Monday, January 20, 2014

Poor President Obama...... David Risselada

In the above article President Obama claims in an interview that people don’t like him because he’s black.  This is certainly no surprise as his approval ratings are the lowest of his entire presidency. History shows us that free nations are never in more danger from their own governments than when their leaders are desperate.  President Obama is desperate, and in his usual fashion is relying on the race card in order to whip up sympathy.
The truth is no one cares that he’s black. The fact that he uses the race card to this extent, when the vast majority of white Americans voted for him precisely because he’s black, says a lot about his true character. He will throw all who support him under the bus in order to save face. Perhaps people have come to see this inherent “character flaw” and that’s why they don’t like him. I’m just saying.
I can’t imagine that the reason his approval ratings have dropped so low has anything to do with The Affordable Care Act, AKA Obamacare, can you? Not only have millions of people lost their insurance but Obama and the rest of the communist left continue to act as we should be thankful to have this monstrosity forced upon us. Every day you read about another individual who lost their care and can no longer get the treatment they need, because of Obamacare. No, the fact that he was caught red handed lying has nothing to do with it, it’s because he’s black. After all, racist white people wouldn’t care if a white president lied to them and stole their health insurance.
Maybe, and I’m going out on a limb here, but maybe people want to feel proud to be an American again. Perhaps we are tired of being lectured to about greed and wealth inequality from a president who takes millions of our tax dollars and goes on lavish vacations. Maybe people are realizing a president who bows to a Saudi king and a Chinese communist doesn’t really have the interest of freedom at heart. Maybe we are tired of being told we are arrogant, selfish and “bitter clingers” while the president takes away our money and gives it to people who have no intent of respecting our ideals of hard work and sacrifice. Maybe, just maybe we are tired of being told we didn’t build that.
Certainly, there is no way that people are upset that throughout his entire presidency, Obama and his Department of Homeland Security has gone to great lengths to label Christians, veterans, gun owners, pro lifers and others opposing his agenda as extreme right wing terrorists. That cant possibly be why people don’t like him, can it? Maybe people who have never committed a crime, but are now being called terrorists because they own a gun, can’t figure out why he is so opposed to self defense rights but supports the killing of babies in “after birth abortions.” After all, his gun control efforts revolve around the safety of children but we all know how hard he fights to discredit those that believe in life and oppose the death of innocence.  Nope, that’s not it, it’s because he’s black.
You know, maybe it’s because he tries so hard to keep society divided along racial lines by playing the victim card all the time, by convincing minorities they are all oppressed victims. Maybe it’s overwhelmingly obvious that Obama’s disdain for American ideals is fueling his destructive desire for “fundamental transformation.” Maybe it’s because we are not the stupid programmable automatons he assumes us to be and he’s shocked that we actually have the audacity to question his superior wisdom.  Perhaps it’s the fact that he uses class warfare to fan the flames of discontent, then takes our money and allows his buddies in “green energy” to go bankrupt with it. Maybe it’s because we continue to lose jobs and our wealth continues to decline. Maybe it’s because there are more people on welfare than working and he has the balls to tell us it’s good for the economy without flinching. Maybe, just maybe, people don’t like president Obama because everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie designed to advance the cause of socialism in America.
No, none of this has anything to do with it. President Obama would have you believe that we are so shallow and so racist we despise him simply because he’s black. That’s why nobody likes him.

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