What are we supposed to make of the world in which we currently live? It's as if the very nature of what it means to be human is being changed right before our very eyes. Karl Marx, in his book The Communist Manifesto, wrote that one of his objectives was to dethrone God in the minds of men. Communism, besides being a failed economic system, was actually designed to attack the freewill of man while breaking his connection to the divine. Establishing the state as the one and only god was his ultimate aim. Looking at the world today it is hard to argue that we are not close to realizing his goal. The normalization of transgenderism and homosexuality along with the constant attack against the nuclear family serves to redefine what we understand to be a civilized society. The feminist movement has contributed greatly to this end as it was deliberately created by a communist propagandist, Betty Friedan, in order to discredit the role of a mother in American culture. Sadly, we have reached a point in our society where the right to kill an unwanted baby is more valued by some than the miracle that being able to give birth represents. As we continue to chug along in this backwards world we move closer and closer to the day where human life will in a sense, become obsolete and retain no value.
While we were being taught that it is acceptable in civilized society to murder unborn children, science has been hard at work learning how to create life in a laboratory. The science journal "Nature Communications," recently published its findings on the ability to grow a baby lamb in an artificial womb. At the rate technology is currently advancing it is only a matter of time before they can do this with humans as well. Scientists claim however, that the artificial womb would only serve to complete the development of premature embryos and that getting through the early stages of development would still require a human mother; for now anyway. It is important to note that one of the benefits of this technology would be eliminating "some of the health risks of pregnancy." This is important in understanding the connection to Marxist philosophy because a book written in 1930 entitled "The World in 2030 A.D." by Fredrick Edwin Smith makes the assertion that growing babies in a laboratory would eliminate the health risks of pregnancy while also furthering gender equality, which is in and of itself, a Marxist concept.
In 2030, the prospect of woman’s liberation from the dangers of childbirth will almost certainly become a matter of general realization. This evolution, the most serious biological departure since the natural separation of living organisms into two sexes, will vitally transform the whole status of women in society. Unless their present importance and limitations be clearly apprehended, their future development cannot be apprehended. (The World In 2030 A.D. Birkenhead, Fredrick Edwin Smith. 1930)
The early 1900's is remembered as a time when communism/progressivism was taking hold in American politics. It isn't hard to imagine these concepts existing at this time as this was also the time eugenics and the idea of eliminating the unfit was coming into being.
If this technology continues to advance and we reach a point where human beings can be grown in a laboratory, Marx may indeed see his dream of destroying God in the minds of men become a reality. There will no longer be a need for God as these new humans would surely be taught by their masters that government is all they need. If that sounds too far fetched ask your self why they are pushing concepts like transgenderism. They are working to change what it means to be human, to change God's creation into their own.
To complicate the problem further consider the fact that Artificial Intelligence is set to explode onto the scene and displace nearly sixty percent of the current workforce. Imagine a world where robots do all the work and government decides how many living humans they need to support the automated workforce.
Sadly, with the way that humans are being "dehumanized" and blamed for fictitious problems like global warming, it is easy to see that this is the direction we are headed. Perhaps this is part of the elite's depopulation agenda. Teach the masses to abort their own off spring and in the meantime take control of the very method in which life is created. Before you know it, the state has become the one and only God where humans are harvested in labs purely to serve the objectives of the state.
We are all familiar with Bill Nye the so called Science guy. His overtly political stance on what he calls science is often shared in middle and high school classes across the country. He has taken hard left positions on the topic of global warming and now seems to be embracing the transgender movement as well. The left is trying to solidify in the minds of young people that transgenderism is hard, proven science. In reality it is a mental disorder whose biggest proponents are severely suffering. This video which aired on the "Bill Nye Saves the World" show is a perfect example.
