Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Loss of Liberty and the Coercive Power of Mental Health Laws.....David Risselada

It’s the start of a new school year and you are about to send little Johnny to his first day of first grade. Johnny seems to like his new class, his new teacher and the new friends he is making.  All seems to be going well, until…..One day Johnny brings home a note from school telling you he has undergone a psychological evaluation because of an inability to sit still and pay attention and it is being recommended that your little Johnny take Ritalin. Your child has received a diagnosis from the new, fifth edition of the Diagnostic Statistical Manual on psychological disorders known as conduct disorder. Unsure of what to do you attend a meeting with school officials, a psychologist, psychiatrist and a social worker and decide to reject the idea that Johnny should take this medication because of the controversies surrounding it.  Like most people you believe you still live in the United States of America, you were wrong. The school refuses to take Johnny back and social services are recommending that the child be removed from your custody due to medical neglect. You are dragged to court and forced to fight a long expensive battle for the custody of your child while he is continually force fed psychotropic medications in a shelter or a boy’s home.
This is a scenario that is occurring all too often in our country. Right now it is estimated that 7 million school aged children are currently taking some form of psychotropic medication like Ritalin or other psychiatric stimulants. The most common diagnosis is ADHD however; bi polar and depression are also increasing in children. What should have all parents concerned is that children as young as two to four years old are being given these drugs as if they are not our children but lab rats for pharmaceutical companies. The new edition of the DSM mentioned above is also full of many new disorders. Some of these “new disorders” can be seen by going here and scrolling down the “whats new” column on the right.
The interesting thing about ADHD is that many prominent doctors in the field of mental health do not even believe it is a real mental illness. In fact it has been noted that the disorder appears nowhere in pathology books. One of the criteria used in determining the validity of mental illness is determining how prevalent it is in the rest of the world. Schizophrenia for example exhibits the same traits and symptoms all across the globe and has a long historical record. ADHD? Not so much. ADHD is most prevalent in the United States and Canada. Symptoms that share common traits with ADHD have a history as well; however, these do not, according to Dr. Thomas Armstrong, venture outside the normal range of hyperactivity associated with normal human behavior. He believes that we are unnecessarily drugging a condition which may be an everyday part of human life. This stands to reason as many young boys that should be outside playing are forced to sit still at a classroom desk for eight hours a day to be “socialized.” One of the most disturbing things about Ritalin and other powerful psychotropics used to treat ADHD is that they appear to be the common bond in mass shooting events. All of the recent mass shootings as well as those not so recent (think Columbine) involved people who were drugged up on these medications.
If we know that there is a connection to mass violence than why do we keep feeding these drugs to our kids? The answer from one perspective is simple; sales. Let’s assume you are fighting the system to prove your kid does not need these drugs. One group you are likely to encounter is called CHADD, which stands for Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder. This is a powerful lobby group employed by none other than a manufacturer of Ritalin; Novartis. Their job is to essentially convince you of the need to drug your children and discredit you and suggest you are guilty of medical neglect if you don’t follow their directives. (And people though the gun lobby was evil.) They must be doing a great job because according to Dr. Peter Breggin an average of 10% of children each year are diagnosed for the first time and prescribed psychotropic medications.
When you consider that mental health is a driving issue behind the gun control debate you have to ask yourself if there is a connection.  You at least have to realize that even minus a conspiratorial mindset, if the government gets its way and people diagnosed with mental illness cannot purchase a firearm than we are currently looking at roughly 7 million children now that will grow up being denied their second amendment rights. All because of a mental illness which some doctors don’t even consider real. We already have doctors who are empowered to ask patients if they own firearms and states are passing laws granting these doctors the power to suggest the denial of gun rights to patients based on mental health laws. This was predicted in 1963 when Dr.Thomas Szaz wrote in his book, “Law, Liberty and Psychiatry” that mental health and the state would be joined at the hip much the same way the state and the church once were. Now we get to the point of the whole article. Consider the year 1963 and the position of Dr. Szaz. 1963 is the same year that the 45 declared goals of the Communist Party made its way to the congress for a congressional hearing. Consider number 38, and 39 for a moment.
38.) Transfer powers of arrest from police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand and treat.
39.) Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
Did you get that America? Look up the 45 declared goals of the communist party and read it yourself. What I am suggesting here is that the reason our children are being drugged is to create a mentally ill nation which cannot possibly care for itself or self govern. You see mental health becoming the driving issue behind civilian disarmament don’t you? Wake up America, wake the hell up!

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