Sunday, September 30, 2018

Communisms Deceptive Strategy

Last week Americans witnessed first hand just how despicable our government really is. Unfortunately, many millions of Americans still fall for the fake right vs. left paradigm that keeps us ideologically rooted in our perspective camps. We are supposed to believe that our chosen political parties are fighting the good fight to either restore our traditional American values, or instill a new social justice to right misperceived wrongs of the past. Unbeknownst to most of us however is the darker truth that both parties are working hand in hand to achieve an objective, and that is the growing of government power. In order to achieve this objective they need to keep us ignorant and most importantly, eager to vote.
Currently, we are supposed to be following along and outraged because we believe that Judge Kavanaugh is a terrible human being who gang rapes women, or because he is an honorable constitutional judge that the left is trying desperately to keep off the court. What most people don't realize, or take the time
to research for themselves for that matter, is that Judge Kavanaugh is just another statist judge who will go along to get along. That is the truth they are trying to hide from you. Judge Kavanaugh helped write the Patriot Act, and views the illegal NSA spying of American citizens as being consistent with the
Fourth Amendment. His reasoning for this is that searching phone records of Americans is not considered unreasonable because Americans have surrendered their information to a third party when purchasing a service. This is known as the third party doctrine. He also believes that the heightened need for tighter national security constitutes this illegal spying as reasonable. Of course, he helped write the Patriot
Act. The left has organized hoards of angry feminists to protest Kavanaugh because they believe he will fight to over turn Roe V. Wade. This doesn't make any sense because Kavanaugh told Senator Collins, in a
private meeting, that he considers Roe V. Wade to be settled law. Ironically, he told Chuck Schumer the same thing in his confirmation hearings for the D.C. court of appeals. Of course we all know that the opposition to Kavanaugh is bought and paid for anyway; however, many people fail to consider the
possibility that the whole thing is just a ruse to give the illusion of conflict. One more thing to consider about last weeks staged drama is the fact while it was all happening
President Trump signed another huge spending bill to the tune of eight hundred fifty four billion dollars to stop a government shut down. This of course was done with no press present. Trump had previously suggested that he would let government shutdown to get the funding for the wall but the Republicans
pushed him into signing the bill. Yeah right, so much for four dimensional chess. Where is that money coming from? If the economy is doing so good why are we still borrowing money to run government? What President Trump and the Republicans in congress fail to realize is that their base don't care if
government shuts down. If we can't afford to run our house we go with go without. Why do we have to pick up the tab for their irresponsibility? What is really happening in our country? False accusations of Russian collusion, false allegations of
sexual harassment. A media that works feverishly to stir up anger and keep us divided. Constant
indebtedness and constant assaults against our constitutionally protected inalienable liberties. All of this has America on the verge of madness, by design. The truth is that we are in the final stages of a grand
strategy of misinformation designed to realign global politics into a one world communist government. Unfortunately, this idea, along with the evidence that supports it has been so thoroughly discredited
that nobody believes it. People that suggest this as a possibility are often mocked and ridiculed by
people that believe what they are being spoon fed on a daily basis. Ironically, they are unable to come
up with any answers of their own. They just believe for example that Trump is draining the swamp
despite the fact that he just signed this huge spending bill, or despite his education secretary signing us onto the UN sustainable development education plan. Conversely, liberals believe hands down that
Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election and that Kavanaugh is a serial rapist who cant be let onto a basketball court with children. Both presumptions are equally ridiculous. None of it is true, it is all a theatrical production put on by people who have thoroughly studied and mastered human
behavior and psychological manipulation of the mind. And we just follow along. What is true is that the Soviet Union, in an attempt to defeat the west and create a global communist
government, embarked on a strategy of misinformation designed to lull the west into believing that they had abandoned communism and were reforming their governments to be more favorable to democracy. People like Joseph McCarthy worked to warn us about Soviet spies in our government but he was
discredited and mocked, which made his evidence unbelievable to the masses. In the book New Lies For Old, Anatoliy Golitsyn describes this strategy as a process of convincing the west that the old communist powers had seen the failures in their systems. "The Communist strategists are now poised to enter into the
final, offensive phase of the long-range policy, entailing a joint struggle for the com-
plete triumph of Communism. Given the multiplicity of parties in power, the close
links between them, and the opportunities they have had to broaden their bases and
build up experienced cadres, the Communist strategists are equipped, in pursuing
their policy, to engage in maneuvers and stratagems beyond the imagination of
Marx or the practical reach of Lenin and unthinkable to Stalin. Among such... strata-
gems are the introduction of false liberalization in Eastern Europe and, probably, in
the Soviet Union and the exhibition of spurious independence on the part of the
regimes in Romania, Czechoslovakia and Poland". (Golitsyn, New Lies For Old)
Golitsyn, like so many other others have also done, warns that the United States and another western
countries are not prepared to deal with the type of deception the communists are willing to deploy
against them. "First, the democracies of the United States and Western Europe are facing a
dangerous situation and are vulnerable because their governments, the Vatican, the
elite, the media, the industrialists, the financiers, the trade unions and, most impor-
tant, the general public are blind to the dangers of the strategy of 'perestroika' and
have failed to perceive the deployment of the Communist political potential of the
renewed 'democratic' regimes against the West. The democracies could perish
unless they are informed about the aggressive design of 'perestroika' against them.