The left has one goal and that is to completely destroy and discredit the conservative movement. They have been working effortlessly, through the universities and other institutions, to create the impression that their morals and values are mainstream. People on the right, espousing conservative viewpoints, are to be ridiculed and cast aside as extremist, hateful bigots who marginalize minorities and women. In too many instances unfortunately, the so called right falls for the trap and literally manufactures the rope from which they will later hang. There is no better example of this than the recent Bill O'Reilly situation where it was revealed he paid out millions to settle with those who were accusing him of sexual harassment. Some people would argue against the notion that O'Reilly was in fact a conservative, however; in the minds of millions he was the voice of the conservative movement who as of now, has been successfully silenced by the left. After years of dominating the news with his so called "no spin" approach, O'Reilly has accomplished little more for conservatives than feeding the left wing narrative that conservatives are sexist, chauvinist pigs.
If the right truly wants to win back this country then we must start living up to the values and morals we espouse. There is more than a simple war against conservatism going on, there is an all out assault on the very nature of truth itself. The left is seeking to change the nature of man and his understanding of natural law. The normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism, the teaching of moral relativism as opposed to moral absolutes and the feminization of the American male are all deliberate attacks against the free will of man designed to destroy God's creation and remake man in the lefts image. We will never be able to stop the onslaught against our values as long as the left is able to prove that we cannot live up to them. Remember, this is an Alinsky tactic and every time a prominent conservative figure falls, they prove it to be a successful one.
"Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity." (Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals.)
Essentially, what Alinsky is saying is that it is easy to make conservatives look like hypocrites because in too many cases their behavior does not live up to the moral codes they allegedly live by. Rush Limbaugh often discusses this topic. He frequently points out the fact that hypocrisy, while more prevalent on the left than the right, is something that fails to stick to them. What he falls short of explaining clearly is the fact that the left is working from a place where there are no moral absolutes. Christians, as well as right wing conservatives wear their values on their sleeve and we believe that is in fact, our values and belief system that made this country great. Leftists believe in moral relativism, meaning that there is no universal morality; therefore, they have no morals to live up to making it difficult to label them as hypocrites. Morality to them, like gender and the Constitution, is fluid and can be changed to meet the situation they are currently in in order to achieve the results they seek in the moment, and they have no shame in employing this tactic. A recent example is Harry Reid admitting he lied about Mitt Romney's tax returns and bragging that it cost him the election. In pursuit of the perfect "socialist utopia" the left believes that sacrificing their own morality is in fact, the highest level of morality that can be achieved. To further understand this we again, turn to Alinsky.
"In action one does not always enjoy the luxury of a decision that is consistent with both one's individual conscience and the good of mankind. The choice must always be for the latter. Action is for mass salvation and not for the individual's personal salvation. He who sacrifices the mass good for his personal conscience has a peculiar conception of personal salvation; he doesn't care enough for the people to be corrupted for them." (Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals.)
Essentially, the left believes that their socialist utopia is what is best for mankind and that corrupting themselves in order to achieve it is the highest level of morality. This is why you can never slap them with the label of hypocrisy, they simply don't care. They believe that their compassion, their intentions to do good far outweigh the actual consequences of their actions. The damage they actually cause is either ignored or viewed as a necessary step in America's transformation.
There really is no way to fight an enemy who conducts this type of psychological warfare, short of actually living up to the values we espouse. People in the conservative movement have to conduct themselves in a manner that is beyond reproach because around every corner is a social justice warrior seeking to discredit everything we believe in. When people like Bill O'Reilly or others who by their own actions allow themselves to be silenced by the left, bring this type of discredit to conservatism we have to work twice as hard to prove that the left wing narrative is incorrect to those sitting on the sidelines. The election of Donald Trump, despite what others claim, was not a victory for conservatism but the perfect example of people being forced to cast a vote because there was no other choice. The war for hearts and minds is still very much alive and there are millions of future voters who are conditioned by the left to go along to get along. We will not win this cultural battle if the main stream is successfully presenting liberalism as morally superior and conservatives as chauvinistic. We can not allow them to turn us into hypocrites because we can not live up to our own "book of rules." We have to start by being the change we want to see.
