Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Pro life movement gaining traction? .......David Risselada

According to the Family Research Council, there is a growing surge of support for the pro life movement. As Americans witnessed the horror that was the Kermitt Gosnell story, the idea that babies can feel pain during an abortion procedure has slowly crept back into the collective consciousness of the nation.  When hearing the facts on  how early a fetus can feel pain, eighty four percent of the population take a pro life position. This is significant because the attitudes against abortions are surging in blue states as well. This is inadvertently stalling the efforts of Senator Richard Blumenthal's (D-Conn) efforts to pass an "abortion rights bill"  that would virtually sweep away all abortion restrictions across the nation. The bill is called the "Women's Health Protection Act."

As is usually the case with Democrat legislation, the law would actually harm women; and in the eyes of many conservative minded Americans it serves as further proof that it is the Democrats that seek to subjugate women and use them as election cycle props. Conservatives believe in the right to life, and despite the opinions of many on the left, life starts at conception.

While many in the Conservative movement have expressed frustration with Sen Lindsey Graham (R-S.C) over his inability to take a solid conservative stance on many issues, on this one he has it right. He is introducing legislation that would ban abortions after the twenty week mark where a fetus can actually feel the pain of being aborted. To many people who are on the sidelines, afraid to take a solid stance on the issue, this makes sense. The legislation does not ban abortion outright, and allows for women to still make a "choice" so as long as it is before the five week period. The Democrats are  up in arms over the proposed legislation, and President Obama has already threatened to veto it should it pass. Pro life bills having been gaining a lot of traction, even in deep blue states.

Its no surprise that the president has threatened to veto. As an Illinois State senator he voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, a law that would have protected the lives of children born after failed abortion attempts. Apparently, our President didn't feel the need to advocate for these children's right to life.

We are living in a time when science has taken the reigns, and is attempting to define humanity under its own standards. In fact, in some parts of the world a new born baby isn't even considered a person until it is no longer dependent upon its parents for its most basic of needs. The Journal of Medical Ethics has published a paper calling for the right of parents to have after birth abortions in all cases a regular abortion would be ethical.

We are constantly bombarded with leftist propaganda which attempts to label those who value human life, and believe we all have a right to live, as being radical and extreme. Abortion has killed over 50 million babies in this nation and the means in which it is performed is becoming more extreme all the time. In some states, teenage girls don't even need permission from parents to get an abortion. Conservatives are simply advocating for the basic right to life that this nation was built upon. I don't think wanting a baby to experience life is extreme, do you?

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