Monday, June 26, 2017

Chugging Along to Single Payer

Democrats sure have a big lesson in humility coming to them. Don't they understand that the more they lie and discredit our country the more likely they are to lose everything in 2018? That's fine incidentally, I hope they lose every remaining seat they have. The only problem is Republicans are becoming more like Democrats everyday, especially in their efforts to pass a universal health care bill. Unless we learn how to control the narrative and articulate our principles, this selling out of our rights will continue to chug along on the fundamental transformation choo choo train. Which incidentally, Trump was supposed to stop.

After realizing their attempts to convince the public of a mythical Trump/Russia collusion have failed the Democrats are now focusing their efforts on the GOP health care bill in an effort to destroy the opposition. It is a real spectacle to watch too. Democrats are claiming that the bill will leave millions dead and millions more without care while conservatives are upset because it is nothing more than Obamacare lite. This is the perfect example of our false right/left paradigm that controls our dialogue. Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell is reportedly looking for a way to put penalties for being uninsured back into the bill which is one of the biggest reasons Americans demanded an end to Obamacare in the first place. No,there is nothing different about this bill and Mark Levin is correct in his assessment that it will lead us yet one more inch closer to single payer health care. Sadly, many Americans refuse to acknowledge the truth that President Trump wrote a book where he said America must have single payer care. In fact, he specifically stated that he is conservative on most issues but liberal when it comes to health care. He has fallen for the lie that socialized medicine is a better solution than the free market system.

"We must have universal healthcare. I'm a conservative on most issues but a liberal on this one. We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by healthcare expenses." (Donald Trump, The America We Deserve)

Sadly, after years of indoctrination in our public schools young Americans know very little about the free market. Instead they have been brought up in a world where they are "oppressed" by the U.S. capitalist system. They have been trained to be liberal activists fighting for socialist issues like universal health care. According to the left, health care is a human right. Health care can not legitimately be a human right because it requires someone else give up their labor to provide a service. In fact, when government controls health care that service is seldom reimbursed at the rate it is really worth because government can't afford to pay it. In all cases where universal health care plans are instituted the quality of care goes down while the cost goes up. The main reason for this is money. Liberals fail to understand that government's are not in the business of creating wealth, only redistributing what the private sector creates. As the old saying goes, socialism works great until you run out of other people's money. Eventually that is exactly what happens.

Many Americans look at Europe's National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence, also known as NICE, as a model for how they think socialized medicine would work. What they have heard their whole lives is that everybody in Europe has free health care. To some extent that is true; however, what they are lacking is actual access to life saving treatments and the ability to choose it on their own. The government bureaucrats control everything from what types of drugs NICE will prescribe to which type of treatments will be offered. If it is something they do not consider to be cost effective it simply is not an option unless one can afford it themselves. In fact, when governments run health care they have the power, because they control the money, to choose what the value of human life is. In Europe they have a formula called the Quality-Adjusted Life Care. This is the formula used to determine how much it will cost per year, to keep a patient alive and whether it is worth the cost. According to the maximum the European health care system will pay out is 47,000 per quality adjusted year gained. This is because health care in Europe, like in other socialist countries, is rationed. It has to be rationed for one simple reason, it is being paid for by money being taken from the public in the form of taxes and redistributed throughout the health system. In a socialized health care system there is no wealth being created; therefore, money is tight.

"We have a limited budget for health care, voted by Parliament every year, and we have to live within our means," said Michael Rawlins, chairman of a government agency called the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE).

This is basically what the whole idea of "death panels" was all about when Obamacare was originally being passed. Bureaucrats controlling your health decisions and having the power to decide what your life is worth. What conservatives are arguing for is a system where the patients not only control these decisions but can afford on their own to determine what their lives are worth and pay the bill without the burdening hand of government. Until government gets out of the way this will never be the case. We gave the Republicans everything they said they needed to repeal Obamacare yet they are poised to continue this push towards single payer. At this point it is likely that this trend is irreversible.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Conflict-Chaos- Control The Dialectic of Trump's Presidency

Once again the Republicans have proven that they in no way intend to live up to their promise to fully repeal Obamacare. The bill introduced to the senate is nothing more than a watered down version of the atrocious law Republicans were elected to repeal, and in fact, it promises to create more problems. President Trump hailed the house version as a victory even though it was nothing that was expected by the people who elected him. Americans voted for repeal not replace.

Americans voted for Donald Trump on the belief that he was an outsider and not an establishment politician. Just as it was with Obama, Trump has an army of supporters who absolutely refuse to see any wrong doing on his part despite the fact that he is failing to deliver on many of his promises. This author has opined in several articles that what we are witnessing in this country is a sham and that the election of Trump was a fraud of epic proportions. The fact that Trump beat Clinton has relieved many Americans who now believe that Trump is a conservative. The thought of Hillary Clinton as president forced Americans to support a candidate they really didn't know a lot about. They refuse to look at the facts that he donated money to the Clintons, supported Bill Clintons gun ban and wrote a book describing his belief that America must have single payer health care. Little do most Americans know that Trump also just encouraged big Tech corporations to rally congress to enact "comprehensive immigration reform." Yes, America we have been duped and in the end we will be forced to accept many things that we elected Trump to put an end to.

