After realizing their attempts to convince the public of a mythical Trump/Russia collusion have failed the Democrats are now focusing their efforts on the GOP health care bill in an effort to destroy the opposition. It is a real spectacle to watch too. Democrats are claiming that the bill will leave millions dead and millions more without care while conservatives are upset because it is nothing more than Obamacare lite. This is the perfect example of our false right/left paradigm that controls our dialogue. Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell is reportedly looking for a way to put penalties for being uninsured back into the bill which is one of the biggest reasons Americans demanded an end to Obamacare in the first place. No,there is nothing different about this bill and Mark Levin is correct in his assessment that it will lead us yet one more inch closer to single payer health care. Sadly, many Americans refuse to acknowledge the truth that President Trump wrote a book where he said America must have single payer care. In fact, he specifically stated that he is conservative on most issues but liberal when it comes to health care. He has fallen for the lie that socialized medicine is a better solution than the free market system.
"We must have universal healthcare. I'm a conservative on most issues but a liberal on this one. We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by healthcare expenses." (Donald Trump, The America We Deserve)
Sadly, after years of indoctrination in our public schools young Americans know very little about the free market. Instead they have been brought up in a world where they are "oppressed" by the U.S. capitalist system. They have been trained to be liberal activists fighting for socialist issues like universal health care. According to the left, health care is a human right. Health care can not legitimately be a human right because it requires someone else give up their labor to provide a service. In fact, when government controls health care that service is seldom reimbursed at the rate it is really worth because government can't afford to pay it. In all cases where universal health care plans are instituted the quality of care goes down while the cost goes up. The main reason for this is money. Liberals fail to understand that government's are not in the business of creating wealth, only redistributing what the private sector creates. As the old saying goes, socialism works great until you run out of other people's money. Eventually that is exactly what happens.
Many Americans look at Europe's National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence, also known as NICE, as a model for how they think socialized medicine would work. What they have heard their whole lives is that everybody in Europe has free health care. To some extent that is true; however, what they are lacking is actual access to life saving treatments and the ability to choose it on their own. The government bureaucrats control everything from what types of drugs NICE will prescribe to which type of treatments will be offered. If it is something they do not consider to be cost effective it simply is not an option unless one can afford it themselves. In fact, when governments run health care they have the power, because they control the money, to choose what the value of human life is. In Europe they have a formula called the Quality-Adjusted Life Care. This is the formula used to determine how much it will cost per year, to keep a patient alive and whether it is worth the cost. According to the maximum the European health care system will pay out is 47,000 per quality adjusted year gained. This is because health care in Europe, like in other socialist countries, is rationed. It has to be rationed for one simple reason, it is being paid for by money being taken from the public in the form of taxes and redistributed throughout the health system. In a socialized health care system there is no wealth being created; therefore, money is tight.
"We have a limited budget for health care, voted by Parliament every year, and we have to live within our means," said Michael Rawlins, chairman of a government agency called the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).
This is basically what the whole idea of "death panels" was all about when Obamacare was originally being passed. Bureaucrats controlling your health decisions and having the power to decide what your life is worth. What conservatives are arguing for is a system where the patients not only control these decisions but can afford on their own to determine what their lives are worth and pay the bill without the burdening hand of government. Until government gets out of the way this will never be the case. We gave the Republicans everything they said they needed to repeal Obamacare yet they are poised to continue this push towards single payer. At this point it is likely that this trend is irreversible.