If there is one thing that I could identify that frustrates me above all else, it is the consistent claims that Democrats are for the poor and Republicans are for the greedy rich. Liberals really believe this and for many, there is absolutely no room for debate. This is because their public school indoctrination's have inundated them with propaganda that characterizes the definition of republicanism in the wrong way, while convincing them that America is a democracy. Just thinking about the effectiveness of this type of brainwashing puts into perspective the purpose of teaching public school children to be absolutely terrified of anything that resembles a gun. Public education has dedicated itself to the psychology of teaching people to accept tyranny. I have written many articles on this subject and I truly believe that we are a generation away from a population that will surrender liberty for false promises of security. It reminds me of briefings we attended after conducting combat action drills in the Marine Corps. We would go over the lessons learned from the drill and apply them to the next. Its as if those pulling the strings have learned that they can get people to accept anything they are taught, and now they are applying those lessons learned over the past few decades in order to create a citizenry that is completely dependent and devoid of any desires for freedom.
The truth is that both political parties have strayed so far from what this nation was intended to be that as long as we continue to keep our debate enclosed within the realm of these two parties, we lose. You will have to forgive me but once again I am going to put the tinfoil hat on and refer you to the 45 declared goals of the communist party. Goal number fifteen actually calls for the capturing of both political parties in the United States while goal number seventeen stresses the importance of controlling schools and putting the communist party line in the text books.
In my opinion folks this is the only viable explanation for what we are witnessing in this nation. We have reached a point where there is no room for any honest discussion about anything as an air of mistrust keeps people on edge, and opposition to the lefts "definitive morality" equates to nothing less than hatred and bigotry. Even though nothing the left is doing has produced any positive results not propped up by lies and deliberate misinformation campaigns.
Lets look at Obamacare for example. While the left continually insists that Republicans only care about the greedy rich, (which of course, the Health care companies hated by liberals are a part of,) this bill essentially empowers these insurance companies by forcing you to purchase a product from them, which in the long term will only make them richer. Liberals are happy about this. Another example is the wasted billions on bankrupted "green energy industries." Essentially, what happened here is that these so called CEO's were given billions in tax payer subsidies and produced nothing. They walked away with billions, on more than occasion and yet, I'm a bigot for calling foul. Only psychological conditioning that trains people to think in a certain way can explain why half the population isn't angry about this. This conditioning attempts to train people to believe that Democrats are the caring compassionate party for wanting to give free health care while the Republicans are uncaring and selfish for suggesting people are able to be responsible for themselves. It should be noted at this point that another big difference between American patriots and those loyal to political ideology is the ability to admit their party may be wrong. For example, I was no George Bush fan; however, liberals seem to be unable to admit any wrong doing on the part of Obama. This presidency truly represents the "cult of personality."
Moving along I would like to discuss the creation of this "culture of fear" that we are witnessing. It revolves around the public schools mostly, as almost on a daily basis now we see kids being conditioned to fear guns. There is another propaganda tool being employed against you here that is creating an air of mistrust, uncertainty and fear. This propaganda tool is you folks. Did you ever notice how every time there is another mass shooting incident there is always the never ending interviews with people who claim the shooter was a happy, normal guy who smiled a lot? Or the report that claims the shooter frequently got into arguments? The intended message is that anyone at anytime could be a complete lunatic and you should live in a perpetual state of fear, looking to authorities to keep you safe. A shooting event also reinforces the belief that kids should be kept in a constant of fear for protection. Look what happened in a Baltimore public school, a swat team was called and children were evacuated because of a camera tripod. There's a legitimate position to be taken by ensuring schools are safe, but this is nothing but the creation of a panic stricken society that will be forever dependent upon government. Come on America, its blatantly obvious and the fact that much of the population remains blind to it is almost verifiable proof of what I am about to conclude with.
I urge you to watch The bloody history of communism because it entails some very important information concerning "classical conditioning" that will cement all things in place. Vladimir Lenin, in looking for ways to control the population of Russia approached Ivan Pavlov and asked him to apply his conditioning methods, which he used on dogs, to the people. In many ways this was the creation of a new psychology that led to the study of manipulating human behavior. We are living in a time when so many people have been led astray and take an active part of changing society in a way that is only going to make things worse. How could anyone, for example, believe that our children will have better lives than us with a 17 trillion dollar debt on their heads? The fact that a population could be conditioned to believe that borrowing forty two cents of every dollar from countries that are buying our real estate is good for the country is proof positive of the point I am trying to make. Especially if they believe it wont affect their freedom.
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