An Ohio National Guard unit conducted an exercise that depicted an uprising of "anti government," pro second amendment supporters this past January. This is not the first time that state guard units have engaged in such training exercises. Even as a young marine I remember being conditioned to believe that we would be deployed against rioting American citizens while being trained in the use of non lethal weaponry for such purposes. This has all been outlined for us in the DHS report that has been made available here at The Radical Conservative. If you are unfamiliar with this report, shift your eyes to the right and read it. The Department of Homeland Security made their intentions of labeling anyone that goes against their left wing agenda as being an extremist, or a terrorist perfectly clear in this report, and now they are conditioning the unwashed masses within the ranks to carry out such an agenda. It is likely that they are assuming mass resistance because they know what they are doing is worthy of such resistance, they know they are passing unconstitutional and tyrannical laws. Thus the preparation for when we finally do resist.
We all like to live in a bubble in which we believe our military would never turn their guns on us. I have news for you folks, the military is conditioned to follow orders, and while there certainly are the "oath keepers" within the ranks, I know from personal experience, and one on one conversations with soldiers, that there are those who will simply go along out of ignorance. I feel obligated to remind these soldiers that whatever unconstitutional acts they are committing against someone else's family, another soldier is being trained to do the same to theirs. If a man is so foolish to believe that eliminating one group of people will alleviate the worlds problems than that man is full deserving of the consequences of his actions. When one day he realizes all he has done is empower evil, there will be no one to save him as he has proved himself unworthy of the trust we as citizens have placed in him to uphold the constitution and defend our liberties. History shows time and time and again that no one is safe from the unpredictable whims of a dictator who has amassed total power, to believe otherwise is to put yourself in the line of fire. To believe otherwise is to voluntarily get in the box car.
In his book "How do you kill 11 million people?," Andy Andrews highlights the effectiveness of using propaganda and lies upon an unsuspecting population. Techniques which serve to dehumanize groups of people unleash a primitive evil in the psyche of humanity that enables them to commit unimaginable atrocities against their fellow man. We are living in a time when the so called "social sciences" have all but mastered the study of human behavior, and conditioning a population to accept what was once unacceptable, has never been easier. The entire twentieth century, in the opinion of this writer, could be looked at as an experiment in the psychological control of entire populations. People were literally conditioned to believe that there were those among them that were less than human and deserving of extermination. These,"less than human" people were standing in the way of great social progress by holding on to old, antiquated ideals. In some cases, such as Nazi Germany, the targeted populations were actually volunteering themselves by willingly getting on the trains, even though they suspected death awaited them.
What is so different about these societies and present day America? Many would argue that there is a great deal of difference, after all, we are free country. Are we? Right now as I write, I have already been labeled as a "right wing" gun owner who opposes Obama because I am a racist. I am a privileged member of society merely because of my "white skin," and minorities are oppressed because of this unearned privilege. Efforts are underway to criminalize the questioning of "global warming," while elites the world over have suggested that global warming deniers be permanently jailed for standing in the way of (communistic) solutions. The president is frantically working to do anything to silence his critics, and even the main stream media is awakening to the monster they have enabled through their silence and complicity. The DHS is moving to gain control over local police forces while funneling millions of dollars in cash and high speed equipment to such agencies in an effort to buy their loyalty. Veterans who have honestly and honorably served their country have been labeled as threats to national security, while the White House and other government entities have been stacked with Muslim Brotherhood operatives. Right wing Christians have been equated, through the use of mental association techniques, as fascists, when in fact fascism is a left wing phenomena. Finally, the value of human life has been diminished to the point where huge segments of the population who had the privilege of being born, fight for their so called right to deny their unborn children the same privilege. Simply because they choose to not accept responsibility for their behavior.
Im sorry America, but things have progressed much further than what most people want to admit. All the necessary conditions to focus the frustrations of an uniformed populace onto a scapegoat are in place.
There is a reason that Conservatives are continually being blamed for everything, we stand in the way of great social progress. Social progress that incidentally has never been proven to exist. The Utopianists would have you believe that society can evolve into a state of perfection in which we would all be completely equal, and we would function in a state of harmony much like any "insect colony" would be expected to. This is all lies, man is meant to live as a free, independent being, not like a managed herd. This is what communism, or a centrally planned economy does to a society. It manages them like animals. Of course, when you understand the connection between Darwinism and communism it makes much more sense. Darwins theory of evolution is the scientific justification Marx used to explain why people should be subjugated to an all powerful state. Darwin of course believed we were nothing but animals, so it is no surprise to see that the communist, or fascistic dictators of the left have viewed their populations as "animals" in need of managing. Once this belief sinks in, it is easy to condition the minions of evil to round up millions of people and exterminate them.
The very fact that we have national guard units training against their own fellow Americans is proof positive of the effects of mental conditioning, in more ways than one. For years we have watched as the erosion of "posse comitatus" has brought military units into our towns to conduct training operations, we were silent; and now we are shocked to see local police units that resemble infantry platoons. Grab a young soldier from any military unit and ask him what "posse comitatus" is. Do you even know what it is? We have been conditioned to accept this power to the point where we watched on national television, while cheering on in support mind you, militarized police drag innocent people from their homes at gun point in search of one lousy bomber. Ask yourself a question. What do you think will happen once a solid "mental association" has been made between terrorism and the right wing patriot movement? Im going to tell you, creating that mental association among the unwashed masses is the purpose behind all political propaganda being unleashed against us now.
Think about this for a moment, as long as the left controls the narrative, any action of the right can be justified and portrayed as being anti government. The more pressure they bring upon us the more likely it is we will resist. That resistance is what they need. They are baiting us into becoming the terrorists they have claimed us to be.
God Bless America
David Risselada
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