Here we are at the end of 2017. A year better forgotten than remembered with the horrible mass shootings, destructive hurricanes, NFL activism and a fake witch hunt against a duly elected president who for all intents and purposes, seems to be doing what is in the nation's best interest.
The fight for social change raged on as feminists and race baiters continued to insist they live in a system of oppression, dominated by a white male patriarchy who benefits from unearned privileges in a society plagued by inequality. To them, America represents an old, antiquated system designed to benefit only the rich while keeping minorities down.
There is a hardly a refuge where this divisive message of social justice can be avoided as nearly every aspect of our culture has been infiltrated by the so called Social Justice Warrior, AKA, communist dingaling. Indoctrinated snowflakes seeking ways to influence the gullible into viewing Communism in a favorable light, who believe America must be rebuilt in a socialist image to ensure fairness and total equality.
While many people typically seek out entertainment as a means of escaping the real world, it is now nearly impossible to go the movies, for example, without having this same message shoved in our face. Unfortunately, the much anticipated Star Wars Episode 8 represents the latest example. Since the release of The Force Awakens in 2015, which had subtle hints of a politically correct agenda but still a fun movie to watch, Star Wars fans, hardcore and casual alike, have been sitting on the edge of their seats awaiting the next chapter in this beloved saga. There was expectations that Rey had powerful parents, Snoke would have a backstory that tied in the other trilogies and that Luke would kick some serious dark side butt. Instead, we got a Rey that came from nowhere and a Luke Skywalker who was defeated, ashamed and useless to the story.
One of the over all message of the film, concerning the character Rey, was that families didn't matter and that anyone, no matter where they are from can turn out to be somebody special. This is a message that American's do not need forced upon them, we already know this. By the very virtue of living in America everyone here is blessed with the possibility of opportunity that many in the world will never know. Yet, the leftist attitude towards America is that we are an unfair nation that offers opportunity to white males only, while insisting that everyone from the across the globe be allowed free access for a chance at a better life. Could it be any more contradictory?
It was almost as if Rian Johnson, liberal ding dong extraordinaire, was deliberately flipping Star Wars fans the bird as he knew we had high expectations for Rey's lineage. It was as if he believed that Star Wars itself, a story about the Skywalker family, represented the patriarchy where only the male Skywalker's held any special significance. This is of course a ridiculous assertion as powerful force users existed before the Skywalker's, some of which were female by the way. Rey, who many are referring to as a Mary Sue was able to do everything effortlessly with no training whatsoever and she made Luke Skywalker look foolish and cowardly.
If Rey's lineage represents the idea that families aren't important what message are they sending about Luke and his attitude towards the failed Jedi Order?
In the film Luke goes on a rant about the failure of the old Jedi Order and how the Jedi need to die in order to set things right. The old Jedi Order represents everything the liberals believe to be wrong with America. This idea is reinforced with Kylo Ren's line "Let the past die, kill it if you have to." The overall message of the film is that it is time to let the old antiquated America die and rebuild it in a collective/socialist fashion. Again, this is reinforced by Kylo Ren commenting on how he intends to burn it all down.
Furthermore, the feminization of Luke Skywalker represents the death of the ever so feared "TOXIC MASCULINTY" that the liberals are now pushing on every male living in the United States. The fact that Finn, a prominent African American character in The Force Awakens was reduced to a blithering idiot in this film shows that no male is safe from this full frontal assault against testosterone. Being black alone is no longer a redeemable quality to the social justice snowflakes. You must now be willing to submit yourself to the feminist mantra of ridding yourself of all that is masculine.
Poe Dameron is another example. In The Force Awakens there was potential to build him into a cool character that people may have been interested in. Instead, a feminist woman with purple hair, who proved to play no significant role whatsoever, except for the fact that she, instead of a male, sacrificed herself to save the resistance, belittled him with an overbearing hateful attitude towards men that was way too obvious. As if Princess Leia, in the original trilogy, was reduced to nothing and constantly humiliated by the men in the movies. On the contrary, she was portrayed as a strong, independent woman. Therein lies the real problem. Feminism doesn't really portray a movement for equality, it represents a movement to destroy manhood altogether and seat feminist woman in her duly deserved seat of power.
There are many other aspects of this movie such as hints towards animal rights activism and the evil rich oppressing the poor and down trodden that have turned it into nothing but leftist garbage.
