitting on the sidelines because social justice education has made us question our own values. Perhaps we should apply a little social activism ourselves and demand that the University of Chicago fire William Ayers. How do we do this? The same way they do it, through political pressure and public humiliation. Call them out for the hypocrites they are. We could start by organizing a massive campaign to let the University of Chicago know what we think of Professor Ayers.
Monday, October 27, 2014
The Communist Deception
In many of my articles I have mentioned the fact that Ronald Reagan was not the president we all thought he was. According to Charlotte Iserbyt, author of The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, he was just another in a long line of presidents selling this nation out to soviet interests.
Watch the Radical Conservative explain this
Watch the Radical Conservative explain this
Sunday, October 26, 2014
FCKH8 is just another group of useful idiots working for the Communists.
In recent weeks we have witnessed an over the top effort on the part of the left, to discredit America and everything her people once stood for. The closer we get to the national elections the more chaos seems to be ensuing, and in the face of increased jihadist activity we have the national media actually warning people to beware of “Christian Extremists.” This is because the left despises Christianity so much, they are willing to abandon their own principles and submit themselves to Islam because they are afraid of having their own head chopped off. Such is the way I suppose.That is really what it all comes down too, the lefts absolute hatred of Christianity and traditional values held so dear by many Americans. There is one advocacy group in particular that is pushing the bar to the far reaches of leftists extremism, and as usually is the case with radical leftists, they seem to be another in a long line of useful idiots pushing a cause they don’t fully understand. The group FCKH8, which is an abbreviation of f**k hate,” has been making some explicit videos concerning issues like homosexuality, racism and women’s rights featuring little children using the “fbomb” in a threatening and inappropriate manner in an attempt to discredit Christians as being haters. I think any thinking person would agree that the only people being discredited as haters is the group FCKH8.
Their latest video “Fbombs for feminism,” is a perfect example of how vile and clueless the left really is. The video is another in a long line of feminist attempts to discredit America and the alleged “patriarchal” male dominated society in which they claim we live. The truth is the feminist movement is just another group of exploited individuals being used to push the progressive cause of transforming America. In other words, the movement itself is an invention of the Communists.
In her book, “The Feminine Mystique,” Betty Friedan went about the work of the Communists by convincing women that they were victims of a male dominated society that sought to keep them barefoot and pregnant. Friedan was an avowed member of the Communist Party who went to great lengths to keep this fact from being known. This is the same tactic that the Communists used in organizing blacks in America as a voting base. According to Dr. Henry Makow, they had tried to do the same thing with the labor movement early on, but because their efforts to take over were resisted, they focused on women and blacks by teaching them they were oppressed.
The children in the “Fbomb” video are being exploited in an effort to further erode the family as an institution. The family in America represents not only traditional American values, but also the basic unit of self governance. It is the very ideal of liberty where families, not government, are responsible for the upbringing of children into society and having the freedom to teach them their values.
The feminist movement is doing nothing but destroying the real role women should be playing in their families. Their argument is doing nothing but turning women that were once strong, independent and able to pass values along to their children, into demanding, victimized women who are becoming increasingly dependant on government. This is the goal of Communism folks. Lets take these points from the forty five goals of the Communist takeover as an example.
Isn’t that all the feminist movement has accomplished? In their fight for total equality, where they seek to be just like men, women have forgotten that they are needed by their children. Many children are coming home from school and being raised by video games, or in some cases the state. In other situations, children and babies are being dropped off in state run daycares like “head start,” (which is often times subsidized by the state) where their marxist indoctrination begins. The mothers desire for a career, or even the absolute need today to have two incomes is keeping many families from being together. Also, the feminist movement and the idea that women can make it without men is doing nothing but encouraging easy divorce.Many marriages, around 50%, end in divorce after just a few years. Consequently, the children of divorced parents are four times more likely to get divorced themselves.
