There is a mob heading to the American border. A mob no doubt driven by the belief that they are owed something by the United States. They are almost certainly being funded by George Soros while undoubtedly receiving the full support of the Democrat Party. This will culminate into a crisis of epic proportions if not stopped. It has the potential to re-define what we consider to be our sovereign nation. As they burn our flag and proudly display their own, this five-thousand strong invasion force would have us believe they are seeking a better life in the U.S. and are fleeing poverty and oppression. If this is the case then why are they burning our flag? If our nation is so racist, as the Democrats would have you believe, why will they insist we let these people in to have a chance at a better life? How can they have a better life if we are so racist? The truth is that this is an attempt to completely remake the demographics in our country and eliminate the white majority, period. Below is an excerpt from chapter 9 of my new book Psychopolitics in America: A Nation Under Conquest entitled Racism, Multiculturalism and Immigration.

It is estimated that there are at least eleven million illegal
immigrants living in the United States, according to the Pew Research Center.[1]
The cost to the US taxpayer is staggering. According to the Federation for
American Immigration Reform (FAIR), the hardworking, taxpaying American citizen
shells out approximately 135 billion dollars a year.[2]
This averages out to over eight thousand dollars per illegal alien. That is an
unsustainable burden on the working taxpayer, one that deters hard work, as
people are less inclined to work harder if their earnings are redistributed to
those who don’t work or appreciate the system in which they live. Illegal
immigrants tend to be catered to by the Left, meaning they are inundated with
claims that Americans hate them and are racist. It isn’t uncommon to see groups
of illegals burning American flags while proudly waving the flag of their home
country. Why do they come here if Americans are so racist and mean-spirited?
The free money, of course. According to a 2013 article published by the Daily Mail, the Obama administration
deliberately advertised free welfare and food stamp benefits to illegal
Flyers were distributed, in Spanish, advising people seeking to cross the
border that their status as illegal immigrants would not be a factor in
receiving food stamps and other welfare benefits for their family. In other
words, the Obama administration was encouraging illegal immigration. The Left
would like to see all of them granted amnesty and made permanent citizens with
the right to vote, of course.
Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965, also known as the Hart-Celler Act,
abolished an earlier quota system based on national origin and established a
new immigration policy based on reuniting immigrant families and attracting
skilled labor to the United States. Over the next four decades, the policies
put into effect in 1965 would greatly change the demographic makeup of the
American population, as immigrants entering the United States under the new
legislation came increasingly from countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin
America, as opposed to Europe.[9]
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