since Donald Trump was running for president there has been a mass movement
dubbed “the resistance.” The perception is that the left vehemently hates him
and is doing everything they can to unseat him from the presidency. This
includes staging a fake Russian collusion story. The talking heads on the
radio, Levin and Limbaugh, cannot stop talking about how much the left hates him.
In fact, it is all they talk about. There is only one problem. None of it makes
any sense because so much of what Trump does advances the leftist agenda or
supports their narrative.
friend Tim Brown recently
published this story where Trump says he has no problem with a gay man, who
is married to another gay man, running for President. The Trump administration
is also seeking to de-criminalize
homosexuality across the world, which is something the left would seemingly
support. Yet, they continue to hate him with a passion, portraying him as a
hateful homophobe. You would think they would at least give him some credit for
Trump administration, while promising to do something about illegal immigration
is currently
flying illegals all over the country. The state of Florida is expected to
take in one thousand a month. Yet, the left still portrays him as a bigoted
anti-immigrant individual.
left is all out in the open with their calls for gun bans and the elimination
of the second amendment. Most Trump supporters still believe the man is on
their side despite his support for red flag laws and the bump stock ban. His
administrative banning of a piece of worthless plastic gave the left all they
need to ban semi-auto rifles by fiat. Yet, the unabated hatred towards him and his
supposed conservative agenda carries on.
Kavanaugh has sided with the liberals several times since his confirmation
hearings. One against Apple and the monopolization of their own apps and the
other in refusing to hear a case
concerning planned parenthood funding. This is a big deal because he was
portrayed as being someone that was so conservative Roe v Wade was going to be
threatened on the federal level. Many of us knew the truth of Kavanaugh and in this
article I tried to explain that he wasn’t who he was being portrayed to be.
Trump has also made numerous
spending deals with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer which continued to fund
planned parenthood and keep Obamacare intact. Whether these deals were good or
not is irrelevant. It shows his willingness to work with Democrats. Yet, the
hatred towards him coming from these individuals continues. This makes no sense
as Trump contributed money to both Pelosi and Schumer before running for
are more things that Trump has done which advances the leftist/statist goal.
The new NAFTA, for example increases global governance of trade in our region,
pushing us closer to the globalist vision of a North American Union. Betsy
Devos, as another example, has signed onto the U.N. sustainable agenda education program. This will standardize
education across the U.S., so all students are indoctrinated with globalist,
climate change propaganda.
does the left insist on this portrayal of vile hatred towards the man when so
much of what he does supports their agenda? The more they hate him, the more his
supporters love him. The answer is simple, if you’re willing to accept it. It
is all a distraction to keep us locked in our own ideological boxes while an
agenda against our interests continues unfazed.
I have always said that ex-Democrat Trump (who donated to Kamala Harris AND the Clintons) was merely the other butt-cheek on the same jackass. He's NOT a conservative, but a nationalist/libertarian. However, he IS better than Hillary (I guess).