Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Artificial Womb and the Devaluation of Man

What are we supposed to make of  the world in which we currently live? It's as if the very nature of what it means to be human is being changed right before our very eyes. Karl Marx, in his book The Communist Manifesto, wrote that one of his objectives was to dethrone God in the minds of men. Communism, besides being a failed economic system, was actually designed to attack the freewill of man while breaking his connection to the divine. Establishing the state as the one and only god was his ultimate aim. Looking at the world today it is hard to argue that we are not close to realizing his goal. The normalization of transgenderism and homosexuality along with the constant attack against the nuclear family serves to redefine what we understand to be a civilized society. The feminist movement has contributed greatly to this end as it was deliberately created by a communist propagandist, Betty Friedan, in order to discredit the role of a mother in American culture. Sadly, we have reached a point in our society where the right to kill an unwanted baby is more valued by some than the miracle that being able to give birth represents. As we continue to chug along in this backwards world we move closer and closer to the day where human life will in a sense, become obsolete and retain no value.

While we were being taught that it is acceptable in civilized society to murder unborn children, science has been hard at work learning how to create life in a laboratory. The science journal "Nature Communications," recently published its findings on the ability to grow a baby lamb in an artificial womb. At the rate technology is currently advancing it is only a matter of time before they can do this with humans as well. Scientists claim however, that the artificial womb would only serve to complete the development of premature embryos and that getting through the early stages of development would still require a human mother; for now anyway. It is important to note that one of the benefits of this technology would be eliminating "some of the health risks of pregnancy." This is important in understanding the connection to Marxist philosophy because a book written in 1930 entitled "The World in 2030 A.D." by Fredrick Edwin Smith makes the assertion that growing babies in a laboratory would eliminate the health risks of pregnancy while also furthering gender equality, which is in and of itself, a Marxist concept.

In 2030, the prospect of woman’s liberation from the dangers of childbirth will almost certainly become a matter of general realization. This evolution, the most serious biological departure since the natural separation of living organisms into two sexes, will vitally transform the whole status of women in society. Unless their present importance and limitations be clearly apprehended, their future development cannot be apprehended. (The World In 2030 A.D. Birkenhead, Fredrick Edwin Smith. 1930)

The early 1900's is remembered as a time when communism/progressivism was taking hold in American politics. It isn't hard to imagine these concepts existing at this time as this was also the time eugenics and the idea of eliminating the unfit was coming into being.

If this technology continues to advance and we reach a point where human beings can be grown in a laboratory, Marx may indeed see his dream of destroying God in the minds of men become a reality. There will no longer be a need for God as these new humans would surely be taught by their  masters that government is all they need. If that sounds too far fetched ask your self why they are pushing concepts like transgenderism. They are working to change what it means to be human, to change God's creation into their own.

To complicate the problem further consider the fact that Artificial Intelligence is set to explode onto the scene and displace nearly sixty percent of the current workforce. Imagine a world where robots do all the work and government decides how many living humans they need to support the automated workforce.

Sadly, with the way that humans are being "dehumanized" and blamed for fictitious problems like global warming, it is easy to see that this is the direction we are headed. Perhaps this is part of the elite's depopulation agenda. Teach the masses to abort their own off spring and in the meantime take control of the very method in which life is created. Before you know it, the state has become the one and only God where humans are harvested in labs purely to serve the objectives of the state.

1 comment:

  1. Holy shit! This is wonderful writing. I couldn't agree more. This is fundamental understanding which every Human on the planet needs to know!


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