Secondly, I could not imagine that American policymakers, and particularly
the conservatives in both the Republican and Democratic parties, despite their long
experience with Communist treachery, would not be able to grasp the new maneu-
vers of the Communist strategists and would rush to commit the West to helping
'perestroika' which is so contrary to their interests." (Golitsyn, New Lies For Old) Again, this deception was that the communists were reforming their governments or "liberalizing and
restructuring" to be more favorable to freedom. The lengths that they are willing to go are astonishing. The majority of Americans for example, believe that Ronald Reagan defeated the Soviet Union and
that this led to the fall of the Berlin Wall. This was actually predicted by Golitsyn as part of a campaign to liberalize eastern Europe from Soviet control. "Liberalization" in Eastern Europe would probably involve the return to
power in Czechoslovakia of Dubcek and his associates. If it should be extended to
East Germany, demolition of the Berlin Wall might even be contemplated...

Western acceptance of the new "liberalization" as genuine would create
favorable conditions for the fulfilment of Communist strategy for the United States,
Western Europe, and even, perhaps, Japan... Euro-Communism could be revived.
The pressure for united fronts between Communist and socialist parties and trade
unions at national and international level would be intensified." (Golitsyn, New Lies For Old)
Think of the psychological impact of this for a moment. If the fall of the Berlin Wall was actually an orchestrated event to give the illusion of Communist defeat, and it was parroted over and over again that Reagan had defeated them, the idea that it was all just a conspiracy would never be taken seriously
because the belief would have been cemented in the psyche of the American people. If you were to tell Americans, for example, that Reagan actually signed education agreements with the Soviet Union to
laugh at you because, well because Reagan defeated the Soviet Union you see. If Reagan defeated
communism than why do we have a bunch of leftists running our government? If Reagan defeated
communism, and didn't sign these educational agreements then why do we have universities pushing
out brainwashed imbeciles who know nothing of their culture and beg for socialism? These are examples of questions that people can't answer, if they even accept them as legitimate questions in the first
place. In a report entitled "The Communist Peace Offensive" former Republican advisor to the State
Department John Foster Dulles gave the following testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee in July of 1950. "It is my opinion that the leaders of communism are, before ventur-
ing an open war, trying to create a public opinion of the world to believe that they
are the nations that stand for peace and that we are the Nation that stands for
war, and they have made very good progress in doing that."