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
I'm finding myself at a loss for words. Our country is so twisted, so misguided and led astray. We live in a land that was founded upon the indubitable idea that the individual human being is worthy of dignity and far more important than any collective. Yet, we allow ourselves to be collectivized by politicians who play on our fears and beliefs while keeping us divided into groups for their own benefit. Worse yet, people have become so complacent, so comfortable with the status quo while focusing on their own lives they forget that preserving liberty is an obligation we all must share, or else the next generation will not know it.
People have come to accept the unacceptable, allowing their own power to self govern to be usurped by political parasites making promises they never intended to keep. They do this for two reasons. One, because it is their team, the man they voted for doing it, or two, they simply do not know any better. Most people, because they have come to prioritize entertainment and self gratification are not even aware of the degree which our country has changed. Over the past decade we have been conditioned, trained if you will, in public schools, to look to government to solve our problems instead of being self reliant. It is a continuous, vicious circle. The government breaks our country, our constitution, steals our labor and morals, then they promise a quick and easy fix by voting for them in the next election cycle.
Sadly, each passing generation becomes further enslaved in this breakdown of the freewill because government has wrapped it's long, sticky tentacles around every facet of our lives. Whether it comes to educating our children, expressing our values or trying to get ahead the government is there with oppressive regulations which serve to limit man's capacity for growth. People blame the government, and others in an official capacity, then they turn right around and keep supporting the system that puts the same corruption back in office. Sure we vote for the man that better represents our ideals and makes better promises but in reality, we are voting for people that are preselected by others. In other words, the aspirant office seekers presented to us are running because it has been determined they will push the larger policy issues that really matter to those in the shadows, the ones we want to see defeated every time we vote. The most recent example is Donald Trump and his attack against Syria.
Is it so hard to believe that the global elite, which we thought Trump would stand against, could be so diabolical to train an individual to be the ideal candidate that would beat one they knew had no chance of winning? In other words, is it so hard to believe that Trump has been pulling the wool over your eyes since the beginning? Just as it was with Obama, Trump has his unquestioning supporters who will support his every move because he is not Hillary Clinton and called himself a Republican.
A lot of this would make more sense if everyone understood that society is constantly under a microscope, being studied and evaluated so they can use the things we believe against us and play us for the fools we are. Donald Trump played on our emotions on issues such as immigration and the repeal of Obamacare and as we can now see, those are dead-end issues going nowhere fast. While we are being distracted with these small petty issues, the larger one of carrying on wars of regime change to prevent sovereign nations from dropping the dollar as the reserve currency carries on. Yet, because of a lack of motivation and a fear to question their own choices, people will blindly support these wars without realizing they are the same ones planned before the attacks of September 11, 2001 even occurred. Such is the way I suppose.
Anyhow, we have a responsibility to uphold liberty and yet, as mentioned earlier, we have been conditioned to accept that government not only protects, but grants liberty. If we are to call ourselves constitutionalists then we better wise up and start exercising the liberty to question our president's while we still have it. We have to stop looking to government to solve all of our problems and start exercising the responsibility to solve them ourselves before the government comes up with a final solution. We have to stop letting them define the narrative and directing our morality. We need to stand up and say with conviction that we will no longer be accepting the things we cannot change but changing the things we cannot accept. We can no longer accept being lied to by people who enrich themselves over the loss of our liberty.
Many are cheering President Donald Trump's decision to retaliate against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for the chemical weapons attack he allegedly launched against his own people. It isn't hard to understand how Trump's decision can garner the support of so many Americans who feel a sense of outrage that a government would attack its own people. Americans, rightfully so, hold a moral high ground concerning the relationship between governments and the people they govern. Unfortunately there is no solid evidence that Assad is the one responsible for the attack. The fact that so many are behind Trumps action is also problematic in the sense that he didn't seek congressional approval before launching the attack. People voted for Trump because he led them to believe that he would stand against the global interests subverting our sovereignty as a free nation and that he would return our country to the principles that made us free in the first place. As his administration continues on it seems that he either is a proxy who has been working for the globalists all along, or he simply isn't as tough and principled as he presented himself. Syria is another in a long line of nations who refuse to participate in The Bank of International Settlements. They also moved away from the U.S. Dollar as it reserve currency in 2006. Saddam Hussein was ready to sell oil in Euros as opposed to dollars and we took him out. The same is true with Libyan President Miramar Gadhafi, he was ready to drop the U.S. Dollar and trade in his own gold backed currency and we took him out as well. Besides Syria, the only other nation not participating in the Petrodollar oil market is Iran, which is why they are one of the original seven countries targeted for regime change in the war plan known as the Project for a New American Century.
