Tuesday, May 6, 2014

I think I’m still a climate change denier...... David Risselada

In life, there are certain things as adult human beings, that you never expect to hear. You never expect to hear that your teenage son got caught smoking in the school bathroom for example, or you never expect to hear that your daughter is dating a Democrat. Let's face it, sometimes these things happen. Sometimes, no matter how logical you try to be, there comes a time when you have to realize, that you will have to face the illogical. For instance, never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that our government would try to convince us that carbon dioxide is bad. Never in my most imaginative moments, did I ever think American's would be dumb enough to beg the government, to initiate policies to regulate carbon dioxide; and yet, here we are. We have literally arrived at a moment in time where all that once made sense has been completely flipped upside down. When I went to school, trees and plants needed carbon dioxide to produce oxygen; you know, so we could like, uhh, breath and stuff dude. Somehow, and I'm guessing it has something to do with communist indoctrination or something; carbon dioxide became a poisonous gas that must be regulated in order for our children to have better weather! Sometimes I wonder who is more stupid, the people who fall for this trash, or the people who believe they have convinced us to fall for it. That’s a tough call.

However humorous this may seem on the surface, it is a very serious topic. Not only because global warming represents nothing but a global power grab, but, the fact that people have forgotten that without carbon dioxide, our planet would be more like Saturn. Let me say that again, without carbon dioxide our planet would be more like Jupiter, whoops I mean Saturn; well, what’s the difference? Without carbon dioxide we would not exist! In fact, we have a very low level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere compared to other era's of Earth’s history, and to think for a moment that a government can tax us to the point of being able to regulate a naturally occurring gas, well that’s just plain stupid.

This is one of those subjects that really exposes the liberal mind for the cluster of cobwebs and dense fog that it is. Here we have a group of people who believe in Darwin's theory of evolution, (most scientists are evolutionists) claiming the earth is billions of years old. They have taught us that the earth has gone through several different "eras," with ninety nine percent of all life that has ever existed already having gone extinct. The earth has survived asteroids, comets, super volcanoes, continents colliding into one another, ice ages, mass extinctions, cataclysmic climate change over billions of years, and yet, life is still thriving on this planet. These people would have you believe that the past couple hundred years of mankinds industrial innovation is enough to do what the forces of nature, over the past couple billion years, could not do, and that is destroy the climate. Pardon me for retaining my position as a climate denier, but I'm not buying it. What are they going to do, force me to believe it?

What should really be concerning people is the fact that these radical environmentalists view your exhalations as a means of emitting carbon dioxide into the air. In other words, your breathing contributes to global warming folks, it doesn't matter if you’re a Republican or a Democrat, you still exhale carbon dioxide and global warming is your fault. Go ahead, give the government the power to do something about it, just remember, they already tried to tax a cows fart. It’s only a matter of time before they realize a cow can’t pay the tax folks. Do you know what I’m saying here? Eventually, they will tax you for breathing if you decide to remain sleeping. The United Nations also tried to say that global warming is America's fault because we eat too much meat. People have been cooking meat since we have existed on this earth, and now it contributes to global warming? I think Americans better put their biases aside and realize this one thing above all else. The U.N. publicly announced that they believe global communism is the best way to fight global warming. That kind of makes you wonder where the president's loyalties are after he released todays climate change report, doesn't it? For those wandering lost souls out there who don't know what to believe, I hope it does.

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