They know that everybody wants peace, and if they can pose as the lovers of
peace, then, perhaps they can risk war."
(John Foster Dulles, July 5, 1950) Is this not what we are seeing everyday? The constant discrediting of America as an imperialistic,
warmongering nation that oppresses people and steals their natural resources? Is it a coincidence then
that strategies similar to this are found in a book called the Naked Communist on a list of forty-five
declared goals of the Communist Party? This is another piece of evidence that has long been discredited by the mocking of Joseph McCarthy however, if you study the list for yourself you can see that much of it has already been accomplished! Below are some of the most obvious ones that most people would
probably be able to recognize. 15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the U.S. 16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions, by claiming their activities violate civil rights. 19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations that are under Communist attack. 20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making
positions.  21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV & motion pictures.  22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all form of artistic expression. An
American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings,"
substituting shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms. 25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV. 26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural and healthy." And Finally 29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old fashioned, out of step with
modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.  30. Discredit the American founding fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no
concern for the "common man." If anything, this article has at least attempted to open your mind to the possibility that there may be
more going on behind the scenes than you realize. If the communists are willing to create the illusion
that they were defeated with the fall of the Berlin Wall, as has been suggested is the case by Golitsyn,
then what else are they willing to do to fulfill their goal of global conquest? Was the ridiculous display
in the senate last week really a fierce battle for the confirmation of a constitutional Supreme Court
Justice or was it two political parties working together to deceive you into believing that's what it was? Or, was it a spectacle simply put on to distract us from other things we don't know about? Only time
will tell. One things is for certain however, as the midterms approach you can expect things to become more heated and more out of control.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Conservatives Non-Challenging Attitude Toward Change

America truly has lost her way. Founded as a nation where the individual citizen was sovereign and the maintaining of liberty was a responsibility understood by all, we have transgressed into a country where we sit on the edges of our seats waiting for government to save us from ourselves. Government has become the central focus of our lives as conservatives wait for Trump to "make America great again" and liberals wait for the democrats to create utopia. This was not the original intent of government when our nation was created. Government was recognized by the founders as a necessary evil and worked to give us a nation where the powers of government were few and limited in their scope. Our bill of rights explicitly states in the tenth amendment that all powers not delegated to the federal government are reserved to the states or the people. America was founded as a nation where the people had the freedom to govern their own lives and the government had no power to tell them how to live. Yet, here we are after more than a century of progressivism and government controlled education waiting for the government to fix all of our problems.

Day after day the powers that be beat us down with a false narrative designed to keep us ideologically rooted in our perspective train of thought. Conservatives believe whole heartedly that Donald Trump is the savior of America and that he is working diligently to drain the swamp. Liberals believe that Trump colluded with the Russians and stole the election from Hillary. Both positions are ridiculous. In all truth the real reason Donald Trump won was because he wasn't Hillary Clinton. That is how our choices are controlled. After eight years of Obama there was literally no way Americans were going to vote for Clinton so Donald Trump became the acceptable choice.

"There's another reason for working within the system. Dostoevsky said that taking a new step is what people fear most. Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and chance the future. This acceptance is the reformation essential to any revolution." (Alinsky, Rules for Radicals.)

Has the election of Donald Trump and the belief in "MAGA" brought the conservative electorate to a passive, non-challenging attitude toward everything he does? It would seem so. It would seem that the prospects of a Hillary presidency were enough to get Americans to accept Trumps agenda even though much of it is the same. Since Trump has taken office he has signed a budget deal with the two Democrats that would be considered the worse he could have possibly dealt with, Schumer and Pelosi. American conservatives should have been outraged at this because not only is it the largest spending increase in our history, it continues to fund liberal agenda items like Obamacare and Planned Parenthood. He has encouraged the confiscation of firearms without due process by suggesting states take it upon themselves to pass "red flag gun laws." He convinces his base however that he is pro-gun by arguing for armed teachers to prevent school shootings. Do you really want armed government agents controlling your children? He has recently committed our troops to an indefinite presence in Syria which is just more of the same unending war against terror doctrine initiated after the September 11th attacks and, despite his rhetoric about putting America first, Trumps education Secretary Betsy Devos has just signed onto the United Nations education agenda.  Conservatives will likely look at this move and claim that Trump is playing four dimensional chess with the United Nations or worse yet, assume he doesn't even know what his own administration is up to. This is a foolish assumption as earlier in the year President Trump proposed, despite promising to eliminate the Department of Education, to merge it with the Department of Labor which would be right in line with the UN agenda. It should also be remembered that Devos has also publicly stated that she believes U.S. education should be more like Europe's.