Needless to say, the eighth installment of what is arguably the most popular space saga ever has left many die hard fans upset to the point that there is little anticipation towards the release of Episode 9. It was almost as if the movie was deliberately made to cause the type of controversy and divide that it has in order to discredit the fans that love the saga. After all, the original trilogy, according to Brian D. Buckley, is altogether sexist. So this trilogy is political revenge and social justice of the highest order. An opportunity for the left to take our male privilege and toxic masculinity and shove it down our throats with girl power.
Furthermore, any opposition to the film on the pretense that it destroyed Luke Skywalker as a character, and the fact that it portrays all men as idiots will be shouted down by the left as also being anti-woman and misogynist.
So Hollywood has once again been used as a means for pushing cultural change and political agendas instead of realizing their rightful place as entertainers and nothing more. If they keep it up they may find themselves with empty theater seats just as the NFL has empty stadium seats.
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Don't Celebrate H.R. 38 Just Yet
On Wednesday, December 6, 2017, The U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 38, The National Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act. This is considered a huge win for gun owners as state conceal carry permits will be legally recognized and honored in all fifty states. As it stands now there are several states that do not observe other conceal carry permits which makes traveling risky if one doesn't know the laws. There would certainly be advantages of having a national concealed carry law; however, there may be disadvantages as well. For instance, the government may have just opened the door to putting themselves in charge of issuing concealed carry permits. Which would entail more licensing fees and unneeded bureaucratic processes. After all, the people celebrating the passing of this law often cite the Second Amendment as the only gun law needed. Putting conceal carry at the national level is a far cry from the much demanded Constitutional Carry which would be more in line with the Constitution itself.
Celebrating the passage of H.R. 38 may be short lived. Congressman Thomas Massie (R) Kentucky has posted several warnings about the intents of Congress to deceive you. Massie warned that H.R. 38 would be coupled, in the house, with H.R. 4477, which if passed into law, would empower the federal bureaucracies to add more names to NICS background check system based on the criteria found in U.S. Code Title 18, section 922. Massie warns that H.R. 38 would likely be stripped in the senate and that H.R. 4477 would be all we are left with. This is absent any amendments that may make their way into the Feinstein/Schumer sponsored bill.
After reviewing this bill, this author found that there is no contradictions with existing federal law. In other words, this bill does not create a new list of new prohibited persons, rather it forces these agencies to comply with existing law. This is still a problem. According to federal law, Title 18, section 922, a person who has been adjudicated mentally defective, or incompetent is considered a prohibited person. The key word being adjudicated. Federal bureaucracies such as the Veterans Administration and the Social Security Administration have taken it upon themselves to label people incompetent without their constitutionally protected right of due process. In other words, if you have had a beneficiary assigned to handle your finances because of a little stress or other issue, you are labeled incompetent, and an unelected bureaucrat now has the power to adjudicate your rights away. This is not due process. As a result of these bogus practices thousands of veterans who have served their country honorably have been stripped of their gun rights by the same people who voted to send them to war. The whole nation should be outraged by this. Prohibiting people who need a little help getting their affairs in order does not and will not prevent people intent on committing murder from doing so.
Interestingly enough, the text of H.R. 4477 cites it's constitutional authority as being Article 1, Section 8 clauses four and eighteen.
Clause four has to do with naturalization and bankruptcies. What does that have to do with restricting gun rights? Nothing. The following is the text of Article 1, section 8, clause four.
To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;
Article 1, section 8, clause eighteen is as follows-
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
Passing laws, or empowering bureaucracies to strip the rights of law abiding citizens is hardly necessary or pursuant to the powers vested to the government in our constitution. Article 6, clause two of the constitution, known as the supremacy clause, specifically states that the Constitution and the laws made in its pursuance, are the supreme laws of the land. To cite this clause as constitutional authority to restrict someone's rights without due process is the epitome of unconstitutional.
Article 6, clause two-
This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.
To be in compliance with Article 1, section 8 then would mean stripping all laws that restrict anyone's rights without due process, period. Our congressman and women, many of whom voted to send our troops to war, should be fighting to ensure their rights are restored, not restricted based on nonsensical criteria put out by biased agency directors. They should be fighting to enforce laws that limit the criminals ability to harm law-abiding citizens. Instead, their feel good solutions empower those with no intention to follow the law and only disarm those inclined to follow it. Taking guns away from good men who admit to needing a little help will not stop anyone from obtaining a gun illegally and using it to commit murder. On the contrary, it may prevent people in need of help from seeking it due to a fear of losing their rights.
