Friday, January 3, 2014

The truth of Agenda 21


This is a disturbing article. A U.N. Report has been exposed in its plot to enact population control measures in Africa. The report alludes to a wider effort to systematically limit population growth of blacks and others that the U.N. elite seem to view as undesirable. (Don’t get mad at me, read the report.)  The methods employed to reach desired population levels include more abortion, family planning and encouraging women through propaganda, to see the need to limit their desires to have large families. They will attempt to convince women that they should have only two instead of four children. The most disturbing aspect to this is that the U.N. is primarily funded by U.S. dollars and U.S. dollars are going to fund these population control efforts.
Given the fact that the U.N. is dependent on U.S. aid to carry out such operations you have to ask yourself if this is the reason why racism has become such a big issue in the U.S.  Look, we all know President Obama is a globalist who insists on discrediting our constitution in favor of a “collective” global government. President Obama is 100% behind the global warming hoax which leads us to the issue of sustainability. One of the main issues listed for population reduction in Africa is “sustainability,” which incidentally is a new buzz word we hear quite often in the U.S. as well. Is the U.S. government engaged in a campaign to make us appear racist so they can hide their involvement in Africa’s population reduction?  Some would call me crazed conspiracy theorists for making such an assertion; I say the evidence is self explanatory. It’s a no brained folks. While I am being called a racist for disagreeing with Obama, millions turn a blind eye to the real racism while entire populations of blacks are targeted for extermination.
You also have to wonder to what lengths these propaganda methods have been used in America. It’s no secret that abortion in the United States by far affects the black communities more than anyone else. In fact, Margaret Sanger started Planned Parenthood for that very purpose, to eliminate the black population. Why then, does Barrack Obama, champion of the impoverished and oppressed blacks in the U.S. favor and fight so hard for unrestricted abortion rights? Would the realization that abortion is a population control ploy affect the attitudes of those advocating for it. Not likely, communist propaganda has indoctrinated many with the belief that population control is needed. Until it is their population being controlled that is.
To what extent has the communist inspired feminist movement contributed to self supported population control in the U.S.? If you recall, I posted an article describing Betty Friedan, the founder of the feminist movement and a self avowed supporter of the communist party. She was extremely successful in convincing women that they were being oppressed by men and their patriarchal society where women were nothing more than baby factories. She referred to the life of women as “comfortable concentration camps.”  The result? A United States severely weakened by this perspective that women don’t need men and motherhood is an oppressive institution. Women, instead of seeking to have large families have been conditioned to believe they should be seeking total equality with men in all aspects of life, while a deliberate attack on the economy and the traditional role of men has left today’s 40 year old male,  nothing more than a feminized mama’s boy.  Have you seen the way today’s men dress? They look little girls. I’m sorry; did I offend someone’s fragile sensibilities?

Some people will read this and think I am really going off the deep end. I think however; that if they stop and evaluate the evidence the only denial they will feel is the result of our society turning a blind eye to all of this. Read the report of what is going on in Africa. Realize that we are funding this. Your government, with your tax dollars is funding this and it is against the law for the U.S. government to be involved in any population control schemes. I see no one in government standing against this or making any real effort to pull us and our money from the U.N. In fact I see one dictatorial political party in the U.S., masquerading as two, paving the way for global government. I see local governments all across the country, Republican and Democrat, implementing what has been commonly known as Agenda 21, or sustainable development. This agenda is driven by the belief that mankind is damaging the planet and only by its management by an elite bureaucracy can the chance of a livable earth be saved. What is occurring in Africa is in its entirety, Agenda 21. If you think they will not soon turn their gaze here when it is overwhelmingly obvious there is an aggressive campaign being waged against your freedom than you need to awaken quickly

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