Ironically, Europes education has been under U.N. control for some time and revolves around the idea of creating a "sustainable workforce" to combat global warming. In other words, the agenda revolves around indoctrinating our children into the belief that humans are ruining the planet and only surrendering our rights to government can solve the problem.

To say our education should be more like Europe's is troubling coming from a conservative administration. Education under the U.N. charter is considered a fundamental human right. This of course is absurd, education can not be a human right because it involves someone else's labor, time and resources to provide it. Nevertheless, in Germany a family had their children seized by the government because they were homeschooling. This was seen as a violation of the children's rights to a public education. Furthermore, it is believed that the parents influence upon the child are often oppressive in the sense that parents push their outdated, religious values on their children and these values may contradict the state.

"German law states children must attend school from age six to 18. Homeschooling is not permissible. Two German Supreme Court rulings on the subject have given the state equal authority as parents over children’s education. The law is meant to ensure children receive the appropriate socialization, Donnelly said."  (Olmstead, The American Conservative)

Writing for the Journal of the Scientific Study of Religion in their paper entitled “TheEffects of Parents’ Fundamentalism on Children’s Educational Attainment:Examining Differences by Gender and Children’s Fundamentalism,”  Darren Sherkat and Alfred Darnell claim that children of Christian fundamentalists often suffer from social pressures against secular education. They also claim that children in fundamentalist families suffer from limited options in education due to fearing a lack of support from parents. They also claim that the contradictions created by the “creation myth” as opposed to the scientific facts presented in secular education contribute to this, suppression of children. They write-

"Conservative Protestants have long been concerned about the focus and desirability of secular education. Evolutionary theories of human and animal origins are clearly oppositional to the literal interpretation of the creation myth preferred by fundamentalists, and controversies over Darwin’s theory of evolution are ubiquitous. Many conservative Christians are averse to the scientific method which seeks to discover facts rather than proclaiming “The Truth.” Scientific findings often seem to promote alternatives, or are questioning of, claims made in the Bible."

There is a great deal more that could be said about the educational agenda however it is up to the American people to do their own research. Americans should be outraged that Betsy Devos is signing on the UN education agenda but as long as they are glued to their television, or following Trumps tweets they are likely to believe that Trump is making America great again. It is because of an education system that has been controlled by the left for so long that Americans look to government to solve problems at all. Little by little we are now being indoctrinated to believe that only a world government can save us from problems like climate change, over population, gun violence and wealth inequality. Is it possible that President Trump will see what Devos has signed us onto and stop it? Sure, anything is possible but it isn't likely. Americans should be waking up to the fact that much of what they voted against by electing Trump is still little by little, marching on. 

Saturday, September 8, 2018

The Dialectical Theater of The Kavanaugh Confirmation

Psychopolitics: The art and science of making Democrats believe Trump colluded with the Russians while making Republicans believe he is draining the swamp. 

This past week America witnessed the true nature of the Democrat party. In opposition to the confirmation of Trump's SCOTUS pick, the radical left once again, threw a little hissy fit. In usual fashion, protestors who were willing to throw it all on the line to bring it all down were bussed in to Washington D.C. and ushered into the Capital building where the hearings were taking place. Leftists from all over the country did everything they could to disrupt the hearings because they believe Brett Kavanaugh is a threat to a woman's "right to choose." They're afraid that he will work to overturn Roe V. Wade. Ironically, conservatives believe the same thing because he is allegedly a staunch pro life judge and a strict constitutionalist. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to both sides of the aisle, they are being played and the whole emotional display put on by the Democrats was nothing but a staged side show designed to give the illusion of conflict. 

It turns out the Democrats had used the Labor Day weekend to plan the protests. This is no big surprise, the Democrats are willing to do anything to achieve their objective. Most Americans naively believe their objective is to stop this confirmation. Truthfully however, the staging of this protest was done to hide the fact that Brett Kavanaugh is just another big government shill who will uphold the status quo. The protests were part of a dialectical process that gives the illusion that conservatives are getting what they want when in reality, it is the left that is winning. 