Celebrating the passage of H.R. 38 may be short lived. Congressman Thomas Massie (R) Kentucky has posted several warnings about the intents of Congress to deceive you. Massie warned that H.R. 38 would be coupled, in the house, with H.R. 4477, which if passed into law, would empower the federal bureaucracies to add more names to NICS background check system based on the criteria found in U.S. Code Title 18, section 922. Massie warns that H.R. 38 would likely be stripped in the senate and that H.R. 4477 would be all we are left with. This is absent any amendments that may make their way into the Feinstein/Schumer sponsored bill.
After reviewing this bill, this author found that there is no contradictions with existing federal law. In other words, this bill does not create a new list of new prohibited persons, rather it forces these agencies to comply with existing law. This is still a problem. According to federal law, Title 18, section 922, a person who has been adjudicated mentally defective, or incompetent is considered a prohibited person. The key word being adjudicated. Federal bureaucracies such as the Veterans Administration and the Social Security Administration have taken it upon themselves to label people incompetent without their constitutionally protected right of due process. In other words, if you have had a beneficiary assigned to handle your finances because of a little stress or other issue, you are labeled incompetent, and an unelected bureaucrat now has the power to adjudicate your rights away. This is not due process. As a result of these bogus practices thousands of veterans who have served their country honorably have been stripped of their gun rights by the same people who voted to send them to war. The whole nation should be outraged by this. Prohibiting people who need a little help getting their affairs in order does not and will not prevent people intent on committing murder from doing so.
Interestingly enough, the text of H.R. 4477 cites it's constitutional authority as being Article 1, Section 8 clauses four and eighteen.
Clause four has to do with naturalization and bankruptcies. What does that have to do with restricting gun rights? Nothing. The following is the text of Article 1, section 8, clause four.
To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;
Article 1, section 8, clause eighteen is as follows-
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
Passing laws, or empowering bureaucracies to strip the rights of law abiding citizens is hardly necessary or pursuant to the powers vested to the government in our constitution. Article 6, clause two of the constitution, known as the supremacy clause, specifically states that the Constitution and the laws made in its pursuance, are the supreme laws of the land. To cite this clause as constitutional authority to restrict someone's rights without due process is the epitome of unconstitutional.
Article 6, clause two-
This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.
To be in compliance with Article 1, section 8 then would mean stripping all laws that restrict anyone's rights without due process, period. Our congressman and women, many of whom voted to send our troops to war, should be fighting to ensure their rights are restored, not restricted based on nonsensical criteria put out by biased agency directors. They should be fighting to enforce laws that limit the criminals ability to harm law-abiding citizens. Instead, their feel good solutions empower those with no intention to follow the law and only disarm those inclined to follow it. Taking guns away from good men who admit to needing a little help will not stop anyone from obtaining a gun illegally and using it to commit murder. On the contrary, it may prevent people in need of help from seeking it due to a fear of losing their rights.
Friday, December 1, 2017
Psychopolitical Dupes: A Congress Compromised and The Real Russian Collusion
According to recent reports, Special Counsel Robert Mueller has brought charges against former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn for allegedly lying to the FBI concerning Russian meddling into the 2016 presidential election. It is also expected that Flynn will testify against President Trump, claiming that he was given specific orders to contact the Russians during the campaign. Contacting the Russians during a campaign is hardly an illegal activity. It has already been proven that Hillary Clinton had paid an oppositional research firm to produce the fake "dossier" that most of this bogus investigation is predicated upon. Despite this, the left is intent on burying Trump one way or the other and any information they can come up with to feed their rabid dogs is fair game.
Over the past few months some startling revelations have been made concerning just how corrupt Washington D.C. is. Hillary Clinton not only funded the fake dossier, she was directly involved in selling U.S. uranium reserves to the Russians, while Mueller was head of the FBI no less. Yet, our noble government continues to allow this sham against a duly elected president to continue unabated. The reason is becoming increasingly clear as news of sex scandals erupt in the halls of congress, our government has been compromised. Within the past couple of weeks several congressman and one senator, both Democrat and Republican have been exposed for sexual harassment and using tax payer money to silence their victims. Given the fact that Representative John Conyers' lawyer is threatening to expose more elected officials for the same lewd behavior, there is a high likelihood that the governments silence against the Clinton/Mueller corruption is due to blackmail. Has our congress become nothing more than a body of psychopolitical dupes who are being controlled through the use of sex?
