Saturday, May 20, 2017

Police Shootings, White Privilege and the Intentional Destruction of the Black Community

Tulsa police officer Betty Shelby was recently found not guilty in the shooting death of Terrence Crutcher. The shooting represented another in a long line of national incidents where an unarmed black man was shot and killed by a white police officer. In many instances these shootings lead to cries of racism and wide spread violence by protest groups like Black Lives Matter. Luckily for the residents of Tulsa these type of protests never gain any real momentum. It seems that the shooting of Crutcher was justified in the sense that he was acting in an erratic and non-compliant manner. He had a known history of drug abuse as well as a criminal record. While this does not justify the immediate shooting of the man there are some hard questions that are not being asked and in order to ever find true justice they must be explored. One of these questions is of course, who is to blame for his death? The left will continue to blame the so called institutional racism of the United States and it's institutions as the cause of all these unfortunate events. Sadly, the truth is far different and the blood of Terrence Crutcher as well as other innocent people actually falls on the hands of the liberal left.

For decades now the left has pushed the destructive narrative that blacks in America are oppressed and white people live privileged lives. Academic theories such as Black Liberation Theology, Critical Race Theory and White Privilege education have diluted the minds of American students by teaching them that the system they live in is inherently racist and designed only to benefit the selfish, greedy interests of white men. Blacks are taught that they are incapable of racism because they have no institutional power. In other words, because the institutions of power are allegedly controlled by whites, blacks have no power to discriminate against others. The purpose of these educational theories is to create a counter-hegemony against the dominant social group and it is communist in origin. Italian communist Antonio Gramsci devised the theory of counter-hegemony because he realized that Marx's idea of an armed struggle between the economic classes didn't materialize. Gramsci instead posited the idea that different groups of oppressed people could be created on the basis of gender, criminal status and race. These groups could then be used and pitted against the dominant culture to create a revolutionary mind set.

It has worked perfectly, our nation is now divided with so many different social groups claiming to be oppressed by "white privilege." In truth however, these people are only being used and it is leading to their own destruction. The idea that blacks are oppressed and the teaching of such nonsense like white privilege has led to a movement based purely on hatred and resentment. The constant rhetoric and demonization of police by former President Barack Hussein Obama led to an all out war on cops where blacks were ambushing and killing police officers for no reason other than being told they are oppressed victims. This war on cops surely contributed to the fear and knee jerk reactions of officer Betty Shelby when she was facing down a non-compliant man who was in fact, acting in an erratic manner and reaching back into his car.

Ever since the creation of Lyndon Johnsons Great Society programs black people in America have been oppressed. They have been tricked into believing that the government will provide for them through welfare. The results were the destruction of the black family, generational poverty and government dependence. This was done on purpose in order to be able to carry out Gramsci's plan of counter-hegemony. Anyone who truly understands history knows that Republicans have traditionally voted for civil rights for blacks and Democrats have opposed them. The KKK was the terrorist arm of the Democrat party and it was Democrats who opposed the eradication of slavery. Blacks in America were at one time just as successful and integrated into American society as whites and in many cases had stronger, more successful family lives. This all changed with Johnson's Great Society welfare programs. This was the creation of the perfect revolutionary army to bring about socialism in America.

Manning R. Johnson, author of the book Color, Communism and Common Sense was a black member of the Communist Party USA. He was highly trained in subversive techniques and worked his way as high as being a member of the Politburo. He defected from the Communist Party when realizing the black community in America was being used to carry out a communist agenda. He writes in the book that the grievances of the black community such as slavery and discrimination, were to be exploited and used as a weapon against the capitalist system to bring about socialism.

"Little did I realize until I was deeply enmeshed in the Red Conspiracy, that just and seeming grievances are exploited to transform idealism into a cold and ruthless weapon against the capitalist system — that this is the end toward which all the communist
efforts among Negroes are directed."

In short, the impoverished state of many black Americans can be traced back to early roots of America's communist movement. They have been exploited and used by those who have taught them they are systematically oppressed by the white man, namely the Democratic party. They have been organized into an effective voting machine where they continually vote the same racist party into power on the promise of welfare and other benefits. The conditions of their communities never change; in fact they worsen, this is then used to further the argument for socialist solutions. Black youths are being indoctrinated into an ideology of hatred and society destroys their futures by justifying acts of violence based on the false precepts of White Privilege and Black Liberation Theology.