According to ABC News, Kavanaugh, in a private meeting with Senator Susan Collins, a liberal posing as a Republican, told her that he believes Roe V. Wade is established law and that all cases pertaining to such should follow the precedent already set by the Supreme Court. Let this sink in for a moment. Before the hearings began Kavanaugh told Collins he has no intention of going against Roe V. Wade, yet he sat there and played his part perfectly while the left attempted to portray him as an anti-abortionist during the hearings. You see? This is all a show to cover up the fact that Kavanaugh is just another in a long line of statist judges who will uphold precedent instead of solid constitutional law. To further stress the point, in Kavanaugh's 2006 confirmation to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Kavanaugh confirmed to Chuck Schumer, yes the same Chuck Schumer who now pretends to vehemently oppose him, that he would follow Roe V. Wade faithfully because it was established law. 

What could prove to be even more disturbing is that Kavanaugh, again in private meetings with Senators, stated that he views the appointment of Special Council Robert Mueller as appropriate! This shows that the man is willing to say whatever it takes to ensure his confirmation to the Supreme Court. Furthermore, Kavanaugh also played a role in helping Justice Roberts find the Obamacare mandate to be constitutionalHe argued this position under the 1867 Anti-injunction Act which posited that a tax couldn’t be challenged in court until it has been paid. That is an interesting perspective to add to his consideration for the Supreme Court seeing as though he is being portrayed by the right as a constitutionalist.

America is at a real tipping point. Democrats believe that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election from Clinton. Conservatives believe that Trump is working diligently to drain the swamp. Somewhere in the middle is the truth that all of it is just staged side show designed to keep the masses from discovering that the agenda they voted against is still driving on. There is the legitimate question as to whether or not Trump knew what he was getting with Kavanaugh. Some who realize who Kavanaugh is are of the belief that Trump was tricked by bad advisors working for the so called swamp. That could be, however it should be noted that Trump himself was never known for being a staunch constitutionalist until he decided to run as a Republican. Even as President he has supported and encouraged the idea of Red Flag gun laws, he also worked with Pelosi and Schumer on a budget deal that put us further in debt and funded Planned Parenthood. He then stood in front of God and Country and promised to never do it again. He is also, against his campaign promises, threatening to get us more deeply involved in the Syrian war, which if you remember, Syria was part of the Project New American Century war doctrine that was launched immediately after the September 11 attacks. So, despite the belief that Trump is a conservative by those on the right, many aspects of the statist agenda that they voted against are still advancing. 

Americans need to stop following the carrots being dangled in their faces and take it upon themselves to do serious inquiries into what is going on. Too many Trump supporters are no different than Obama supporters. They believe everything he says and get caught up in the mellow dramatics of a conflict that is deliberately staged as left vs. right to keep them distracted and ideologically rooted in a controlled paradigm. It is okay to Support Trump if you are a conservative however, it is also okay to question him. 

Sunday, September 2, 2018

The Fallacy of Mental Illness and Red Flag Gun Laws

Once again American's are dealing with the after math of another shooting where the shooter, David Katz, was under the influence of powerful anti-psychotic drugs. It has become the common tale across the country as all mass shooters are discovered to have been prescribed these drugs. In this case, Katz has been dealing with issues concerning his mental health since the early 1990's, and despite being prescribed a variety of psychiatric medications, was able to legally purchase the weapons he used in the shooting. Federal law already dictates that if an individual had been adjudicated mentally deficient they are to be barred from gun ownership. Taking a psychiatric medication doesn't mean one is adjudicated by a court of law to be a mental defect, which explains why he was able to purchase the gun. On the other hand, if you're a veteran or a senior citizen and need a little help managing your finances, get ready to hand them over because you will be declared incompetent to handle your own affairs.