Many people believe that Trump is the "conservatives conservative" because the left, as well as establishment Republicans appear to detest him. The media has us convinced us that there is a witch hunt against him and that the hate being expressed is because he is a threat to everything Democrats set in motion under Obama. Consider this a moment, after the senate health care bill was revealed protestors swarmed the capital in opposition to it before even understanding what was in it. The only significant change that conservatives can support in this bill is the elimination of the individual mandate. Aside from that, it is more subsidies and government funded programs. Yet, the left would have its supporters believe that this bill is stripping everyone's healthcare away. There are only two possibilities which explain this. Either the liberals are so stupid they believe everything they are told or there is someone working behind the scenes deliberately creating conflict in order to push the illusion that the President is in fact a conservative, when in the end he is rubber stamping the liberal agenda. As outrageous as this may sound there are plausible explanations for this.

First, consider the fact that the majority of Americans were so fed up with liberalism after eight years of Obama that there was virtually no way Hillary Clinton would win. There is also no way that the push for globalism was going to whimper out over something as miniscule as an American election. The globalists, who mind you have accomplished everything they have using deception as their modus operandi, needed a strategy that would quiet the right wing in America and make them support their agenda. Trump, like any establishment politician, told the people what they wanted to hear but has failed to deliver on any of it. The major policy initiatives that we voted him in to change are either tied up in court or revealing themselves as more of the same big government garbage. Even the travel ban he tried to initiate was from a list of countries that the Obama administration has deemed as terrorist hot spots. Which only adds to the suspicion as to why the left is feigning such outrage over it.

Also consider the fact that the witch hunt over the so called Russian collusion has done little but solidify Trumps base, making it more unlikely that they will oppose anything he does while at the same time enraging the liberal left. This further gives the impression that there is a deep divide and that Trump is hated because of his staunch conservatism. This keeps the right pacified in their belief that they won the election when in fact we are ending up with nothing we were promised. The funny thing is that most conservatives would agree that the left uses deception to achieve its goals and that they use trivial issues to create distractions which keeps our attention focused where they want it. Yet, when presented with the idea that these techniques were used to get us to vote for a candidate which obviously is not a conservative, they will flat out reject and ridicule it altogether.

This theory may be just that, a theory. In the end maybe it very well deserve ridicule; however, we all know the left thrives on conflict. Their whole belief system is based on the premise of dialectical materialism which posits the idea that all progress is the inevitable result of conflict. From that theory came the Hegelian Dialectic or the problem-reaction-solution strategy. In other words, problems are deliberately created to cause conflict which pushes the public consciousness towards a predetermined solution. In the case of a Donald Trump presidency perhaps the deliberate problem is the conflict itself, forcing the government to enact more control. Which is what they wanted all along. There is a lot of talk of an impending civil war due to this deep ideological divide. That is a no win situation, it would just solidify the type of control the left wants to establish in this country.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Corrupted Means Always Corrupt the Ends

Democrats have really trapped themselves in a corner haven't they? It was all too obvious that the constant anti-American rhetoric they have been pushing would result in the kind of political violence we witnessed today. For years, ever since being a student in a radical left wing social work program, this author has been warning anyone who would listen that this was the direction we were going. The only problem is that no one was listening. Think about it a moment; for decades now the radical left has controlled our institutions of lower learning while teaching students that they were oppressed victims of an evil, selfish, racist, sexist, homophobic capitalistic society. One that no less, caters to the privileged white man more than any other. They have ridiculed Christianity while removing it altogether from the public school system. They have replaced a traditional understanding of what is right and wrong with moral relativism which allows them to justify any action based on the view points of particular cultures or worldviews. Isn't it ironic? A political party who all but removed God from their political platform while pushing hateful lies to destroy their opposition wants us to believe they prayed for the Republicans? It seems that the idea of ends justifying the means is coming back to bite them right in the square of their proverbial donkey.

Alinsky always taught that believing corrupted means would corrupt the ends was a misguided principle, and that corrupting one's self was the greatest act of morality if one was truly interested in pursuing the greater good. Well here we are, the Democrats have certainly corrupted themselves to levels unseen before and all we have to show for it are disgruntled Americans who believe Republicans want everyone to die because we are all selfish, racist, women hating Islamophobes who don't want anyone having health care. The sad thing is liberals really believed they would have the opportunity to create a perfect world as a result of these hateful lies. Such is the way I suppose.

As usual Democrats have come out with cries for gun control. What they fail to understand is that it was their constant politicization of tragedies such as this that cost them the election in the first place. Please, by all means keep calling for gun control and we will see whatever remaining Democrat seats there are left lost to pro-gun Republicans in 2018.