The amount of promiscuity which can be induced in mental patients can work definitely to the advantage of the pyschopolitical recruiting agent. The Dupe can thus be induced into many lurid sexual contacts, and these, properly witnessed, can thereafter be used as blackmail material to assist any failure of pain drug hypnosis in causing him to execute orders. Laventri Beria- Textbook of Psychopolitics
The communists were famous for creating controlled opposition groups. Is it so hard to believe that people could be paid to be provocative in order to draw unwanted sexual advances which would later be used to blackmail someone?
The idea that Donald Trump colluded with the Russians is laughable, at best. The Russian influence in our country is certainly real; however the Russians would be more interested in seeing a far left party come to power as left wing ideology is more in line with communist objectives. Many people believe that Russia is no longer a communist nation and that they have abandoned their old totalitarian ways with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Berlin wall. This is indicative of the great success of their long term strategy of deception aimed at disarming the west and putting a more friendly face on communism. Through misinformation and outright lies, Russian agents deceived the world into believing that communism was dead and no longer a threat in order to ease fears in the west of any communist conspiracy.
Former KGB agent Anatoly Golitsyn wrote in his book New Lies For Old that communists, in an effort to achieve global communism, were willing to use any deceptive means necessary, even creating the illusion that communism itself was dead. This was called the "Weakness and Evolution Pattern" and it was employed with the intent of understating communist strength and intent.
Over the past few months some startling revelations have been made concerning just how corrupt Washington D.C. is. Hillary Clinton not only funded the fake dossier, she was directly involved in selling U.S. uranium reserves to the Russians, while Mueller was head of the FBI no less. Yet, our noble government continues to allow this sham against a duly elected president to continue unabated. The reason is becoming increasingly clear as news of sex scandals erupt in the halls of congress, our government has been compromised. Within the past couple of weeks several congressman and one senator, both Democrat and Republican have been exposed for sexual harassment and using tax payer money to silence their victims. Given the fact that Representative John Conyers' lawyer is threatening to expose more elected officials for the same lewd behavior, there is a high likelihood that the governments silence against the Clinton/Mueller corruption is due to blackmail. Has our congress become nothing more than a body of psychopolitical dupes who are being controlled through the use of sex?
The amount of promiscuity which can be induced in mental patients can work definitely to the advantage of the pyschopolitical recruiting agent. The Dupe can thus be induced into many lurid sexual contacts, and these, properly witnessed, can thereafter be used as blackmail material to assist any failure of pain drug hypnosis in causing him to execute orders. Laventri Beria- Textbook of Psychopolitics
The communists were famous for creating controlled opposition groups. Is it so hard to believe that people could be paid to be provocative in order to draw unwanted sexual advances which would later be used to blackmail someone?
The idea that Donald Trump colluded with the Russians is laughable, at best. The Russian influence in our country is certainly real; however the Russians would be more interested in seeing a far left party come to power as left wing ideology is more in line with communist objectives. Many people believe that Russia is no longer a communist nation and that they have abandoned their old totalitarian ways with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Berlin wall. This is indicative of the great success of their long term strategy of deception aimed at disarming the west and putting a more friendly face on communism. Through misinformation and outright lies, Russian agents deceived the world into believing that communism was dead and no longer a threat in order to ease fears in the west of any communist conspiracy.
Former KGB agent Anatoly Golitsyn wrote in his book New Lies For Old that communists, in an effort to achieve global communism, were willing to use any deceptive means necessary, even creating the illusion that communism itself was dead. This was called the "Weakness and Evolution Pattern" and it was employed with the intent of understating communist strength and intent.
"The pattern of disinformation used during the implementation of a
long-range policy may be called the "weakness and evolution" pattern,
or the pattern of "calculated ideological moderation." Its aim is to
calm the fears of the adversaries of international communism by
understating real communist strength and to confound the policies of
those adversaries by masking the realities of communist policy.
When following this pattern, therefore, disinformation reflects real
or imaginary weaknesses, splits, and crises in the communist world
and projects an image of evolution away from an ideological toward a
conventional, national system. The intention is that the nations of the
noncommunist world, accepting the alleged disunity and evolution of
the communist world as genuine, will fail to respond effectively to
communist offensive strategy and, in their confusion, will be induced
to make practical miscalculations and mistakes in their dealings with
the communist world. The major role of disinformation in the
weakness and evolution pattern is to conceal and misrepresent
long-range policy may be called the "weakness and evolution" pattern,
or the pattern of "calculated ideological moderation." Its aim is to
calm the fears of the adversaries of international communism by
understating real communist strength and to confound the policies of
those adversaries by masking the realities of communist policy.