The issue of mental health is something that America needs to pay closer attention to, particularly the relationship between psychiatric care and gun rights. More and more we hear arguments about the need to deny an individual their constitutionally protected right of due process if they are known to suffer from some kind of mental illness, or have been deemed to be a "danger to themselves or others." The Trump administration has gone on record and encouraged states to pass what are becoming known as "red flag" gun laws which enable authorities to seize guns from such people before they can commit a crime. This may have gone unnoticed by the larger Trump fan base as he had backed off several other gun control proposals which infuriated the left. This of course, could be a dialectical process which gives Trump the appearance of being a gun rights supporter but needing to make a tough decision to do something about mass shootings and dangerous people obtaining firearms. 

Sorting it out, the president’s “gun plan” consists of assisting the states in providing training for school staff in the defensive use of firearms, $50 million a year in federal grants under his proposed STOP School Violence Act, pushing for a NICS “fix” that has gotten bogged down in Congress, approving the banning of so-called bump stocks that the Department of Justice had already announced, improvements to the FBI “tip line” following the apparent failure of that service to warn of the possible threat from the Florida shooter, and a commission to come up with additional suggestions over the next 12 months. In addition the president lent support for “red flag” laws by the states. (Adelmann, The New American)

Following Trumps lead, states have been passing these laws, which infringe upon due process rights at an alarming rate. Ironically, the state of Florida recently passed such laws and since that time they not only dealt with the shooting in Jacksonville, they had shootings at two separate high school events as well. Luckily at one of these events a man legally carrying was able to stop the shooting.

The larger point being that despite the misguided efforts to stop violent crime, red flag laws do nothing to stop murder and only work to disarm people inclined to follow the law.

Conservatives are too quick to jump on board the mental health bandwagon in an attempt to put the blame of mass shootings somewhere. The left blames all gun owners and indicates a willingness to disarm everyone of everything in order to solve the problem. The right, in a defensive reaction to this, is quick to go along with the mental health narrative without a real examination of what the real agenda may be. That real agenda is the use of mental health/mental illness as a tool for the eradication of the second amendment. Every time a shooting occurs, pro-gun websites are quick to publish articles highlighting the shooters mental health problems without realizing how they are serving the dialectical process. By pointing out the shooters mental health, or the fact that they have legally purchased firearms despite being barred from doing so, they are strengthening the lefts argument for gun control. In other words, the left wants us all to believe that the current laws in place don't work, and there is a need for an honest open debate about gun reform. The left wants you to argue that the current gun laws are not effective, it serves their purpose.

When it comes to mental illness the question arises as to why the psychotropic medications that are so readily available and prescribed at an alarming rate, all come with the warnings of possible suicidal/homicidal behavior attached to them. This is where it gets disturbing. In 1967 the worlds prominent psychiatrists met in Puerto Rico to discuss the future of their profession. Their ultimate objective was the subjugation of the human mind and enslaving it to the pharmaceutical industry, for profits of course. They set out to make a plan which would ultimately mandate the use of powerful psychiatric drugs for so called mental diseases which no one could prove existed. To this day mental health is considered by many to be a pseudoscience as opposed to an actual medical profession. In any event, one of the psychiatrists present, Dr. Wayne O Evans is quoted as saying the following-

“We see a developing potential for nearly a total control of human emotional status, mental functioning, and will to act.”

Given the fact that one out of six Americans are currently taking some kind of psychotropic drug you have to wonder if there is something to this. Think about it a moment. One out of every six has been diagnosed and prescribed a psychiatric medication. This could be used as the basis to push for further gun restrictions in the future, and if it is successful millions of Americans will lose their rights. Or grow up without them seeing as though many of these people are drugged in elementary school for fictitious diseases such as ADHD.

It has long been understood that in traditional medicine, a scientific process of detecting symptoms that can be attributed to biological anomalies, which cause illness, is employed. In psychiatry, there is no scientific process of detecting biological anomalies because no biological test or blood work exists to prove their existence. It is all guess work based on subjective opinions of people who study, for the lack of a better term, human behavior. Dr. Russell Barkley of The University of Massachusetts Medical Center has all but admitted that no scientific test exists to diagnose the presence of a mental disorder. This also includes the nearly three hundred fictitious disorders used to label an individual mentally ill due to some emotional trauma we all experience from time to time, found in the DSM V.