Throughout the Obama administration many people expressed frustration over the fact that Obama seemed to pander to radical Islamists while referring to militant groups such as ISIS as the "JV team." It eventually became apparent that Obama was actually arming these radical militants and recently released documents show that he was doing so in order to pressure Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The group was being used to destabilize Syria in order to topple the Assad government. This is to ensure that Syria does not create its own currency. President Obama was a master manipulator and he effortlessly was able to blind the masses through his social justice rhetoric. None of his supporters would have thought that he was carrying on the same war objectives as his predecessor George W. Bush. The truth is that Obama conducted nearly ten times as many air strikes, mostly by unmanned aerial drones, than Bush had. Ironically, these strikes were also conducted in countries targeted for regime change under the Project New American Century doctrine. Gadhafi was killed by Obama's administration and it was during Obama's watch that tensions first escalated with Syria. The point is that there is an objective, and Trump's recent action proves that he is not the independent, principled statesman we were hoping for. He is working to achieve the same globalist agenda through phony proxy wars as Bush, Clinton and Obama.
Many people may not realize the extent in which the United States has contributed to the chaos in the Middle East. The U.S. supported Iraq in its eight year war against Iran and in fact, there is evidence suggesting that the U.S. aided Iraq in launching mustard nerve agents against Iranian forces. The Reagan administration had determined that there was no benefit from an Iranian victory so we threw our full support behind Iraq. Ironically, decades later we would accuse Iraq of having the same mustard gas we supported them using because they threatened to sell oil in Euros as opposed to dollars. The United States also funded and trained the Mujahideen, which would later become the radical militants known as Al-Qaeda, in their efforts to beat back a Soviet invasion of Afghanistan during the cold war. The U.S. later invaded Afghanistan using the September 11, 2001 attacks as justification. The truth has more to do with a natural gas pipeline project sponsored by the corporation Unocal. In 1998 congressional hearings were held concerning this project and due to rising political tensions in the region it was put on hold. The September 11 attacks provided the perfect opportunity to go into Afghanistan and ensure that the project would continue. It is important to know the history of how the U.S. has influenced and participated in Middle east wars because we are doing the same thing now in Syria. Not only did the Obama administration arm and train ISIS militants to use as a tool against Assad, the U.S. is also arming and training opposing factions to create a proxy war designed to entirely destabilize the region. Rebels armed by the CIA and Pentagon are now fighting against each other in Syria.
The question before us is a tough one. Is Donald trump just another shill for the globalists whom so many thought he would stand against, or was it necessary for him to attack Syria to prevent further attacks? We will likely never know for sure because the media will work incessantly, as they always do, to fill our heads with disinformation designed to keep us from knowing anything for certain. As far as most Americans are concerned our country is strictly divided along ideological lines between the so called left and right wings. Two carefully constructed narratives between so called liberal and conservative worldviews which create the necessary conflict and distractions needed to carry out the objective of world wide social change. The election of Donald Trump was heralded by many as an intervention from God that prevented a known globalist from assuming power; however, he just carried out Hillary Clinton's bidding by attacking Syria. America will never return to its founding principles as long as people continue blindly supporting the team they voted for. We have a responsibility to preserve liberty and pass it along to the next generation. This can't be done if after every election we step back and simply assume our guy can do no wrong. Conservatives mocked Obama voters for years for this sheepish mentality and now, well now those same people are making the same mistake exhibiting the same sheepish, follow along behavior. Just because we voted for Donald trump it doesn't eliminate the facts presented in this article, nor does it mean you have to stand behind his every action. In fact, liberty depends upon your not doing so.