When following this pattern, therefore, disinformation reflects real
or imaginary weaknesses, splits, and crises in the communist world
and projects an image of evolution away from an ideological toward a
conventional, national system. The intention is that the nations of the
noncommunist world, accepting the alleged disunity and evolution of
the communist world as genuine, will fail to respond effectively to
communist offensive strategy and, in their confusion, will be induced
to make practical miscalculations and mistakes in their dealings with
the communist world. The major role of disinformation in the
weakness and evolution pattern is to conceal and misrepresent
the real nature, objectives, tactics, and techniques of communist policy." (Golitsyn, New Lies For Old)
Further more, in Golitsyn's book, The Perestroika Deception, it is clear that any meddling in the United States political process was designed to weaken the influence of the political right and ensure that radical left wing candidates won elections. Particularly, one presidential election in 1992.
"To neutralise the influence of the anti-Communist political right in the
American political parties and to create favourable conditions for a victory of the rad-
ical left in the 1992 US presidential elections." Anotoly Golitsyn-The Perestroika Deception
Wouldn't this mean that the Clintons, whom have already been shown to be corrupt and working with the Russians, were the ones who colluded with them in a presidential campaign?
According to Golitsyn, who was a former KGB agent, the entire objective of the Soviets long term strategy, known as Perestroika, or restructuring, was weakening the United States militarily and politically while eliminating any anti-communist opposition from the conservative right. Anyone warning of a communist threat was thoroughly ridiculed and discredited as someone standing as an obstacle to world peace. The United States is presented as a war mongering, imperialistic power whose nations founding was based on racism while the communists, in an effort to hide their past, presented their ideology as one of concern for humanity, fairness and total equality. This made it nearly impossible for American's to confidently identify the threat without fear of humiliation.
The paramount global objective of the strategy of 'perestroika' is to weaken and
neutralize anti-Communist ideology and the influence of anti-Communists in political
life in the United States, Western Europe and elsewhere - presenting them as
anachronistic survivors of the Cold War, reactionaries and obstacles to 'restructuring'
and peace. Anyone who warns about Moscow's true objectives is automatically
branded a 'Cold Warrior', even by people who have doubts about Moscow's motives. Anotoly Golitsyn-The Perestroika Deception
This deceptive strategy goes a long way in describing what has happened in our country. It is a strategy in full employ as anyone opposing the liberal, Democrat agenda is destroyed, or perhaps lured into unethical behavior in an effort to silence them or get them to go along with their objectives. Our elected officials sit in silence as a dog and pony show aimed at ousting a legitimately elected president continues and the best anyone can tell, based on recent developments, is that they are afraid their own demons and corruption will be revealed.
American political parties and to create favourable conditions for a victory of the rad-
ical left in the 1992 US presidential elections." Anotoly Golitsyn-The Perestroika Deception
Wouldn't this mean that the Clintons, whom have already been shown to be corrupt and working with the Russians, were the ones who colluded with them in a presidential campaign?
According to Golitsyn, who was a former KGB agent, the entire objective of the Soviets long term strategy, known as Perestroika, or restructuring, was weakening the United States militarily and politically while eliminating any anti-communist opposition from the conservative right. Anyone warning of a communist threat was thoroughly ridiculed and discredited as someone standing as an obstacle to world peace. The United States is presented as a war mongering, imperialistic power whose nations founding was based on racism while the communists, in an effort to hide their past, presented their ideology as one of concern for humanity, fairness and total equality. This made it nearly impossible for American's to confidently identify the threat without fear of humiliation.
The paramount global objective of the strategy of 'perestroika' is to weaken and
neutralize anti-Communist ideology and the influence of anti-Communists in political
life in the United States, Western Europe and elsewhere - presenting them as
anachronistic survivors of the Cold War, reactionaries and obstacles to 'restructuring'
and peace. Anyone who warns about Moscow's true objectives is automatically
branded a 'Cold Warrior', even by people who have doubts about Moscow's motives. Anotoly Golitsyn-The Perestroika Deception
This deceptive strategy goes a long way in describing what has happened in our country. It is a strategy in full employ as anyone opposing the liberal, Democrat agenda is destroyed, or perhaps lured into unethical behavior in an effort to silence them or get them to go along with their objectives. Our elected officials sit in silence as a dog and pony show aimed at ousting a legitimately elected president continues and the best anyone can tell, based on recent developments, is that they are afraid their own demons and corruption will be revealed.
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