Wednesday, July 2, 2014

White privilege, the border, and the final destructive blow......David Risselada

What is happening on the border is truly unbelievable to most people. It is well understood  that this traitorous act has been in the works for a long time as the Obama administration has actually been encouraging people in South America and Mexico to come to the U.S. and get their free welfare.  This has been going on for nearly two years, and only those who refuse to see Barrack Obama for the radical leftist he is, fail to see the truth. President Obama and the rest of his radical leftist administration are implementing the final strategy in the Cloward Piven plan to destroy capitalism and force America to adopt a socialist government. Please, dont get angry at me for telling you about something that actually exists. Its not my fault if you have blinded yourself to reality. If you wish to educate yourself on the subject you should read the Cloward and Piven strategy which can be found here. Richard Cloward (deceased) and Frances Fox Piven are socialists who have done a great deal of work to assist in the nations fundamental shift to the ideological left. Piven, a professor at Columbia university has spoke at numerous socialists conferences and was instrumental in organizing the voting strategies implemented by the leftist organization, "Acorn." It should also be noted that Piven is a professor of social work at Columbia University; which is where President Obama  attended school. Wayne Allyn Root, a classmate of Obama's, had written an article detailing his experience at Columbia studying the Cloward Piven Plan, and Obama's fascination with it. It is pretty clear that Obama is implementing this strategy. The underlying belief is that if the left can overload Americas welfare system, while weighing the nation down with unsustainable debt, the government will be forced to adopt socialism and provide everyone with an annual, guaranteed income. There remains one little problem however; these socialist fail to realize that without a working society that creates wealth, government has no income to provide anyone.

Aside form the Cloward Piven Strategy, we also see another ideological concept based on marxism at work in our universities. The left believes that America is what is wrong with the world, they believe that the white man is responsible for the worlds poverty and only through the destruction of the white mans system, will total equality be achieved.  When I am referring to the white man's system I am not only referring to capitalism but Christianity and the constitutional system of governance we have lived under for the past 238 years. The left has been relentless in trying to change our culture using "white privilege" as a way of convincing young, mindless liberals that white people are unfairly benefiting from unjust laws designed to keep minorities oppressed. White privilege is derived from critical race theory, and is taught to specifically foment hatred against white people. It has gotten so far out of hand that we actually have an Attorney General who refuses to prosecute minorities who brutally attack white people with hate crimes based on the false notion that minorities are incapable of racism because they lack power in society.

I have written many, many articles describing white privilege and my own college experience being exposed to it. It was overwhelmingly clear to me from the beginning that there was an agenda behind the reverse racism I was witnessing. I have made a great many phone calls to my congressman and senators, unfortunately no one listened; all the while the stage was being set for what we are witnessing now. You see, the left has been enormously successful in conditioning people to believe white privilege; college students make up some of the dumbest,  most gullible people I have ever met, they eat up anything that is presented in an educational format. White privilege is backed up with volumes of peer reviewed research based on phony statistics, but most importantly it is based on the work of people who already believe it. In other words, there is already an existing bias in the research and as I have tried to warn people in earlier articles, these people believe you don't understand your own racism. I was actually taught at Northeastern State University in Broken Arrow Oklahoma that it is ethical to lie about statistics when it comes to racism because people don't understand it well enough to know when they are being racist. This professor is an admitted communist folks.

What all of this means is that people have been programmed to view any opposition to the lefts agenda as racism, plain and simple. This is what we get when we fail to stand up for truth and allow leftists to gain control of education.

With all of this being said, it is important to understand how it all fits together and where it is going. Remember, the left believes wholeheartedly that everything is the white mans fault; communists believe that there are certain people who stand in the way of the great utopia, or progress as they like to call it. Through white privilege education and the Cloward Piven strategy, the conditions are being laid to carry out "white genocide," and the final destruction of the Judea Christian west, which has been the only remaining obstacle to a world communist government sought after by the left for over a century.

Call me a conspiracy theorists if you wish; however, the proof is in the pudding. President Obama has intentionally brought these people to our border on the promise of being taken care of. He is playing on the sympathies of college students who have accepted what they have been taught about the United States in our universities, and they have been taught the U.S. owes these people. This will undoubtedly put further strain on our already over burdened welfare system forcing the government to change the way it does business in an attempt to give these people what they need, at the tax payers expense no less. In the mean time, as opposition continues to grow against this lawlessness, it will be increasingly easy to discredit and humiliate the opposition as being selfish and racist based on the years of leftist indoctrination our people have endured. Not only will millions of indoctrinated communists be shouting cries of racism, these new immigrants will also be taught that white America rejects them because they are brown people.

This is nothing but a deliberate plan to destroy America, and it based on evil intentions where the people supporting this lawlessness are doing so based on the fact that they have been taught lies their whole lives. Meanwhile, conservatives in government sit scared to death to impeach because they might be called racist and the GOP has all but been infiltrated by the same communists who took over the democrat party half a century ago. The only way we will save this nation is if we  unanimously decide its worth saving and dedicate ourselves to it the same way the left has dedicated itself to its destruction.

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