Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Reflecting on Black Liberation Theology.... David Risselada

James Cone is known as the founder of Black Liberation Theology. Many people didn't hear of this until the election of Barrack Obama and his involvement with Pastor Jeremiah Wright came into public view. That is to say many people born after the turmoil of the 1960’s anyway. Black Liberation Theology is a byproduct of the radical social justice movement of the 1960’s and is the for bearer of today’s “Critical Race Theory” that we hear so much about. It is the original thinking of black Marxists who believed that the “white system” blacks were forced to live in was nothing short of oppressive, and as long as blacks were integrated with whites their humanity would forever be ignored because whites were driven by nothing but a lust for power and wealth and routinely subjugated all people of color in order to achieve this. One of the main principles of CRT is the idea that blacks cannot be racist because the institutional power within the United States was dominated and driven by whites; therefore, blacks did not have the institutional power to discriminate. This is derived from Cones writings, which suggested that blacks in America had been systematically denied any social or political power. Cone argues that it was the white man’s attempts to integrate the black man into white culture which has denied them their own cultural identity. He suggests that by assuming black people can live in the same type of society as the white man we are systematically oppressing them and, as noted in several of my other articles, suggests that only by creating a system of racial preferences can you truly empower people of color.
James Cone has even gone as far as intertwining the Christian faith into this theory as the word “theology” so amply suggests. He claims that the faith of the white man is not a true theology; as the gospel of Jesus Christ is written in the Bible was a story of oppressed and oppressors. The Bible, James contends is a story of black liberation as Jesus was a poor black man oppressed by the rich white folk.  In the early years of Obama’s presidency the roots of his belief in this type of radical thinking became apparent when he claimed that America was in need of a “collective salvation.” This is very indicative of two things, one a heavy influence of Marxist indoctrination as the word “collective” indicates and two, a deep rooted belief that the slave past of Americas history has so damaged the black race and was so inherently evil, that only by a willing commitment to its liberation from the crushing boot of white supremacy can America have any chance of being saved. America, this is the core of what the left believes. This is the driving philosophy being employed to keep you and I separated and confused.
To put it simply, this is religion, and its driving faith is one of liberation from what the black Marxists view as an evil oppressor that does nothing but ignore the humanity of minorities. They have truly come to view themselves as a class of people who cannot nor should not even try to integrate with the white man’s ways as the science of victomology has been so deeply entrenched in their psyche there is literally no way of escaping it. Virtually every disappointing experience a black man has today can be attributed to, by black liberation theologians as stemming from the historic roots of oppression. In fact,they are even encouraged to hang on to this victimized mindset as our public education system continuously reminds them of their past and even lies about no less to give the impression that the liberal democrats have been the ones fighting for their civil rights. Enough has been said about this. There are plenty of articles here at The Radical Conservative that discusses this in greater detail. The point is; blacks are being taught that they are oppressed victims and it is constantly reinforced throughout their whole educational careers. Concepts like generational poverty give the impression that there is no way that impoverished blacks can ever work their way out of it as their predicament is solely the cause of rich white men intentionally keeping them down for financial gain. Black men that do rise out of this abject poverty are all but discredited and accused of being out of touch with their “blackness.” In black liberation theology blackness generally refers to any group of people who have been systematically oppressed by the white man. Just that mind set alone reeks of “victim mentality.”
This belief seems to have a dangerous revolutionary underpinning to it. As we watch on an almost regular basis now, a steady rise in black on white violence, violence that is all but ignored by the media until it happens to one of their own, violence where the race of the perpetrators is never reported and violence that is most likely to involve a mob of angry young men aiming their aggression at a lone target, we have to ask what role Black Liberation Theology and Critical Race theory is playing in this violence. James Cone was a man who truly believed that the white man was the enemy of blacks around the world. Not just blacks but all peoples of color. He was a man that preached that true equality for blacks would never be achieved while being without social or political power in a nation where the white man imposes his will upon the black race. Looking at some of the core tenants upon which Cone founded black liberation theology suggests the possibility that the victimhood mentality is being used to drive the black man to a state of such anger and hopelessness that violence is the only solution they see to their “state of oppression.” Given the fact that president Obama was a community organizer who operated under the Alinsky method of causing hate and discontent, this possibility cannot be discounted.  

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