I understand of course, that divorce isn’t attributable to just the feminist movement. Many men are just as responsible for being cheaters; however, this doesn’t discount the fact that the feminist movement seeks to present all men as sexists and society as being “male dominated.” The truth, as mentioned above, is that the destruction of the family is an essential element of destroying Americas culture. The Communists are dependant upon populations of people whom they can manipulate and convince they are oppressed. By first discrediting Christianity and the Biblical worldview of marriage, where man and women are complete equals with different responsibilities-
the communists have been able to push an alternative worldview onto an unsuspecting population. They are now using your children to push this worldview in much the same way Adolph Hitler trained children to go against their parents values. The end goal is the destruction of the family and the re-structuring of society with the state as the head of the household. Everything we are witnessing today, from Common Core, nationalized health care, fabricated racial violence and the FCKH8 “Fbomb” video is working towards the cause of total state control. The fact that the left is willing to let these young children to use such foul language to push a cause they cant possibly understand should be all the proof you need.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
As Freedom Dies, Warriors Rise
America Wounded, A Nation Falling,
A Warriors Heart, Hears the Calling.
A Need To Rise, A Need To Speak,
No Where To Hide, We Must Not Be Weak.
In A Land Of Liberty, Blood Paid The Cost,
We Cannot Let Our Freedoms, Be Forever Lost.
A Warriors Heart, Hears the Calling.
A Need To Rise, A Need To Speak,
No Where To Hide, We Must Not Be Weak.
In A Land Of Liberty, Blood Paid The Cost,
We Cannot Let Our Freedoms, Be Forever Lost.
This Fight For Freedom, A Warrior Not Fears.
For Freedom He Will Shed The Blood, He Will
Shed All The Tears.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Those Rascally Racist Democrats
The Radical Conservative Rants about the racist past of the Democrat Party.
The Radical Conservative Rants about the racist past of the Democrat Party.
Ebola, Agenda 21's Secret Weapon
In January of this year I wrote an article at The Radical Conservative, about the exposed efforts of the U.N. planning to reduce the number of blacks living in Africa. The main point of the article was how the U.N was using the issues of family planning, and sustainability, two of Agenda 21's key phrases, to convince Africans that they should be having two children instead of four, while also encouraging abortion. The main goal of course was to reduce the number of those people whom the global elite see as undesirable. I elaborated on the topic by suggesting that the issue of "white privilege" and the continuing racial tensions in America were being used to hide the real racism of those propagating for world communism and population control. This isn't to mention the fact that the issue of family planning and sustainability are used here in the U.S. to encourage population control as well. Let's not forget that the biggest demographic suffering from abortion is the black population. (If I remember correctly it is the Democrat party that insists abortions are a human right.) With all of this in mind, one can't help but wonder if the ebola crisis might be used to achieve the same goal. Is it possible that ebola is an Agenda 21 strategy to reduce the numbers of impoverished people on the African continent?
Unfortunately, the available evidence suggests that this may be the case.
While the U.S. lapdogs that some people call news reporters ensure that we are terrified of an ebola outbreak, people in Africa are not only claiming it isn't real, they are claiming the U.S. invented the virus. With many websites claiming that there is a patent on the ebola virus, this accusation may be hard to dispute.
Africans are also claiming that the only people getting sick are those taking the vaccine. This is also fueling a huge panic among the "tin foil hat" crowd as they believe it will be the vaccine here that actually makes us ill. When you consider what Bill Gates had to say about vaccines you can't discount the possibility.
"The world today has 6.8 billion people... that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."
Janna B. also reported on another aspect that the mainstream media is ignoring, the issue of diamonds and the desire of the global elite to control them. Could this be the real reason Obama is sending in 3000 troops to deal with a possibly fabricated ebola crisis? It provides the perfect excuse to exercise power in regions where the global elite have previously been unable to. With the diamond workers striking, they could be desperate to get them producing product again.
Janna B. also reported on another aspect that the mainstream media is ignoring, the issue of diamonds and the desire of the global elite to control them. Could this be the real reason Obama is sending in 3000 troops to deal with a possibly fabricated ebola crisis? It provides the perfect excuse to exercise power in regions where the global elite have previously been unable to. With the diamond workers striking, they could be desperate to get them producing product again.