The shooting of Terrence Crutcher was surely a tragedy, one that happens all too often in this country. Again, the question arises. Who's really to blame? Surely police have a responsibility to their communities to exercise their training in a responsible manner and in some cases, they should show a little more restraint in the name of preserving life. On the other hand, the evidence strongly suggests that the black community has been used to create a revolutionary fervor which has done nothing but create mistrust and fear among police. With all of the attacks against police perpetrated by groups like Black Lives Matter what do you think was going through Betty Shelby's head? Police nor citizens should be fearful of each other; however, because of the efforts of the liberal left our nation is now made up of groups who are motivated by a burning hatred based on lies told intended to create chaos.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Communism and Fascism: A Brief Explantion of the Deception that Brought us to the Verge

The group Antifa continues their rallying call for a communist revolution in America.  They view our beloved nation as an oppressive, imperialistic power whose founding was illegitimate because of slavery and institutional racism. They claim that they are fighting fascism by taking a stand against the very liberty which allows them to assemble and voice their political opposition to a system they view as needing change. Questions as to why people don't know the atrocious history of communism as opposed to the genocide committed against the Jews by Adolf Hitler are today, of great importance. Many on the left believe that fascism is an extreme right wing ideology whose philosophies are based on white supremacism and nationalism. The truth is exactly the opposite. In fact, fascism was nothing but the interpretation of Marxism by Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. The term "Fasci" simply meant a bundle of sticks, so the term fascism is nothing but a term describing collectivism. The political scale is also very misunderstood. The further to the right the scale goes the less government control and more freedom there is. In fact, pure right wing extremism would mean no government controls, pure anarchy in other words. The far left represents total government control. Political systems such as socialism and fascism, as they were historically practiced, left some  control to organizations outside of government. Theoretically speaking, fascism could be viewed as right wing in the context that it was to the right of communism; however on the true political scale, it is far left of center and represents a system of totalitarian rule.

How did we arrive at this point? How did people in America, arguably the most free and prosperous nation to ever exist, be brought to the point where they are arguing against their own best interests and demanding a communist system of government? The answers to this question would take volumes to answer. The intent of this article is simply to point readers in the right direction to answer it for themselves. The truth will certainly challenge any basic understanding of American history and what we have traditionally believed about American politics.

Without a doubt the most obvious place to start is the infiltration of our education system. Our children are being overwhelmed with frivolous topics masquerading as education. White privilege, gender studies and the general idea that American capitalism is the greatest threat to world peace are all topics that are turning the next generation of Americans into good little socialists demanding change. This "infiltration" can be traced back to Fabian Socialist John Dewey, who is known as the father of modern education. Dewey was an admirer of the Soviet model of schooling where people were trained to be useful members of a socialist society as opposed to independent thinkers. What many people don't realize is the role conservative president's played in allowing the communist takeover of our education system. In her book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, Charlotte Thomas Iserbyt discusses the agreements reached between the U.S. and the Soviet Union in the name of achieving a cultural understanding between the two nations.  In 1985, an agreement signed between Conservative Icon Ronald Reagan and the Soviet Union merged the two nations' education systems together in the name of achieving world peace. This was later referred to as Edu-Gate. This agreement also set in motion the idea of a planned economy in the United States. Furthermore, other agreements were signed earlier in the twentieth century between the Russians and conservative president Dwight D. Eisenhower. The first of these was signed in 1958. A full chronological record of the communist takeover of education  is shown at the end of Iserbyt's article Soviets in the Classroom.

The takeover of education certainly explains how so many young people have become infatuated with communism; however, there is so much more to the story. During WWII The United States was providing military weaponry and millions in aid to the Soviet union in its efforts to defeat Nazi Germany. As a result of this, the truth of Communist oppression towards its own people was suppressed. Joseph Stalin, arguably one of the most brutal dictators in the history of humanity was viewed as an ally of the United States and an enemy of Nazi aggression. This is only because Germany advanced it's war machine into the Soviet Union. The ideological makeup of communism and national socialism however, is identical. Also, because of this alliance many of Russia's subversive activities into the United States were ignored. In her book American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character Diana West cites the book The Red Plot Against America by Robert Stripling. Stripling explains that subversive plots against America by nations such as Japan and Germany inspired government action however, the same types of activities found to be committed by Soviet agents were widely ignored. In fact, any mention of them often resulted in ridicule and public shaming in much the same way that speaking out against the Democrats does today. Names such as witch-hunter and red-baiter were used to discredit anyone speaking of a communist plot against the United States. In fact, according to the research done by West, the more people like Joseph McCarthy investigated communist activity the more it created an anti- anti-communist sentiment. It was almost as if communism as an ideology was being protected and the crimes they committed against humanity being hidden in order to further an agenda. Was this due to the fact that Franklin Delano Roosevelt provided money and military aid to the Soviet Union at a time it was believed they were our ally in the fight against totalitarianism when in fact, it was being used to commit the same atrocities against their own people? This goes a long way in explaining why people know so little about the true history of communist oppression but there is still more.