The issue of gun control, in this humble authors opinion, shows the true nature of the Democrat party. They claim to be for human rights and dignity but fail to understand that a human being has nothing if not the absolute right to self preservation in the face of danger. How can an individual maintain dignity when forced into a helpless situation where the right to defend his or her own life has been taken away by others seeking political gain? Call your congressman and senators and ask them this question. Furthermore, to suffer helplessly at the hands of criminals who never have any intention of complying with society's laws is just a slap in the face by those who look down on us from their positions of power. Positions of power mind you which were created to preserve the people's liberty. The truth is that Democrats don't care about individual liberty or human dignity. They are collectivists and as such they see us as nothing but useful tools that can be played at will to accomplish a political objective. Sadly, their political objectives would see the masses psychologically subdued and chained to an ideology that has done nothing but wreak havoc and human misery since its inception. The fact that younger Americans are viewing socialism/communism as legitimate alternatives to our capitalist society is indicative of the fact that we are on the verge of witnessing more political violence. Blacks on college campuses are demanding segregation, college professors are calling for Republicans to be lined up and shot and there is even one student group who demanded Republicans be beheaded because they believe we want to take everyone's health care.

Things will likely get far worse before they get any better. Democrats will continue to blame Republican gun ownership for violence committed by Democrats while still pursuing an agenda we all know is based on lies. They will continue to tell their followers that they are oppressed victims while encouraging them to revolt in the name of pursuing a better world. The question remains however, whether or not an agenda based on lies can lead to a better world at all. So far the evidence says otherwise.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Conservatives Aid in the Left's Agenda by Reacting To It

Kathy Griffin is now blaming Donald Trump and his family for the potential loss of her career. Like a typical liberal she is taking no responsibility for her actions and redirecting the consequences of her rude and crude behavior onto others. She is doing what the left does best, playing the victim of an oppressive intolerant society who doesn't allow for dissenting view points. Of course, we all know this is a bunch of baloney; however, by reacting to it at all we are allowing the left to win the battle in the ever going war against free speech and in some ways, we are accelerating their victory.

We are not dealing with rational people here. The left does not share the same moral base as those on the right. To them there simply is no right or wrong and because of this, there is no shame in anything they do. If you remember, Saul Alinsky taught his followers that believing in principles was for the weak hearted and an unwillingness to corrupt themselves for the greater good meant they didn't care about their cause. To be specific he said the following-

"In action one does not always enjoy the luxury of a decision that is consistent with both one's individual conscience and the good of mankind. The choice must always be for the latter. Action is for mass salvation and not for the individual's personal salvation. He who sacrifices the mass good for his personal conscience has a peculiar conception of personal salvation; he doesn't care enough for the people to be corrupted for them." (Saul Alinsky, Rules For Radicals.)

In other words, Kathy Griffin and others on the left do not care that they are hypocrites. They have a specific goal in mind that furthers their agenda and that goal is the destruction of free speech and in general, conservatism. Of course, people will be asking how Griffin's photo of Trump's decapitated head would aid in the destruction of free speech. After all, her ability to pose with such a photo is the epitome of what the First Amendment stands for. The protection of speech that others find offensive. Isn't it? While the left is on a rampage across the nation against speech they find offensive, our rallying call has been defending the First Amendment because it protects speech others find offensive. The First Amendment was meant to protect free, political speech that could be used to hold government accountable in order to preserve the people's liberty. Conservatives typically defend free speech fervently, even when they know the speech is being used to discredit America. In this case however, they have conservatives demanding that Griffin be boycotted, arrested, and fired because her photo was so offensive. In other words, they have turned many on the right into complete hypocrites who can't live up to the values they allegedly espouse to. The First Amendment doesn't just protect speech that liberals find offensive, it protects everyone's speech.

This is a deliberate tactic of the Alinsky left and it kills us every time. The following is the fourth rule of tactics in Rules For Radicals.

"Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity." (Saul Alinsky, Rules For Radicals.)

Many people fail to realize that the left gets away with what they do because many of their actions are designed to do exactly this, use our values and rules against us. It is very easy to label the right as hypocrites and extremists when we are always crying for free speech then demand the boycotting of someone because they do something we find offensive. All that does is aid the left's agenda of proving a concept like free speech isn't constructive. You can't label the left as hypocrites because they have no shame in what they do and they don't claim to have values in the same manner that those on the right do. As suggested in the first quote in this article, they are willing to fall to any level if they believe their actions will advance the agenda of destroying conservatism.

Many people probably believe what Kathy Griffin did was so over the top and offensive that it should be viewed as a threat to the president. While it was vile and telling of her character she didn't do anything illegal. All throughout the previous administration pictures of Obama hanging for treason were regularly shared by conservative groups on Facebook pages. How is this any different? Like so many other instances our reaction tells people that this isn't ok because it is being done to our guy this time, allowing the left to not only label us as hypocrites but play the phony victim game as well.

The worst thing we as conservatives can do is give this any credibility by reacting to it. Let them show their vile disgusting selves and the self evident truth of who they are and what their agenda is will be revealed. These people can take any reaction and use it to their advantage. By reacting to their antics we are giving them the opportunity to keep the pressure on and force us in a reactionary mode when what we should be doing is letting them show us who they really are.

Analyzing the Attempts to Normalize Pedophilia.

  December 18, 2023   by  David Risselada Sometimes I find myself at a loss. The past few years have been quite an experience for me as I ha...