What should really be concerning people is the fact that the newly appointed "ebola czar" is nothing but another crack pot leftist who is an advocate of global population control. In fact, he is molded in the same likeness as other Obama czars, Cass Sunstein and John Holdren who also believe the Earths population needs to be reduced for the good of the planet.
According to Alex Newman of The New American, Ron Klain thinks that the overpopulation of Africa is one of the "top leadership challenges" of the day.
(I have an idea, why don't we teach them to be productive and self sufficient instead of worrying about controlling their population? Oh thats right, that would be capitalistic and selfish.)
Why would a man who has no medical experience, who is also an advocate of population control who thinks Africa's population is too large be appointed as an ebola czar? That may be a question that only those of us with a tin foil hat may be willing to ask.
There certainly is something funny going on. I am going to speculate here and say once again that the issue of white privilege and racial tensions in America is just a smokescreen to hide this agenda. Many people are now claiming that Obama has a plan to treat all African Ebola victims here in the U.S. If this is true it could be a perfect bait and switch to appease his voters while the people he really works for carry on with their agenda.
Sometimes I hope I am just a crazy conspiracy theorist.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Friday, October 17, 2014
Blacks voting for their own Oppressors
Democrats truly have no shame when they are competing for political power. When it comes to ensuring they will win an election, they will sink to whatever low is necessary to do so. After all, it is the Alinsky way; and when it comes to shameless race baiting, liberal Democrats follow the method to a tee. They do it so well that one could argue that they have convinced blacks to vote for their oppressors.
It’s hard to imagine that any democrat would sink to the level they just did. Especially when you consider how low they have recently sunk concerning other issues like Ebola; where democrats blame the GOP because of “budget cuts,” and Sharia Law; where Maxine Waters accuses us of being bigots if we oppose it. You can rest assure that there is a Democrat out there somewhere, who is ready and willing to set a new standard; and it has just been met.
Amidst the rising racial tensions in Ferguson Missouri, Democrats are attempting to convince black voters that failing to vote the Democrat ticket will only lead to more blacks being shot by white cops.
Do you see what was meant by a “new standard?” This is despicable, even for the Democrats.
The problem is that black people are being shot by police not because white cops are racist, but because of the failed governing policies of the Democrat Party, and their push for utopianism. Democrats are in a desperate race to hide the truth of their abysmal failure. Black unemployment is far worse under Obama than it was under Bush because of the massive over regulation of the economy. Business owners and other “wealth producers” are being squeezed of everything they have and as a result, they have no money to invest.
Of course, if you understand Obama and the Alinsky way, you would realize that this is part of the community organizing method of keeping blacks down in order to rally them to your cause.
Blacks are being oppressed by the very party they keep voting for in an effort to get them to blame the country, to blame “white privileged America.”
Blacks are suffering today because of the failed policies of the “Great Society” and the “war on poverty.” Democrat politicians have convinced blacks that they don’t have to work and that they don’t have to be responsible. Honestly, throughout most of American history it was the Republican party fighting for black Americans while it was the Democrats seeking to keep them oppressed. Truthfully, the Democrats have kept them oppressed through massive welfare spending, and programs like affirmative action, that do more to destroy initiative than motivate young black men.
Over the past half a century or more, over 22 trillion dollars has been spent on welfare and other means tested government programs, only to see poverty at the same rate today, as it was when the war on poverty began. This represents the true failure of socialist policies, because socialism does nothing but drain a nation of its resources while simultaneously destroying the self worth of its people.
The real problem rests in the fact that we have let generations of “academic eggheads” redefine terms like racism and discrimination. These words no longer have any meaning in our society because their true meaning has been diluted with ridiculous theories based on nonsense.
The word racism has come to represent a false ideology where actually believing people of color can achieve something without the help of the liberal Democrats is racist. Empowering the poor blacks in America now means encouraging them to riot against a system that supposedly oppresses them, in an effort to take their focus off their real oppressors, to the point where they are being shot by white police. In true Alinsky fashion, the Democrats use this to keep the cycle going. When will they see this for themselves?
Thursday, October 16, 2014
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