Nazism is remembered in all of its brutality simply because they were honest about what their intentions were. National Socialism is Marxist in origin but differs in the fact that they seek to put themselves at the head of all others. In other words, A Nazi's sole purpose for existence was the furthering of nationalism and the strengthening of German power on the world stage. Communism on the other hand, was more about globalism, a world without nationalism or independent sovereign nations. That however, is where the differences end and the deception begins. According to the Black Book Of Communism Nazi's did not hide their intentions to create one master race that would serve the greater interests of Germany. They were honest in their idea's that only certain people were deserving of life and only people who shared in Hitler's visions deserved a place in the new Germany. Communists on the other hand made their pursuit of Utopia based on the idea of class and equality. They were able to appeal to the senses of humanity by making their argument on the basis of fairness and the idea that people should not have to work in order to enjoy the finest things in life. Communism represents a system where people are free from the so called burdens of personal responsibility. It offers a structural system where humanity is changed on the ideal that responsibility for our successes and failures is that of the collective and not the individual. Communism itself argues, on the basis of human psychology, that man is devoid of a "freewill" and is only capable of reacting to the environment around him as opposed to taking positive responsibility for his actions.

Arguing from the perspective that communism represents a system where fairness is dictated by a dictatorship and people are "free from personal responsibility" is probably one of the most significant factors in it's increasing popularity. The truth that averts the thoughts of most people is that true liberation lies in the fact that freedom itself means being free to learn from one's own actions and accepting personal responsibility. This is what makes communism such a dangerous ideology, without a will of his own man becomes useless and devoid of any spirituality. Communists set out to change the very nature of man by seeking to destroy his connection to the divine. They believed they could eliminate all those that stand in the way of the promised Utopia by restructuring what it means to be human through psychological conditioning which was aimed at the destruction of free, independent thinking. As a result, nearly one hundred million people were brutally murdered or starved to death in pursuit of this ideal in the twentieth century. Still, the rallying call of fairness and the belief that communism itself simply hasn't been tried the correct way drives many people to the belief that communism should be instituted in America to address issues such as wealth inequality and racial discrimination.

It is the false idea that people can be made equal under a system of control devised by man that appeals to the senses of the younger generations. Communists atrocities, according to The Black Book of Communism, were not viewed as genocides or crimes against humanity but victories in the fight for socialism and the ideal world where there was no competition and exploitation of people. The results, no matter where communism was tried was always the same. Mass murder in the name of eliminating those who stood in the way, or those who were viewed as defective because their opposition to fairness and equality represented a threat to those who had fallen for the false promises of Utopia. This is why communism has such a strong hold on people today, they see a system where someone else will make it fair for them instead of having to work for it themselves. The crimes of Nazism are kept alive because it is used to demonize the political opposition to communism while providing the means of presenting communism as an alternative to the way they are portraying the United States as a system of oppression. As long as the left remains in control of education and the people are more concerned with entertaining themselves as opposed to researching what is happening in their country, this will only go in one direction.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Antifa: Useful Idiots too Brainwashed to Know They are Being Used

Across the nation the group Antifa is continuing its call for revolution by staging massive riots and acts of violence against innocent people. They are pushing the narrative that they are engaged in a revolutionary struggle against Fascism and that the time to act is now in order to stand against oppression. They have been brainwashed to believe that America represents racism and our constitution was written only to protect the interests of a few privileged white men. They are demanding an end to constitutional government and the enactment of a communist system which they believe will be more fair. In this facebook video posted by Columbus Ohio Antifa, they are asking military veterans to remember their oaths and join their national militia. Obviously, these people have no idea what they are talking about nor do they have any clue what it means to take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Unfortunately, Antifa fails to realize that they are nothing but useful idiots being used to accomplish an agenda they do not understand. They are the shock troops being used to finish the final phase of demoralizing America through a process known as Ideological Subversion. In other words, Communists have been waging a psychological warfare operation against the United States aimed at destroying our religion and morality so that they may peacefully, as opposed to militarily, conquer our nation. Our institutions of government, our education system, our legal system and all other aspects of American culture have been infiltrated by leftists. Today this is recognized by the term Deep State.