In the book, The Myth of Mental Illness by Dr. Thomas Szasz M.D. the idea of psychiatry being a profession that is dishonest with its subjects is discussed. Szaz states the following concerning psychiatry-

No science can be better than its linguistic apparatus allows it to be. And the language of psychiatry (and psychoanalysis) is fundamentally unfaithful to its own subjects: in it, imitating medicine comes before telling the truth. (Szasz, T. S.  (1974) The Myth of Metal Illness)

What Szasz is saying here can be, theoretically at least, attributed back to the 1967 meeting in Puerto Rico. The profession itself set about the work of controlling the human mind, not healing real diseases. As a result, an entire profession has been built based on the fundamental premise of wanting to appear scientific but having no scientific validity in the method in which it diagnoses diseases they desperately want to prescribe medications for. As mentioned earlier, one in six Americans are now taking these medications. The common argument today is that mental illness or depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. How is this chemical imbalance detected without any lab tests? Unfortunately, the truth is slowly revealing itself and evidence is suggesting that the use of the prescribed psychotropic drugs is actually the leading cause in rising rates of mental illness. In other words, the side affects of the drugs, which warn of suicidal or homicidal behavior, are what's causing the chemical imbalances in the brain, not a mental illness. This is even the case with people suffering from known diseases such as schizophrenia, which is recognized around the world as a disease as opposed to many of the disorders in the DSM, incidentally.

"Prior to treatment, patients diagnosed with schizophrenia, depression, and other psychiatric disorders do not suffer from any known "chemical imbalance." However, once a person is put on a psychiatric medication, which, in one manner or another, throws a wrench into the usual mechanics of a neuronal pathway, his or her brain begins to function …  abnormally."

The use of psychotropic drugs, according to, can actually interfere with your brains neurotransmitters which prevent your brain from performing its normal biological functions. In turn, this produces the same type of symptoms which mimic the so called mental health conditions people are prescribed drugs for in the first place. Often this can result in a patient being prescribed several psychotropic medications at once, which is often the case with mass shooters.

 "After several weeks on psychoactive drugs, the brain's compensatory efforts begin to fail, and side effects emerge that reflect the mechanism of action of the drugs. For example, the SSRIs may cause episodes of mania, because of the excess of serotonin. Antipsychotics cause side effects that resemble Parkinson's disease, because of the depletion of dopamine (which is also depleted in Parkinson's disease). As side effects emerge, they are often treated by other drugs, and many patients end up on a cocktail of psychoactive drugs prescribed for a cocktail of diagnoses. The episodes of mania caused by antidepressants may lead to a new diagnosis of "bipolar disorder" and treatment with a "mood stabilizer," such as Depokote (an anticonvulsant) plus one of the newer antipsychotic drugs. And so on.

Given the information presented in this article, passing red flag laws and denying someone due process based solely on the preconceived notion of mental health is no solution to the problem of mass shootings. Examining the psychiatric profession on the other hand may be a start. Unfortunately we have reached a point in this nation where being a conservative, or a Christian is becoming viewed as a mental health issue. In the article Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition, it is argued that conservatives suffer from a form of mental illness because of their alleged rigidity to change and a willingness to tolerate inequality in order to perpetuate their own power structure. We seem to hear a lot about conservatives fear of change and the so called institutional power of the "white supremacist" system we all cling to. Is this going to be enough to get an individual red flagged and deemed a danger to society? Time will tell, as red flag laws continue to gain momentum in states across the nation they are surely going to be abused. If this momentum isn't stopped, innocent people will be stripped of their rights without any real proof they were ever going to commit a crime. While in the meantime, people intent on committing murder will continue to do so.  

Be sure to check out my latest book to learn more. Psychopolitics in America: A Nation Under Conquest

Analyzing the Attempts to Normalize Pedophilia.

  December 18, 2023   by  David Risselada Sometimes I find myself at a loss. The past few years have been quite an experience for me as I ha...