The goal of Ideological Subversion is to educate a generation of Americans into the ideology of communism by discrediting the United States in all of its aspects. Today we have at least one generation that believes America is an oppressive war mongering country that discriminates against minorities, homosexuals and women. The job of discrediting America in the minds of these people is complete. The government is in control of education from kindergarten through college and through these formative years of learning young people are indoctrinated into the tenants of progressivism. They are taught that capitalism is for the greedy rich and that white people are racist and privileged. Every aspect of our history has been rewritten to give the impression that America was founded by heartless, mean spirited white men who only cared about money. 

What many people fail to realize is the effectiveness of the classical conditioning being used in our public schools. Our children's opinions and beliefs are being shaped through rewards and praises being given for answering questions that reinforce the communist world view. Psychologists have long ago learned the effectiveness of this type of conditioning. In fact, Gottlieb Fichte, who was a philosopher and psychologist who influenced the philosophy of communism is quoted as saying the following concerning education.

"Education should aim at destroying free will so that after pupils are thus schooled they will be incapable throughout the rest of their lives of thinking or acting otherwise than as their school masters would have wished ... The social psychologist of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black. Various results will soon be arrived at: first, that influences of the home are 'obstructive' and verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective ... It is for the future scientist to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for more than one generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen." Bertrand Russell quoting Johann Gottlieb Fichte, the head of philosophy & psychology who influenced Hegel and others – Prussian University in Berlin, 1810

Take this quote into careful consideration. This is exactly what we are witnessing with groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter. They are incapable of developing an individual thought that differs from that which they were indoctrinated with. They are behaving in the exact manner in which their educators would have them behave. They were trained from the beginning to be a force for social change.

Communism itself is a philosophy that is derived from Marxism, Darwinism and the discoveries of classical conditioning through the works of Ivan Pavlov. Darwinism posits the idea that men are not spiritual beings able to act through a will of their own but creatures whose behavior must be modified. According to Darwin we are no different than the apes from which we allegedly evolved from. This is why it has been so easy for leftists regimes to murder millions. The justification arises from the fact that they view a failure to conform to their ideals as being a form of mental defection.

Psychologists, as mentioned earlier, have discovered that people can in fact be conditioned and trained to act in accordance to their programming. People engaged in these so called revolutionary movements have literally been trained to believe they are living in an oppressive system so they can be used to bring it down. That has been the rallying call of communists for the past 100 years. They have routinely organized the masses to engage in revolutionary conflicts in the name of liberation in order to destabilize a nation and manufacture the need to implement stricter order. This is called the destabilization phase of Ideological Subversion.

Unfortunately for groups like Antifa, the need for stricter order and the accomplishment of the goals they are seeking will bring them to a crashing end. As mentioned earlier, communists have a history of taking out their own first. This is done for two reasons. One, these useful idiots are being taught that communism represents an utopian paradise where everyone lives in total equality. Unfortunately they fail to realize that total equality means the equality of living in squalor. Once they realize they have been taken for fools they will surely focus their aggression on their leash handlers who will then see the need to make an example out of them. They will be taken out to stop the undermining of government which of course, groups like Antifa have already demonstrated a willingness to do.

Many people look at groups like Antifa and ridicule them. Do not be fooled folks. These people are well funded and are being agitated to high levels. They were taught to hate this country and everything it stands for. It may not be long until they are encouraged to rip us from our homes and take everything we have worked for in the name of fairness. They are being led by true communists who are looking to complete the objectives of the global communist movement started by Lenin many years ago. They are organizing to take down the nation we love folks.

Analyzing the Attempts to Normalize Pedophilia.

  December 18, 2023   by  David Risselada Sometimes I find myself at a loss. The past few years have been quite an experience for me as I ha...